Anne Germain, leading from the front since being a small child in an unconventional way; in 1992, she started working within the Metropolitan Police as a member of Civil Staff, successfully achieving promotions from Administrative Officer up to Higher Executive Officer, Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, and Cert.Ed, Dip.H, M.A.E.P.E; Leaving on promotion to the Home Office as a Human Resource Business Partner in 2005.
In 2006, she opened her own consultancy bringing together her business experience, coaching, mentoring, holistic skills, and mediumship abilities. Soon
she was touring initially around the UK providing her very down-to-earth and simple take on what may believe to be ‘strange’ at best, if not more than a little odd.
Her travels included Europe with Portugal and her first TV show,
followed by Spain her second TV show, followed by sold-out theatre tours, invitations to speak at some of Spain’s most prestigious holistic congresses and charity events; 2011 saw the publication of her first book.
Anyone attending the theatre tour or congresses were introduced Annes’
abilities of being an excellent orator, with a special way of making anyone
attending and listening to her as if she was talking only to them; with expansion into training courses for developing abilities to link with their latent psychic skills something she is passionate about.
Anne is now living in Spain, where the Anne Germain Institute opened its doors in 2019, she still fits in touring, but even further afield adding the USA, with negotiations for several south American county visits for 2022 & 2023.
In Annes own words,
“not bad for a below average schoolgirl written off by her teachers as only expected to marry at 16 and produce a hoard of children.”
Annes’ Mission:
“Creating an environment of inclusion for those living outside the box”

From which part of the UK are you?
I was originally born in Walton on Thames in Surrey, which is just outside of London, now I live in Alicante Spain, my husband Keith and our cats live in East Grinstead, West Sussex, but soon to join me here in Spain.
When did you feel for the first time that you were different?
When I went to school from about the age of 5 was when I really noticed I think, not everyone else seemed to be able to see the extra children and adults that were in the classroom and around the school buildings in general. Some children that did seem to see them deliberately choose to ignore them, maybe they’d been told they were their imagination or to stop telling tails (lies) once too often and had learnt to keep quiet.
What did your family think about that? Did they find it was normal?
My family just seemed to treat it as a normal thing, it was ‘just something Anne does’ and didn’t really take any notice because I’d always been the same so yes they seemed to find as being normal for me.
Someone in your family has or had have this gift?
My sisters have developed a little of a gift as they have got older but more in healing and a psychic level rather than the mediumistic way of working. Both are intuitive rather than able to speak with spirits; neither my late Mum nor late father had the ability to see spirits. On one occasion when my father was very ill in hospital, he started to describe a spirit sitting at the end of another persons’ bed, he saw them hold out their hand to the person on the bed and then watched the man leave his body to join the spirit. When my father recovered he said that he now understood a small amount of what I had spoken of and that he could then feel them around but didn’t see them and didn’t want to thank you.
How does it work? What do you see or hear?
Each spirit has their own way of making me hear them, sometimes it is as if I am having a conversation inside my own head, but the voice is distinctly different from my own self. Maybe a man or woman with different language, age, speech impediment; this is how I know it’s not me just talking to myself. When I do that, I hear myself with my own voice and not the voice of another. Other times I will hear a voice as if someone is standing beside me, as clear as when I speak with my husband, this happens so often that I regularly answer him when I think it is him who has been speaking only to have him look at me as if I’ve gone mad. They also show me pictures in my 3rd eye, also they literally stand in front of me to make me see them; and give me the feeling of them as they were on the earth, their illnesses, where I feel male, female. The way in which they passed to talk about every way the impact on me to let me know what they are trying to say would take forever because they are all individuals, but I will try and give you an idea.
As I say it isn’t easy to explain exactly how the communication works; maybe by describing it as a vibrating sound wave which goes like the waves on the sea up and down; spirit is on one sound wave very high up and I on another much lower down on earth we each vibrate at a different speed, they are very fast in spirit and here on earth we are very slow. When we hear them, it is because we basically have crashed as my vibration wave goes up and theirs goes down. It means we get part of each other’s conversation and not every single word. Therefore, sometimes it takes a lot of working out between the words, pictures and feelings what they are trying to communicate to their loved ones.
