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An Exclusive Interview with Clarity & Alignment Coach Martina Krulakova

MartinaK is a Clarity Alignment Coach helping you become an inspiring leader and master of life you love.

Her constant search for happiness and money left her broke, miserable and lonely in a foreign country. That was when she realized that real transformation starts within, so she mastered the formula to fulfillment.

Her search has turned into a mission. Today she is helping other women find their unique path and fulfilling careers they love and get handsomely paid for it by working with individuals, small groups, and running powerful workshops.

She teaches the importance of self-awareness, mastering yourself and your inner world as the core solution to most problems.

Because it all starts with you!

Martina Krulakova, Clarity & Alignment Coach
Martina Krulakova, Clarity & Alignment Coach

Who is Martina?

Martina is a woman, coach, educator, and visionary for all who are not afraid to dream big and take action to make their reality.

I come from Slovakia originally, but currently, I am living in London – the city I fell in love with. Literally, it was love at first sight.

This city can be also harsh and lonely for many people, however, I see this city as a perfect place for anyone who is not afraid to be curious, who loves to explore new possibilities, try different options, and meet interesting people from the whole world.

For me, it’s also the city where I found my peace. It’s the place I was able to re-discover myself again and grow to another level and work on my dreams.

My big family with other 4 siblings are all back at home which doesn’t make many things easy for me, because they mean everything to me but luckily, technology makes connections easier and also give me a reason to travel as often as I can since travel is another love of mine.

That’s also one of the reasons how I ended up here in London – for me this city is a sample, a little taster to meet the world in one city. You can find anything here. Literally.

What do you do for your client?

I am a clarity and alignment coach working with women at crossroads and helping them to find their unique career path, fulfilling career, and life to love.

My clients find missing fulfillment, meaning, purpose, and love for what they are doing by connecting their special gifts and mission to serve others.

In addition, when working with my clients and help them to harness their inner power I am also empowering women to master their life in other areas of life by bringing a holistic approach and connect dots, missing links for them.

What are clarity and alignment coaching about?

Clarity helps people to see and love their past as it happened with no baggage, regrets, or any other disempowering emotions attached.

By healing all those painful emotions they can live in the present moment and love what is while having a clear and empowering vision of the future they want to create and live.

Alignment is about mastering the inner world – learning to listen to your body, connect with your intuition, what feedback are emotions giving you as well as bring to peace any unbalanced, limiting perspectives to harmony with one - your mind, body, and your soul calling.

Alignment is about having and living in peace within yourself. It’s about falling in love with yourself for who you are, others, and the whole world around you as it is.

Can you tell me more about your approach?

I love working with individuals in person and/or online because it allows me to connect with them on a deeper level as well as deliver exactly what they need for them to get wanted results.

Also, I am running workshops for small groups of people. Again, with me it’s all about deeper connection and understanding them where they are, being able to dive deep into their soul calling and listen to who they are, where they are coming from, learning about their point of view.

No matter how many people I meet or work with, there is always their unique approach which fascinates me, their special experiences to learn from, and especially to discover the unique message each of us has and bring it out to the surface in a clear package right in front of them.

Being able to inspire and empower them, help them to bring the clarity from all the mess they are experiencing into a clear picture and experience a big AHA-moments with them or that huge relief of all heaviness they have been carrying on for years, is the most amazing reward I could ever wish for.

I just can't enough of it and always hungry for more.

That’s my driver, especially when my message and clarity of alignment formula is clearly delivered for them and they can take it further and apply it in any situation.

Because they will need it. Let’s be honest. Life is a learning, growing cycle. No matter how successful, strong, or how many people are around you, there always will be new challenges – that’s how we grow.

So having that formula for yourself and being ready to embrace it when it’s necessary, is the most empowering tool and learning lesson I would love to share with as many people as possible.

Because it all starts with you!

Isn’t that beautiful? To become the better version of yourself?

What programs do you offer?

I offer a clarity coaching program which is a game-changer for people. I am sharing and learning how to find their unique fulfilling formula.

It’s a result of my transformation journey when I was desperate to find that „special“ thing for myself.

This program was also created out of frustration since I was struggling to find key information although I was actively looking for it and spending money and time on many other programs.

We are programmed from childhood what we „should“ do but hardly anyone is teaching us to be real you!

Who is the real you?

That’s a great question. We have so many identities, roles in this life and carry on so many different masks.

Most of the time we have no idea who is the real you. That’s the part of the growing journey, awakening to your soul calling, allowing yourself to do more of what you love doing.

But to give you a short answer: I believe that behind all those limiting thoughts and programmed perspectives is someone loving, inspired, and joyful version of yourself with unlimited potential.

Who should hire/work with you?

I work mostly with women since I am a woman myself and understand how their body/mind works.

Especially, I am helping those who are at crossroads in their career, their work, or their life in general.

If you are a woman who is experiencing confusion, frustration, resentment, feeling stuck, empty, or “wandering” what’s next for you and you want to experience the fullness of life, want to be in control of your life, make something meaningful and can’t wait to show your great gifts, I am a perfect solution for you.

What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I want to bring the importance of self-awareness to our education system. I want to bring the tolerance of our difference back to people. I want to spread the acceptance of our uniqueness as a personal strength and not as a weakness.

I am already on a mission to raise conscious awareness through individuals and create impactful changes in our lives by returning to harmony with who we are, back to the harmony of nature and the universe.

All these big changes start with each individual and the choices we make each day.

The same applies to me too – the more I am true to myself, the more people I will impact.

Because it all starts with me!

How do I get started?

Simple way - book your clarity call here so that I have an understanding of where you are right now, what you are looking for, and whether we are the perfect fit for each other.

If not, I will recommend you to either someone else or any other resources that I know would be the best fit for you.

Book a meeting here!

Follow Martina Krulakova on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website for more info.

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