Written by: Colleen Faltot, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Are you constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop? Or are you operating from an overall energy of love and acceptance?

What we focus on amplifies, and our egos have a really amazing way of having us focus on negative or anxious thoughts. It’s not you, it’s not me, it's the world we live in. But the more we educate ourselves and recognize unconscious patterns we’ve been making the more we can work to shift them.
It bears repeating, whatever we focus on amplifies! If we focus on anxiety – it amplifies... if we focus on love – it amplifies!
We are always in charge of our perceptions... With that said, the vibe needs to be to choose a positive one! This is easier said than done, I get it! But this is where your breath comes in. When you feel yourself getting wound up take a few deep breaths to ease your nerves and choose to empower yourself to refocus on something you are in control of.
This is where the importance of daily 5-minute breath worth comes in – when we’re in the practice of intentional breath every day, we’re going to reach for our breath when our central nervous system needs the support. This information is great to have but when we’re not in a regular practice of intentional nervous system regulation we’re not going to reach for this tool when we’re in a stressed, panicked or fight or flight state.
Our breath takes us out of the middle part of our brain where we’re unconscious of our choices, on autopilot, deep in the stress hormones that have us operating off impulsivity and emotion and into the frontal love of our brain where we’re able to slow down, calm down and choose to respond not react to life.
You’re always either in fight or flight (sympathetic) or rest and digest (parasympathetic) mode. When you eat while in sympathetic mode you don’t digest the food you eat properly because your blood is being redirected to your extremities not your stomach so you can literally get up and fight or run away. Which causes you to not digest your food properly, not take in the nourishment, and lead to stomach aches and bloating.
When we’re working out of the panicked, emotional part of our brain is when we eat food without even realizing we’re eating it. Or when we eat food and don’t process it as we should because our stomachs are being affected by our stress levels.
When you regulate your central nervous system through your breath you’re choosing to be conscious in an unconscious world and much more likely to choose the food that you want that will support your goals. When you have an intentional way to regulate your emotions you desire less external things to “numb” your emotions or escape them.

When we don’t regulate our breath and create a “safe” internal environment for our central nervous system on a very subconscious level when you don’t feel “safe” in your body or surroundings you hold onto a layer of fat or those few extra pounds you desire to lose as protection to not be seen fully. Deep down you don’t feel the world is safe from being in a constant state of stress so you subconsciously hold onto extra weight so you can “hide” and feel safer not being so “visible” or getting as much attention as we feel we’d get in a “leaner” body.
Some food for thought:
You are your highest authority and you need to be your highest priority.
You have to love yourself enough to let yourself feel good.
You have to love yourself enough to not put yourself last.
You have to love yourself enough to stop saying yes when you want to say no.
When we reclaim our importance and self-love our anxiety goes down and our self-love goes up!
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info on how to lose the physical, mental and emotional weight for good!

Colleen Faltot, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
I've guided countless individuals to sustainable weight loss by empowering them to master their emotions, fostering an unyielding mindset and a healthy body. As a woman in recovery from alcoholism, an eating disorder, codependency, and anxiety, I leverage a proven methodology to address root wounds, transforming pain into purpose through somatic healing and subconscious rewiring.
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