In addition to this because I have all the mediumistic abilities I can have many different spirits trying to communicate at once; one showing me pictures, one standing in front of me, one making me feel their energies and how they passed and another speaking to me about their life, family or personality, over the many years I’ve had the sensation of being burned, crushed, falling, buried alive, strangled, stabbed, drowned and these are just a few of the sensations they give me. The world of spirit when they decide to communicate can become very loud and confusing; this is why I am happier when not in a crowded place such as the metro, studios and theatres are a challenge with spirit messages, but I love trying to work out who they want to talk with.
How do the spirits try to call your attention?
Many of them just talk, whispering or shouting if my attention isn’t focused on spirit or if many spirits are trying to get my attention at once. They also touch me sometimes tapping me on the shoulder or pushing me in some way, make me aware of smells perfume or smoke are two common ones. The ones that come and stand in front of me making faces can be a fun because I will want to laugh and it’s not always the appropriate thing to do, but a spirit doesn’t lose their fun personality just because they are in spirit a joker is always a joker even in spirit.
Can you describe us how was your first meeting with spirits?
There hasn’t ever really been a first meeting with spirit because they have always been part of my life; the one that really is strongest in my memory is my uncle, who passed during the war when his ship was sunk. When I was a small child, he would be there to talk to and I would always be playing with the children in the house where we lived so I have never thought of anything as being a first meeting; which is something I suppose is hard to comprehend for others.
Do the human beings keep developing when they leave this world?
When we leave the earth and return to spirit, return because that is where we all come from originally. We are only part way through our learning and development, when we arrive back in spirit, we review what our life has been like on the earth; the way our actions have impacted on others both in the past and the way it will impact on others in the future. From this we can see where we need to continue developing and learning; either in the halls of learning in spirit or after having many years in these places maybe electing to return to earth to learn more lessons. This is my belief and obviously not everyone will follow this but having spent many hours meditating and speaking with my guides, family members in spirit and other spirits I have communicated with over the years I’ve been here on earth this is what I now consider to be the way we on earth return to spirit and evolve further.
Is it possible to predict the future in some way?
Spirit can choose to give information about the future yes, often though they will always say that we on earth have free will and we are able to impact upon what happens so it is often only a suggestion of how things may happen in the future and timing is a challenge because spirit don’t have a concept of time as we do on earth. Overall the years I have been working I have been told by many people that I have given them information from their loved ones about things that they never believed could happen in their life time, only to have someone do something which actually causes that thing to happen. All spiritual mediums can work on the psychic level which is more related and based with issues around the earth and where we are as humans’ jobs, love, family that sort of thing; not all psychics are able to communicate with the dead.
So how does that link with working in business?
A way of explaining it is I suppose is that a psychic is the one person you need if you’re lacking guidance or focus on the earth; We are all born with a natural psychic ability and you can take that small ability of being Psychic, develop it with structured training and make it work for you in business it’s a way of linking every ones natural psychic ability or gut instinct on a business level, helping individuals become more attuned to their natural instinct in getting the best from their people, their business and themselves. They don’t have to follow and do all things that I do, but they need to learn to be intuitive and some find that a big challenge when we are all brought up with the need to always achieve and strive to go forward at such a speed we don’t have time to actually listen to our intuition and all that nature has to offer us, to do that we all need to learn to be still.
Did you contact with any spirit that had murdered or committed a crime?
Over the many years of working with people who come to speak with their loved ones yes some have I am sure murdered or committed crime; I know that sometimes spirit come forward to say that they are sorry for what they have done; something many would never have said when they were on the earth. Often the spirit coming forward in these circumstances aren’t welcomed by their family but the spirit needs to acknowledge the damage they did on earth and to say to the person that they now see this and although they come to say sorry they know they have no right to ask for their forgiveness; this act is for their progression but also it is good for the person on the earth to hear it direct from spirit that at last they are aware of the damage they caused that person and the others of the family linking with that person. No event which has hurt someone stays only with that person it has a knock-on effect through many generations because the pathway of that person has been permanently changed by the pain given. Just like the pebble on the still lake when it is thrown, actions cause ripples over many generations.
Are there aggressive spirits? Can they do something to us from the other side?
