Written by: Tony Martignetti, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Every once in a while, I like to revisit an overplayed subject. Terms like “Leverage, Optimize, or Synergize” have become so overplayed that they have almost lost their meaning. So, now and then, I like to explore one of these buzzwords because I see it as an opportunity to make it fresh again.

After all, something only becomes overplayed because it has so much relevance that everyone wants to talk about it.
So, let’s talk about Authenticity. If you look up the word’s original meaning, it’s made up of the Latin roots Autos, which means self, and Hentes, which means “to do or to be.”
So, authenticity basically means “being yourself.” Sounds pretty cut and dry, right? Just be yourself. Great. Done.
But here’s the thing. Being your “Self” requires knowing your “Self,” which is a very different journey. At the same time, it’s one of the most critical aspects of what it means to be a powerful leader in the modern era.
I have witnessed certain leaders living from a truly authentic place, and it can be an extraordinary thing to experience.
What stands out to me is that when authentic leaders speak, people remain calm because they can feel that they are coming from a genuine place. They make choices based on their personal values, and people feel respect for that. They are vulnerable and transparent about their experience and willing to stand in their own discomfort. This opens people’s hearts, and their teams tend to be fiercely loyal and devoted because they admire the courage it takes to stand in one’s authentic truth.
This also goes far beyond work because it impacts a leader's relationships, health, and connection with the world around them.
In a sense choosing to be an authentic leader is one of the highest paths a human can take. We are all leaders in our lives in some way. Yes, you are a leader. It’s a brave path to walk, but what are the alternatives?

Tony Martignetti, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Tony Martignetti is a trusted leadership advisor, experience creator, author, podcast host, and speaker. He brings together over 25 years of business and management experience, formal training, and extreme curiosity to elevate leaders and equip them with the tools to navigate through change and unlock their true potential.
He loves guiding people to find clarity in their lives so they are energized, fully present, and unstoppable. When leaders unlock their potential and lead from a place of inspired purpose, they impact and inspire everyone around them. He has dedicated himself to helping people live inspired lives.
Before becoming the founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of Inspired Purpose Coaching, he was a finance and strategy executive with experience working with some of the world’s leading life sciences companies. Along his journey, he also managed small businesses and ran a financial consulting company.
Tony is the host of The Virtual Campfire podcast and the author of "Climbing the Right Mountain: Navigating the journey to An Inspired Life."