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An Interview With Energy Healer Heather Guernsey

Originally from Maine, Heather has been a dancer & performer her whole life and spent the majority of the last decade performing on the stages of Las Vegas. Over a year ago, she embarked on her spiritual journey and was led to The Emotion Code method of energy healing- and the rest is history! Heather owns a remote energy healing business called Soul Path Energy Healing and currently practices the Emotion Code modality (though her repertoire is expanding quickly!), supplemented by Oracle Card readings and other offerings to help her clients process the healing that they are receiving. This work has changed Heather’s life and the lives of so many others. She is so passionate about her purpose and hopes to help as many people as possible through this miraculous work!

Heather Guernsey, Healer
Heather Guernsey, Energy Healer

Who is Heather?

“I am many things. I am a daughter, a sister, a lightworker, a healer, and a lover. I have worn many hats (literally) over the years. When I was six, I began ballet lessons and graduated with my BFA in ballet performance from the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music. After that, I promptly moved to Las Vegas to be a showgirl in the strip’s longest-running, last-standing, classic showgirl show, “Jubilee!” at Bally’s. After I left the show, I moved to LA for a stint. I studied improvisational comedy at the renowned Groundlings school before moving back to Vegas to work a variety of odd jobs that kept me afloat while taking part in a lot of community musical theatre productions. I also launched my first business, Princessland Productions, and enjoyed bringing magic to kids’ birthday parties all over the valley. And then… I hit my breaking point and had my lifetime low. The nutshell version? I got my heart smashed, was miserable at my day job, was betrayed by someone I trusted, was thousands of miles from my amazing family; I was the closest I’d ever been to depressed. It was a perfect crap storm, and something finally snapped in me, and I realized I was completely done with the day-to-day life I was leading. I needed a massive life change. So that’s when I got myself a life coach and an Emotion Code Practitioner, and my energy healing journey took off from there! I’m now back in Maine and have been growing my beautiful remote business, Soul Path Energy Healing, for over a year now.”

What is it that you do for your clients?

“I think the easier question would probably be, “What don’t you do for your clients?” We can tackle such a wide variety of issues via the energy healing work that I do. Basically, we get right to the root of whatever issue my client wants to work on, whether physical, mental, or emotional. I’m able to tap into the subconscious mind, which has all the answers, and receive information about what trapped, negative, emotional energies are contributing or causing the issue they are experiencing. Of course, are they consciously aware that their best friend ghosting them back in 6th grade for a week may be contributing to their lack of self-love at age 45? Probably not! But by clearing these unconscious emotional contributors, clients can see a HUGE shift in their confidence, their openness, their worthiness, and their overall happiness.”

Who should hire/work with you?

“Great question! Some of the individual issues I help people with regularly include chronic pain, feeling anxious, moving fully past trauma, unhealthy life patterns, self-sabotage, procrastination, lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, the energetic walls around their hearts, attracting their ideal clients on repeat, finding their life’s true purpose, confidence, better sleep—the list goes on! But what I’m realizing is that I’ve attracted a lot of beautiful clients who have come to me with one issue or another and have continued working with me for months because something in them shifts. They really begin to awaken in a spiritual sense. Meaning that they become more open to this bigger picture of the Universe and what their life’s purpose may be, and how to move forward with this newfound knowledge and lust for life. So to answer your question, people who feel like there “might be something more than this 9-5 nonsense” or people who know they are stuck because of suppressed trauma and are ready to let it go and move forward happily and healthily—these are the people I love to work with because so often they end up realizing that they have their own lightworker abilities as well. A couple of my clients have the ability to communicate with spirits and the like—it’s so incredible to be a part of their journey and to witness their evolution (as well as my own!).”

What is your big goal?

"My big goal is to reach as many people as possible to help them on their healing and awakening journey. I am currently developing a program for those in the beginning stages of ‘waking up’ and who want to learn the basics of energy work. There will be lessons and videos on all kinds of ‘woo-woo' topics such as crystals, muscle testing, intuition, channeling, and so much more! (Launch date coming soon! Follow me on Instagram for the latest updates!) I’m also working on my own skills constantly by receiving my own healing from other lightworkers/healers. The more shadow work we do, the more our intuition opens up. I’m living proof of this! When I began my business, I was certified and practiced the Emotion Code modality, which I primarily use. However, because I’m so tapped in now, I can receive information psychically while working on clients—whether it’s messages from loved ones who have crossed over, full scenes from people’s past lives, or physical sensations. I’m constantly evolving, and it’s really an exciting journey! One of my other big goals is to focus more on group healings soon, rather than just one-on-one sessions, again, in an effort to help even more people. I will also be hosting a spiritual retreat in Bali, July of 2022 with a good friend of mine, and we will be announcing details on that soon as well! The more people I can reach with this beautiful work, the more people can heal themselves from the things that are keeping them stagnant, and the more we can raise the collective vibration of the planet!”

Follow Heather on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and visit her website for more info!

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