I don’t know that I would call them aggressive there are some very bad-tempered spirits exactly as there are some very bad tempered and grumpy humans on earth; just because they Passover, they don’t suddenly become all happiness and light with a halo and harp, not until they have learnt about the damage, they have done being like this. Can they impact on us; yes, they can which is why we need to always be respectful and very careful in our dealings with spirit. It may look as if I don’t do anything when I’m working with them, it looks like I just listen. What people haven’t seen is the time I spend preparing to work with the spirits, meditating, asking to work on a high vibration in love and light, asking for protection for all that I meet both on earth and in spirit. Asking the guides and angels to come close to help and heal those who need it and for individual guardian angels to be with people so that only spirits with good intention and love come forward.
Did you feel fear at some point?
I’ve never felt fear of spirit, I have a high respect for spirit and the power that they can command so have never felt threatened or worried by them have felt more fear from people on the earth because of their violence and anger but never from spirits.
What does the other side look like? Is there a heaven and a hell?
Good question, it’s not an easy thing to describe because each spirit when they first pass will see it as they have hoped and dreamt of over their lifetime. To some it is a garden of beauty with the loved ones they have missed all together in one place; to another is like stepping from their old house into the one they were living in as a child. Maybe to the scientist they will find themselves in a laboratory helping those left on earth to develop cures and medicines to help us in the future. These are feelings we beings on the earth need to make sense of our life, spirits don’t have a need for these and when we become aware of this the gardens can if wish go into the background as we get used to being a pure light energy with no need of a body or of possessions.
I would say that there is a heaven we dream of, no anger, no pain, no fear, no hate and no greed, religions accepting and working together for the good of those left on the earth that is when we begin to live. Is there hell; yes, we’re in it now on the earth, ‘hell on earth’ is the words said by many and sadly they are very true.
You used to work in a human resources department and gained fellowship in the chartered institute of personnel and development, what made you leave that job?
As much as I loved working in human resources and still miss it very much, my spirit work was taking over more and more of my time.I’d been told many times by spirit that I would work for them full time and that they would ensure I could do that and live. One day spirit put me in a position where I had to make a big decision, to either remain in human resources in an environment where integrity wasn’t important or to have faith and work with spirit full time. It was scary but how can I talk about others needing to have faith if I wasn’t ready to do it myself with this one thing. I had the faith to leave and now spirit is my whole life not just the private part of it.
You´ve become very popular in Spain and Portugal thanks to `Más allá de la vida´. Did the fact of being famous changed your life?
It never stops to amaze me at how well known I have become in Spain and Portugal; to me I’m just still Anne and it sometimes takes a little getting used to. Being famous has totally changed not only my life but the life of my husband Keith; we are both quiet shy people and used to being able to just blend into the background. That is something that here in Spain and in Portugal we can no longer do, Keith is able to do to a degree but not me. If I sit in a café or walk down the street I seem to get noticed, which is surreal for us both. He keeps my feet on the ground by teasing me which is perfect because we work well as a team after all these years being married.
What do you like best from living in Spain?
There are too many things to say that I like best from Spain, the people, the food, the culture, the country the amazing weather although saying the weather I stood out in the snow when I came to Madrid once but even that made me feel at home.
And from Portugal?
In some ways it is many of the same things, however the people are very different as is the food and culture. But both countries have emotion which sometimes hasn’t had the outlet which spirit can bring, I’m not sure I’m explaining that very well it’s more of a feeling rather than something I can put into words.
Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe or Amy Whinehouse to mention just a few. Which one is your favourite? Did you contact with anyone of them? Are they ok on the other side?
This is a question I have been asked many, many times over the years, each of these people had a particular purpose on the earth even though they were all here for such a short period of time. I don’t have any favourite individual and I’m sure they are fine in spirit. With the way spirit work there would need to be a love connection between either myself of someone who was with me for the individual spirits to want to come and communicate through me. Being as I didn’t know any of these lovely people when they were on the earth and to my knowledge I don’t’ know anyone who had a love connection with them there is no reason for them to come and talk to me. It would be like me sitting in a café when they were on the earth, if they came into the same café they would go to a table of their own because they don’t’ know me they wouldn’t join me; however, if their brother/sister or family member was sitting at my table then maybe they would decide to come and join us for coffee.
Why didn’t you want to work on TV at the UK?
