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An Exclusive Interview with Public Speaker Spiritual Empowerment Coach Sarah Tricker Alchemy

Sarah Tricker Alchemy is a change-maker and has the ability to see what lies in the unseen and unexplained. After realizing her dream of becoming an educator, Sarah soon understood she was not fulfilling her life purpose. In 2016 she began the journey of entrepreneurship and had been forging her way to true authenticity. Sarah is a Public Speaker & Spiritual Empowerment Coach helping women who are in transition within their life. With her gift as a healer, she facilitates women in finding their authentic selves and their life purpose. Every moment is a miracle, and there is always opportunity even when you cannot see it.

Sarah Tricker Alchemy, Public Speaker Spiritual Empowerment Coach

Who is Sarah?

I live in a small town in southern Alberta, Canada. My family moved here from a seaside town in England in 2007. I am married and have been since 1997. I have two children, who are actually both adults! My hubby and I are empty nesters who live with our dog and three cats. We are currently renovating our 1906 home, which at this point, has been an 11-year journey. It is one of my passions to create beautiful spaces, and I have a very eclectic style with Victorian, Gothic, and a hint of modern. I am also very passionate about history and love to read and research, especially the esoteric realm!

How did Sarah Tricker Alchemy Originate?

My journey as a soulpreneur begins way back in 2015. By day, I was a high school social studies teacher; however, I was a Tarot reader by night! I had joined another lady in town who also read, and we began to do events together. I look back on the beginning with fond memories. Together we traveled all over southern Alberta and went to psychic fairs, summer fairs, and even a Tattoo Convention. We had a gazebo decorated with curtains, fairy lights, and candles to entice people in to have their cards read. She was a gypsy, and I learned so many wonderful skills from her.

How do you shift from social studies teacher to Spiritual Empowerment Coach?

Anyone who gets to know me soon finds out that I revel in being a little different from the expected path people see me taking!

A couple of years after I graduated from the University of Lethbridge, which is the best education program within Canada, I began to question if this was really what I wanted to do. I had attended a personal development weekend in Calgary, which brought the thought that I may want to get out of the constraints of a career and create my own path in life. Now picture this; people’s reactions when I tell them that I am leaving my secure career as a teacher, with benefits, a pension, and stability to become a million-dollar Tarot reader!

The majority of these people watched me move to Canada and work super hard to get my two degrees and were flabbergasted that I was going to give that all up in just two years.

I rented a room in a flower shop and set up my Tarot deck, and there was no going back. I often laugh when I look back as I actually sold all of my classroom materials and planning binders, so I literally could not go back to teaching in the public system. When I shut my classroom door on June 31st, 2016, it was closed physically and metaphorically.

Something significant in this journey is that the small town I set up in maybe was not quite ready for the work I do. Lots of heads turned, and tongues wagged! I worked really hard over the next three years. In 2017 I ventured into my own little store with my mother. On our journey together, I was given the gift of learning mediumship which has been in my family for at least five generations. I also gained my Reiki Master and became a certified life coach.

In 2018 I rebranded from Tricker Tarot to Sarah Tricker Alchemy. This has been such an invigorating journey bringing all of my skills together. As an educator, psychic medium, spiritual reader and healer, and life coach, I found that I have a special gift in guiding women who are often going through a spiritual awakening and searching for a guide to help them through the transition.

What is a Spiritual Empowerment Coach?

As I look around at our world now, it can often feel like everything is measured on material gain. As an educator, I know only too well how we teach in a compartmentalized way. Our world is not separate from us. We are an integral part of it. It sounds quite cliché; however, the most important thing we can do as humans is to balance the mind, body, and soul. As a spiritual Empowerment Coach, this is what I guide women to do.

Now you will see how all of my skills arm me to provide the level of support needed when someone is going through any enlightenment or shift within their life. This manifests in many ways for women, such as a divorce, children leaving home, sudden career change, and maybe even losing a loved one. Suddenly, they face the meaning of life, their purpose, and the amount of time and energy they put into others' happiness and often not their own. My work is holistic; life coaching is for the mind, Reiki is for the body, and the mediumship is the soul.

In a nutshell, Spiritual Empowerment Coaching is a holistic approach to helping people connect with their own inner wisdom.

How has the global pandemic affected the work you do?

Wow, what a whirlwind! I cannot even lie and say it has been an easy journey. I am eternally grateful that I connect and align completely, trusting in my soul that everything happens the way intended to get me to where I needed to be.

The year before the pandemic had been one of massive growth for me. I had moved from my tiny little store to another bigger one. I actually outgrew that one within six months and had moved into a 3700 square foot store on main street Fort Macleod. I had manifested my dream of creating a Harry Potter School. I had four signature programs running with about 30 women registered. It was a mammoth year with exponential growth far beyond anything I could have even imagined.

Then came 2020! Things had already started to take a turn for the worse a few months into the year. The massive storefront was a lot to maintain on top of the staff. I had already begun to question if it was viable to continue. I set the intention that if I had the rent covered for February, it was my sign to stay, and if not, my sign to shut up shop and move my business home-based. Well, I handed my notice to quit, and then would you believe COVID-19 was worldwide. I was in the middle of closing and selling out my store, renovating a room in my home, and the world was coming to a standstill.

