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An Interview With H E A L. Founding Director Josephine Zappia

H E A L. founding director, renowned homoeopath Josephine Zappia has been practising since 2005 and is deeply passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes we all have the ability to heal ourselves naturally when we work with our body rather than against it.

In 2020 her business transformed into a virtual offering with one on one consultations for global clients looking for solutions to health and beauty problems.

H E A L. {Healing Energy And Love} is the essence of health; complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing with products and services that nourish mind, body and soul. Created with intention as your online destination for healing and alchemy wellness products and services. It’s about healing. Looking within, aligning your body, and achieving your dreams.

Josephine's work as a writer for health and wellbeing magazines has been featured in Body & Soul, Balance the Grind, SWIISH, Rescu, and Thrive.

To visit the magical world of healing you can follow her journey on Instagram or sign up for consultations and upcoming workshops via the website.

Josephine Zappia, H E A L. Founding Director

Who is Josephine?

Hi Fredrik, I am Josephine. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I am the youngest of 3 girls. I come from Italian descent, and a lineage of fruit and vegetable providers, so my interest in nutrition, health, and wellbeing started from a very early age.

What is it that you do for your clients?

I believe we all have the ability to heal ourselves naturally when we work with our body rather than against it. Opening our heart, letting go of fear and anything is possible.

I often tell patients that it will be a very different ‘(Josephine)’ that no longer has the ‘(fill in the blank)’.

The way you respond to things is going to change first and when you sustain there, the symptoms you are experiencing fall away as they no longer need to be there to teach/show you what you need to learn/ know.

On some level they are there serving us, and we become attached to them and their purpose in our life. To love them, accept them, and then let them go can be confronting

“Fighting Weakens; Love Empowers”

Much like attachment to anything, when we fight against anything we go against the flow of life. Homoeopathy works the same way, by working WITH the principles of nature and allowing the flow of life.

It’s about healing. Looking within, aligning your body, and achieving your dreams.

Who should hire/work with you?

Homeopathy can help newborns right through to the elderly. I currently work with mums, small business owners, a few elderly patients, and a community of professionals across a range of industries and roles, from startup founders, business leaders, and executives who are very interested in their health and wellbeing.

Tell me more about H E A L.?

Created with intention as your destination for healing and alchemy wellness products and services. The product range was inspired by the gemstone immersions used in homoeopathic practise and impressive material medica. This impressive knowledge and healing frequency is felt in each of our products and energises our service quality in consultations, workshops, and presentations.

Designed with intention, the range of three extremely unique healing blends has been created to provide you with the atmospheric essence supportive of effective healing and intent.

H E A L. products are lovingly handcrafted in Australia. The candles are hand-made healing candles using 100% natural pure soy wax, and the pure essential oil fragrance blends are hand-made healing oils in a bamboo glass roller bottle, ideally used as a body scent/perfume.

What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

H E A L. is the essence of health; complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing with products and services that nourish mind, body, and soul.

My biggest goal is to have my products for use and sale in luxury health and wellness retreats globally.

In 10 years I see myself living with my partner and our children, providing workshops and presentations in Sydney, and across the globe at luxury health and wellness retreats.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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