Written by: Tajana Velikinac, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

“I believe that the abominable deterioration of ethical standards stems primarily from the mechanization and depersonalization of our lives — a disastrous by-product of science and technology”. ‒ Albert Einstein
I am quite concerned nowadays if someone is kind to me or they pretend to be. Are they doing it because they feel that way or they are trying to be this fake kind? Did we stop sharing our emotions because we are scared to be misunderstood, to not offend someone, or did we learn to live without our emotions? Live this non-sense life without human touch.

Emotions arise when something is important to us. The emergence of emotions cannot be caused by someone else. Emotions affirm or threaten the personality of a person whose most important function of action is to react to an emotion.
People close their eyes when they pass others to not get wrongly understood, scared to speak, smile, to share their opinions. Do we even have more of those emotions and feelings towards other people, or does everything become artificial?
We don’t need a mask; we already have this invisible one. Hiding real feelings behind the smile, choosing to be alone and depressed. Accepting everything new doesn’t matter how bad is for us.
How comfortable are we with other people, with our co-workers, at the gym, cinema, in the park, etc? Where are all those laughs, cares, and friendships gone? Do we notice people, our neighbours, or do we do that only when we complain? Right! That’s the reason we have internet.
“It’s become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity”. ‒ Albert Einstein.
What is the first thing in the morning that we do, or last before bed? Checking our phones and messages or hugging and kissing the person next to us. Oh, wait…what person?! It’s so important to update all photos, and all movements when you are bored, or sad. It’s our “human rights”.
When devices become so important to us. How do we behave when we chat online with someone, is it the same way as you are physical with people? How many people do we have around us, or do they all leave because we have to answer this one more message? I love technology, every day is something new that is hard even to follow everything. Technology is a consequence of the development of science and engineering, what else to say than human intelligence is immeasurable. For example, we can hide our profiles, identity, and online status, and easy to ignore people. We don’t have to be kind when we are sitting at home, in our comfort. We can say whatever we want, we don’t have to care about emotions because we have adopted new attitudes and modern terminology, like ghosting, ignoring, blocking, etc.
Yes, we can hide our identity online, but do we even have it?!
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Tajana Velikinac, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Tajana is an international Empowerment Coach and motivational teacher. Teaches people about awareness and supports them in their life challenges. To be aware of yourself means to know yourself, not what others have taught you. It is a process of rewriting your unconscious mind. Love yourself means to accept yourself as you are.