In the UK I am Anne I can be the family member, housewife and friend with a near normal life, the intrusion into personal life in the UK can be far greater for the famous. I never wanted to be famous it is something that happened because spirit decided it was going to happen. Many mediums and psychics want to be famous I think it’s a human thing wanting to have recognition, but it wasn’t something I looked for, it found me when I did a pilot show to assist someone with a project, they wanted to get off the ground; I never expected it to go forward, to say I was astounded by the response to the show is an understatement. Even now I cannot believe the phenomenal reaction it caused in both Portugal and now Spain. The by-product is that I was famous in both countries for a time and couldn’t just take myself off out for a walk without being noticed as I could at home, now Spain is home, and my TV show is history; people just think I seem familiar but not quiet why, which is amusing.
The words of Santiago Segura were controversial in Spain. Did they hurt you?
I don’t know what he said, in addition I don’t really care, he was rude to his family in spirit not me. Also, because I didn’t speak or read Spanish at the time, I was able to avoid most of the nasty things being said. He is entitled to his opinion, and I will never take that away from him nor will I ever be rude to or be nasty about his views. Do the nasty things that have been said hurt me yes, they do I am human after all. But to me the thing that upsets me most is the rudeness to those loved ones who have gone to spirit, not my loved ones but the ones of the people on the earth who are being rude by shutting the door on them it’s like shutting the door in the face of a grandfather or grandmother. I’m just glad that my family are totally unaware of most of the things that were said sometimes.
Is there any message you want to transmit to Segura that can make him change his opinion or to any of the other haters?
No, I have no wish for him to change his opinion, if he has set his mind on one course of belief then that is the right way for him. It is not my place to want to change or alter him he is himself, so it is his place to make changes if he wishes. When he passes to spirit in his own time, I’m sure he’ll pop along to say sorry, I will naturally accept his apology if I’m in the mood to on that day, the same goes for all the haters who have been abusive over the years.
Did the negative reviews and accusations of you being a fake and fraud affect you?
Yes sadly they did, it was very reminiscent of being back at school and becoming the freak again; I had some lovely abusive messages by email, on twitter and facebook telling me that I should be burned at the stake; death threats, that I’m a liar, a cheat, a fraudster, a thief, that I will burn in hell, I should get cancer and suffer a painful death and these are just the ones that are printable, pictures of me with machete through my head, arrows in my eyes, flames engulfing me. I’m not a person who swears and find that the language used was so abusive that it was horrific and to me that means there is no argument if they are swearing it’s because they have no ability to communicate. So, to each, and every person who sends these types of messages I always do the same, send them light and healing then hit block and delete but it doesn’t stop it hurting me when all I do is what I’ve done all my life and talk to spirits. It doesn’t remove the negative reporting on the internet but that’s life, if they want to believe the lies fine, if they don’t want to believe them fine. I know the truth of my abilities both mediumistic and psychic.
How would you try to convince sceptical people?
Skeptical people are very good they give a balance to the world; they make me personally work harder and make me go back to spirit over, and over again asking for more evidence. I have no need to convince a skeptical person because some will never lose that from themselves. But if over the years I am, able to help one sceptic to get an understanding and comforting loving message from someone they thought had gone for ever then I have done all I need to do.
Any thoughts, concerns or dreams for 2021/22?
Thoughts: A hope to see businesses rebuilding from the last of the devastating pandemic which has seen so many families suffer losses also, businesses losing good employees, good bosses and leaders, we have lost some good brands as their financial situations crumbled under the pressure of lockdown after lockdown around the world. The creation of some innovative marketing and new working practices is something which has been a very positive side of the pandemic.
Concerns: The isolation and mental health issues left behind sadly has yet to be fully felt. Business and mankind as a whole need to understand that we cannot work or live without taking into consideration our ‘spiritual’ (another buzz word of the moment) side, it needs as much food in a way as our physical body does, its just a different type of food.
Dreams: I wish I could bring spirit into everyone’s hearts’, and I have a wish for people to have more tolerance of each other so that greed, violence and hatred could stop. We have been given a world which can provide for all of us if we just learn to share holding our hands open in front of us not behind our backs hiding things from each other. Spirit is all around us and they see everything, the pain in the hearts of many, the hunger in the eyes of many not just for physical food but for a spiritual food that doesn’t necessarily come from a religion but a way of life.
Thank you for taking the time to join us online and sharing your thoughts and personal memories.
Thank you for taking an interest in me and my work with spirit.