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Amplify Your Communication!

Written by: Claire Johnson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We have all been in that situation where we have felt frustrated by the actions of others or have felt that we have not been listened to or valued. At those times, it is easy to put the blame onto the other party, yet really it should be turned around, and the question asked, what can I do better to ensure I communicate effectively and get the desired outcome that suits all?

Where most communication breaks down is by the need for one person to be right, be heard, and go first. So if you are looking to communicate more effectively in the workplace to improve productivity, colleague relationships, and team morale or improve personal relationships with a partner, spouse, or family, then there are four key steps to master that are essential to ensure you get your desired outcome more frequently!

1. Know Yourself – to be able to fully express opinions that are aligned with your values, goals, and morals, you need to aware of what these are. You need to be aware of your filters and belief systems, as well as understand why you react to situations. I encourage everyone I work with to take the time to work out when makes them tick, what motivates and inspires them as well as what are the non-negotiables in all areas of their life. Knowing this allows you to be comfortable and confident with who you are and therefore more competent to communicate clearly.

2. Be congruent – actions speak louder than words, and whilst one thing may be said, if actions taken contradict this, it leads to confusion and uncertainty, which breaks down trust. If you are looking to build stronger relationships, trust is essential. So, therefore, it is vital to do what you say you would. Act in a way that demonstrates your values. For example, if timekeeping is important to you, don’t be late.

3. Understand others – we are all unique. We have different life experiences, goals, motivational drivers, and interests, as well as our own personality styles. To be able to get the best from someone, you need to understand them whilst respectfully appreciating the differences we have. Educate yourself as much as possible on different personality styles and behaviors, so it becomes easy for you to recognize them. This allows you to adjust your tone, body language, approach, and communication style to promote positive interactions from the outset. Starting off the right way will always ensure effective communication.

4. Seek to be understood, not right – people always act a certain way for a reason, and understanding what drives the action will allow you to communicate from a proactive place rather than a reactive one. When communicating, focus on ensuring you are being understood instead of forcing an opinion or pushing a point. You will find that by explaining the reasons behind your thought processes, situations, or reactions, others will be more receptive to listening.

Poor communication is the root of so much pain and problems for many, in a variety of relationships from boss and employee, husband and wife to parent and teenager, and a small miscommunication can lead to full relationship breakdown damaged beyond repair. By mastering the simple steps outlined above, you can be confident to master effective communication, improve your understanding of others as well as become better connected to you, and that is where the true power lies.

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. You can also visit my website.


Claire Johnson, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

Claire is an expert mindset, nutrition, and training coach for women, authors, TV presenters, expert speakers, and female empowerment mentors.

Claire is the CEO of The Naked Warrior, which delivers 3 winning online coaching programs and Founder of The Naked Warrior Tribe online female empowerment community plus the author of two books — The Winning Formula: Discover the Secrets to Unleash Your Alpha Female and The Winning Physique: How to Get the Competitive Edge on Stage.

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