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Alzheimer’s Disease And Other Chronic Diseases Are Preventable

Written by: Patrick Smith, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia are preventable and the data continues to pour in supporting this statement.

Senior woman is looking up to the doctor in front of plants in the background.

Why do we hear so little about the techniques that have been proven to help? Mainly because the prevention of disease has been less profitable than treating it. The system of health care in the western world has evolved and been structured by the insurance, pharmaceutical, and hospital industry, the medical community, and the industrialized food industry. These institutions work in tandem to avoid speaking out about the steps we can take as a society to prevent illness, including dementia because it would undermine their actual mission of increased revenue and earnings.

We know so much about how chronic disease is initiated and driven by what we eat, how we exercise, how we sleep, and how the gut microbiome plays a role, but in 2022 this vast collection of knowledge is being ignored and our society migrates to a system set up to maximize the profit motive. Slowly, our society is being poisoned by processed foods and given pharmaceuticals that interrupt the body’s innate metabolic state and create side effects never studied or anticipated. Additionally, providing “band-aids” that mask the underlying root cause of the problem and drain your precious resources at a point in life where they are scarce.

How long have we been hearing we are going to find a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease by creating a magic pill? This is a false promise and is designed to fit the narrative described above.

What if I told you we had found a cure? And that cure is prevention, but nobody is listening because we have all been brainwashed by special interest motivations.

Numerous physicians and other practitioners are speaking out daily about methods and techniques that have been shown scientifically to be helpful and can prevent the many chronic diseases state that we suffer in these modern days, but unfortunately, their voices are drowned out by the massive advertising budgets, manipulative agendas, and purposeful downplaying of facts.

I want to emphatically state that: “Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias can be prevented”. The evidence is backed by science, and Brain Love Health and other practitioners are ready to help and create awareness of the importance of this reality.

Please accept this message and begin saving yourself and your loved ones from a life of devastation and suffering. Educate yourself and do not wait, the clock is ticking.

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Patrick Smith, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Patrick S. Smith is an innovative entrepreneur who has worked for over 40 years in the Health Care, pharmaceutical, and medical nutrition arena. His accomplishments span many decades and have been recognized by major healthcare institutions, and he has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree for his pioneering contributions to providing complex patient care in the home setting. He has spoken at over 100 Health Care Conferences and was voted as one of the top Health Care Service CEO’s in the USA by the Wall Street Transcript. His lifelong passion has been to provide game-changing creative solutions to some of society’s most pressing medical problems.

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