Written by: Brian Wood, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Achieving one thing is often easy.
I want better energy and fitness, so I am going to work out three times a week, but my nutrition game plan involves several weekly trips to White Castle (true story).
I am focused on building memories by increasing family time on my calendar, but I am rarely present investing my attention in social media platforms while we're together.

Recalling my corporate days and the question that often surfaced:
"Do you want me to be safe or be productive?"
True success
True success is not an either/or proposition, it can involve both it should include everything.
Think of that high performer you might know that is absolutely crushing his or her career. But does their personal life resemble a train wreck? If so, is that the desired outcome you'd like to pursue, which represents your version of success and happiness?
Probably not!
But imagine how it will feel when all aspects of our personal and professional lives are aligned with the values and vision that generate our passion.
In the interest of oversimplifying, we can move closer toward the latter version by making the right decision as it relates to that fork in the road where I can either select an anabolic or catabolic path.
Anabolic leadership represents positive options and possibilities.
Catabolic leadership is the stuff that gets in our way, specifically a victim mentality preventing action or one that is the "blame game" often self-reflection and ownership.
We are surrounded by options every single day and It's all about the choices we make.
To win more often, we need to choose the catabolic path and continuously improve our mindset and leadership. This can be easier said than done and the journey involves consistent and deliberate practice. We need to recognize that over time we have developed tendencies.
When "this" happens, the default is to make a right-hand turn. But it’s powerful to practice how we show up and how we impact others while exploring an occasional left-hand turn toward a better outcome. We’ve got to change the narrative and change how we react when (not if) stuff happens.
So, leadership and mindset can be a byproduct of how we show up and how we impact others. And make no mistake about it, we each influence others daily positively or negatively).
The Measure of success
Athletes are intentional in the way they consistently practice and complete drills preparing them for the moment when they need to perform at a high level. This preparation involves imagination and a mindset for success, which is often measured in a number of wins or losses.
"What if" this situation surfaces? What is my contingency plan? If that happens, what action can I take to make the best play (notice I didn't say perfect play) creating the best chance for victory?
We can take this same approach by elevating and measuring our personal and professional success.
if your goals are not congruent with your actions, habits, and behaviors, you could be losing ground on catching up with the version of you who you were designed to become.
Another point:
Success is personal and "One man's food is another man's poison."
So, although there is not a one size fits all measurement of success, the common denominator seems to be an intersection of mindset with leadership. And the overarching commonality is connected to serving others.
Who are you serving and who have you been programmed and conditioned to serve?
In other words, are you serving your bank account while contradicting your values?
Are you serving the wrong people concerned about what they may think about you if you're not perfect in their eyes?
Are you serving the right people? Your small circle of family and friends who you would do anything for with zero judgement?
Choose wisely.
Consistently reflect on your vision.
Put in the deliberate practice toward realizing your vision and refining your skills.
Invest energy in serving those that matter most with your leadership and a winning mindset.

Brian Wood, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Brian Wood combines 30 years of corporate experience with his background as an athlete, certified player agent (NBA, WNBA, and FIBA), and a certified professional success coach to provide clients with a unique perspective and guidance toward the next level of achievement. Wood is passionate about continuous personal and professional growth including organizational development, training, and gamification. He is enthusiastic about helping leaders leverage their gifts to drive impact and success. Wood supports major corporations, professional sports organizations, and municipalities. He provides confidential, professional, and executive coaching, speaking engagements, virtual and in-person facilitation.