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Alternate Healing And Its Role In Holistic Wellness

Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma is the Founder and Chairperson of Vishwas Healing and Healthcare LLP, a renowned Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Alternative Healing Master with over 22 years of experience in the healing industry. Dr. Pooja’s passion for healing and counseling goes beyond just a profession; it is her true calling.

Executive Contributor Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma

In today's healthcare landscape, patients are seeking more holistic approaches to wellness. While conventional medicine has its strengths, alternative healing practices offer a complementary approach to health and wellbeing. Integrative medicine is all about combining alternate healing with conventional medicine that can lead to better patient outcomes.

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We strongly believe that integrative medicine is an approach that acknowledges the role of complementary and integrative healing in patient care. By combining the strengths of both conventional and alternative healing, we can achieve better results and a more comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing. Alternative healing practices focus on natural and non-invasive treatments, early intervention, and the unity of physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual. This approach is in harmony with the concept of holistic health and can provide a more effective way to address chronic conditions and promote overall wellness.

Understanding alternate healing

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a type of treatment that is not included in conventional medical practice. Some of these practices include; Energy Healing (Reiki), Crystal Healing, Lama Fera, Acupressure, Bach Flower Remedies, Ayurveda, naturopathy and mind-body interventions like yoga and meditation.

While the methodologies and philosophies of these practices can vary significantly, they share a common principle: The concept of the body’s self-healing capacity. Many of the holistic healing modalities are based on the idea that one must look at the whole person, not just the disease or the ailment. This is in line with the principles of holistic wellness.

The role of alternate healing in holistic wellness

Holistic wellness is a concept of health that addresses the total person with focus on the mind, body, spirit and emotions. In this framework, alternative healing is significant as it provides various ways of finding balance and harmony in all facets of life.

1. Physical well-being

There is a large number of complementary and traditional healing modalities that seek to enhance the physical well-being of an individual without resorting to the use of drugs. Some of the examples include acupuncture and chiropractic care which help in managing pain, enhancing the body system and healing without resorting to surgery or drugs. Herbal medicine and Ayurveda are based on the use of natural materials for the prevention and cure of diseases with the aim of balancing the body's systems.

2. Emotional and mental health

Mind-body therapies like meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, and other practices are an essential part of complementary healing. They assist in coping with stress, anxiety, and depression, thereby promoting emotional strength and mental acuity. Some practices, such as mindfulness meditation, have been found to help in reducing stress and improving mental health, thus making them useful in the overall healthy living regime.

3. Spiritual wellness

Spirituality, an important part of health, is one of the most neglected aspects of health. Some of the practices include Reiki, energy healing, meditation, and yoga, which assist people in discovering themselves and the universe. This can help to create meaning and a sense of belonging as well as bring about feelings of calmness and happiness, thus enhancing the quality of life.

4. Preventative care

Another advantage of alternate healing is that it is more preventive than curative in nature. These therapies encourage the adoption of certain lifestyle changes, changes in diet, and the use of mind-body techniques to prevent diseases. For instance, naturopathy is a system of healing that focuses on the notion of prevention and the development of healthy lifestyle practices.

Integrating alternate healing with conventional medicine

However, it is crucial to understand that alternate healing is not a form of treatment that can be used to replace traditional medicine but rather as an addition. The concept of integrative medicine, which is the best of both worlds, is becoming more popular these days. This approach acknowledges the role of complementary and integrative healing in the care of the patient, the achievement of better results, and the overall approach to health and wellbeing.


With the rising interest in integrative medicine, we can create a better and healthier model for the future. By combining complementary and alternative healthcare with standard medical practice, we can:

  • Enhance patient care and outcomes

  • Foster a more comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing

  • Provide natural and non-invasive treatment options

  • Promote early intervention and prevention

  • Unite the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual

Integrative medicine offers a powerful approach to healthcare by combining the strengths of conventional and alternative healing. By embracing this approach, we can create a more holistic and effective way to promote health and wellbeing. It's high time we confidently explore the possibilities of integrative medicine and discover a healthier model for the future.

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Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma, Healing Therapist & Life Coach

Dr. Pooja, an exceptional communicator, seeks to revolutionize holistic healing by emphasizing the profound interconnectedness of the mind and body. Her philosophy rests on the belief that mental and physical health are inseparable. Any ailment affecting one inevitably reverberates through the other. With this vision, Dr. Pooja has transformed countless lives.

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