This is how I know that everything worked as it should. Although I had to mourn the loss of a dream I had built and manifested, filed for bankruptcy, and felt like I had to go back to basics, it has actually been the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I, like many, was gifted the time to be home, slow down, and re-evaluate my business aspirations. I have had time to adapt all my programs to an online forum. Also, people in the world have become more comfortable with the benefits of working online. Although I had to do some deep healing and soul work, I have realized that this shift in our world means that I now have an opportunity to reach people around the whole world and not just in my local community.

Is there anything new and exciting you have been working on behind the scenes?

Always! It is almost a standing joke for clients who have followed me on this journey so far. Every year I will shift and transition. Maybe this is a part of being a Scorpio, as we are known for always being determined and never been held back from the dreams we have!

Last year I joined Toastmasters. This was something I had wanted to do for a long time, and with the closing of my storefront, I found myself in a position where I had the time to commit. How did this open up opportunities? I was not expecting it. I have found an amazing and supportive group of people and really expanded my network. The pathway I took has helped me become a better speaker and give me a safe space to practice this particular skill.

The Speakers Bureau of Canada has also accepted me as a keynote speaker. Once things get back to some normalcy, I will be on their books! This is a dream of mine that I have worked very hard for, and it is just coming to fruition. Do you see how everything is beginning to come together? The time I have now I don’t have to run a storefront, the time to create my signature programs and workshops online, now frees me to travel and share my message on a larger scale!

This ability to restructure my work time has also allowed me to register for my 200-hour teacher Yoga training, which I begin in September. I have a signature program that incorporates Yoga, and I am excited to see what possibilities open up from this new venture!

What is it that you do for your clients?

I am talking directly to all women now. There are generally two things that women want in their life. The first is more time. How many of you out there are working, a mother, a wife, all at the same time trying to maintain the perfect house, meal prep, and fitness? Every woman’s life looks different; however, the one theme that shows up, again and again, is how to create more time for the things they want to do after looking after everyone else. The second thing that women are often searching for is recognition. Even just using the scenario just described, can you imagine coming home and your hubby thanking you for all the work you do, or going into work and your boss, without cause, recognizing your hard work? The reality is for most women do not get the recognition they desire for all they give to others!

Now you are clear on what women get from working with me; time & recognition! How I hear you cry? But how? There are five main things I teach women:

  1. Authenticity, who you really are!

  2. Balance, using structure & self-care

  3. Self-worth, setting boundaries!

  4. Intuition, connection mind, body, & soul

  5. Control, get what you want instead of what comes your way!

Every woman is on a different journey, and over time I have crafted four signature programs to help women get what they want. Whether this is their own healing business, connection with their body, connection to their craft, or their authentic self, there is a path you can walk with me.

Who should hire/work with you?

Women who know they are ready. They have been searching for a sign, a guide, a mentor who has done the work and has the results to show for it! They are not afraid of hard work and are prepared to hear the truth, even if at times it can be hard! They totally understand that to make changes, and it takes time to practice the new skills. They understand that when you are shifting your core belief systems that it is going to be hard. They can be kind to themselves when needed and push when needed! They are not quitters and will do what they need to get what they desire! Most importantly, they are willing and able to invest in themselves!

What about your keynotes?

My keynote speeches have been designed for both small intimate groups and large-scale events. If you are looking for a motivational, interactive, educational keynote speaker to take your audience on a journey of discovery and enlightenment, these are the keynotes for you. I am available for meet and greet, keynote, breakout sessions, panel discussion, and daily workshops.

The first is a health and wellness keynote ‘My Superpower Codependency; Creating Resilience & Strength from Adversity!’ The journey begins with the acknowledgment of codependency behaviors. The step that I, too, had the responsibility for the relationship. No longer being the victim of circumstance, I created the nemesis and morphed into my superpower. I show how, you too, can change your biggest adversity into your very own superpower! This particular keynote is universal in its message.

The second is women empowerment keynote ‘Unadulterated, authentic, influential women in leadership!’ Women in today’s world have many different hats they have to wear. As equality has grown in the workplace, it has left most women unequal in most other areas of their lives.

How can we break free from unrealistic expectations from not only ourselves also those around us? Discover how the journey of authenticity, stepping through fear into entrepreneurship, changed not only me also my whole family. You too can create your life’s dream! Although this keynote is created for women, it can also be presented to men equally.

The third is a spiritual empowerment keynote, ‘Reawakening Womban in Total Control of Herself.’ Learn how the connection to our ancestors helps us redefine the patriarchal system without emancipating men. Embracing the maiden, mother, and crone as the journey of wombanhood is key to our womb healing. Allow me to take you on a unique healing pilgrimage of enlightenment as I have walked. These particular keynotes are designed for women-only groups.

What is your big goal?

My big goal is to be able to help guide women worldwide! To enrich women’s lives and show them that they can have anything they want and give them the tool bag to go and get it.

I see myself traveling and giving keynote speeches, creating TEDx talks, and having a successful online forum for women to learn and grow through my signature programs and academy. My legacy for the world is helping women heal, bringing true balance back into their lives, their families, and our world!

Follow Sarah on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit her website for more info!

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