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An Interview With Entrepreneur Moniek James

Moniek James is a Master Content Strategist, veteran, military spouse, speaker, author, columnist, and online entrepreneur. Her passion is teaching purpose-driven business and brand owners how to leverage strategic content marketing to build awareness, establish credibility and create their profitable digital footprints.

Moniek has been featured in the Huffington Post, Fit Small Business, VoyagePhoenix, and the Association of Military Spouse Entrepreneurs and believes that entrepreneurship is a building block to economic empowerment.

Entrepreneur, Moniek James

Who is Moniek?

I’m an Army veteran, serial online business owner. I also own The Confetti Collective, a confidence coaching brand, military spouse, mom, voracious reader and I like to say that I’m based on the internet because that’s where my business actually “lives”.

I never had any plans to become an entrepreneur, but after being denied a raise at the only job I had after leaving the military, I start a side business and haven’t looked back since.

What is it that you do for your clients?

I’m a Content Strategist, so I work with business and brand owners on clarifying their message and creating their content marketing plans so they can build awareness, establish credibility, and get paid. I work one-on-one with clients, host workshops, and offer done-for-you services where my team and I create and publish social media content.

Who should hire/work with you?

The fundamentals of content development are the same regardless of industry, but I work with online service-based business owners primarily.

What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

My big goal is to change the narrative around content marketing to learn more on the strategy piece and place less emphasis on the creative. I think that online business owners focus a lot on being creative without really being clear on why they’re investing resources into getting attention. In my opinion, a defined strategy is an essential ingredient because it will guide the marketing activities on any platform.

What is your biggest tip for business or brand owner who wants to step their game up with their content marketing?

My biggest content marketing tip is to get clear: who your intended customer is and why your offer would matter to them. In the online space, there is a war for attention; if business and brand owners aren’t able to first capture attention, they won’t be able to make their offers. And they’ll have to know what to say in their marketing messages in order to attract the people they’ll want to sell to.

I believe that content marketing creates a competitive advantage for the business and brand owners who choose to invest in it, instead of hiring talent to represent their business, they have the opportunity to connect with their audience in an authentic way through the content they create.

For mindset, marketing, and business ownership tips, connect with Moniek on Instagram or her website!

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