Robert’s mantra is ‘think differently,’ and he certainly walks that talk in everything he does. Certainly not one for taking the easy path, he thrives on a challenge, and the words ‘the most tenacious person we know’ are a major understatement. He is a recognized leader in the field of leadership and team coaching. And is the Director and driving force behind Glenbarr Coaching, which offers a very different coaching experience. For over 30 years, he has worked globally with a diverse range of high-profile clients from Governments to NGO’s, Private Sector Corporates to Public Sector Agencies. Celebrities and Senior Executives have all benefitted from his sought-after talents. Such a wide portfolio and body of work has provided him with very unique insights and approaches to training and coaching strategies that work and are sustainable. The central theme to Robert’s career has been people development and growth. Specializing in mindset, behaviors, and team dynamics to effect positive outcomes and increased performance. Equally, at home in the boardroom or challenging field environments getting his hands dirty, Robert’s real magic brings the best out of individuals or teams to achieve their goals. If you are looking for a truly transformational experience that is remembered and relived long after any official training or coaching session, then Robert is the guy to talk to!

Coaching Director, Robert McAlister
Who is Robert?
Good question. I am a nice bunch of people!
As part of my work, I can be quite outgoing to generate energy and impact, but I really like my own space and time to reenergize – classic introvert stuff, I suppose.
Far more planned and organized than I may appear, but I guess that is what projects that perception. I am very relaxed as I have done the prep well.
I was born in Scotland, but now live in London and have done for many years.
However, I have spent most of my life pursuing challenges, many of which have kept me away from home, but in the company of fascinating people, interesting places, and quite unusual work.
As an example of that personal challenge mindset, I mentioned early – last year, during winter and the enforced pandemic lockdowns, I set myself an extreme solo walking charity challenge. Over the eight training weeks covered well over 600km. Raising some decent money for people with physical and mental disabilities. Oh, and I set the actual event day on my birthday. It went down well with the family!
What is it that you do for your clients?
I think my main contribution for any client is listening to what they want and then making it happen in the best way possible. I have been incredibly fortunate to work with many great people and organizations who have kept me around year on year. But I suppose that it takes effort from my side to add that special value each year too.
For others, I help them get out of their own way! By that, I mean support them to overcome those self-imposed barriers we all build in our minds. This is around developing a growth mindset, grit, and personal resilience. Organizations can suffer from this, too being perhaps too risk-averse or less ambitious than they could or should be.
Who should hire/work with you?
Everyone obviously!
Joking aside, I think clients who are feeling a little stale, at a crossroads, or perhaps looking to raise their energy and impact out there in the world (work or personal) would benefit from my style of working and experience.
It's difficult to stereotype my work or clients; they are so diverse, but that has also been my goal: keep reinventing and merging what I do. It keeps me fresh, interested and raises my own game, again a constant challenge for me. I think that is what people see and feel when they work with me, that energy and passion in what I am doing with them.
What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
The pandemic for me (as with many others) has certainly consolidated a change in my perspective and direction that began 3 years ago for me.
I realized that most of my career has involved coaching in some shape or form, consciously or subconsciously. It's something I am naturally drawn towards in whatever work I am doing and feel I do very well.
For me seeing people or organizations develop and grow, learn about themselves, and see improvements is the buzz. These are the things that really excite me about my future work, and I feel it is relevant and right on its message given the last 2 years and its impact, good and bad, on people’s confidence, mindset, and outlook.
So, my goal for the next 5 years at least is to become the best coach out there, and as you now know, I do like a challenge, so it's game on!