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All Masks Are Off

Nichell has done over 10,000 Readings. She uses a person's Astrological Natal Birth Chart to read from. A birth chart is like a blueprint of a person – mind, body, and spirit.

Executive Contributor Nichell Delvaille

As Pluto enters Aquarius in November 2024, it marks the beginning of a transformative 20-year era where hidden truths will be exposed, and false personas will crumble. This transit promises to dismantle illusions in relationships, personal goals, and societal structures, revealing authenticity as the only currency. From the collapse of celebrity culture to the rise of energy sensitivity, nothing artificial will survive this cosmic shift. Prepare for a profound journey of self-discovery as masks come off, and the truth is unveiled for all to see.

person standing near led sign

Pluto’s transit through Aquarius: Unveiling the monsters in the mirror (2024–2044)

Beginning November 19, 2024, Pluto will settle into Aquarius for the next two decades, marking the start of an era where nothing will be left concealed. The shadow side of humanity, long hidden under layers of illusion and societal niceties, will be laid bare. Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth, and transformation, will join forces with Aquarius, the truth-seeker, to dismantle everything artificial and contrived.

For the next twenty years, humanity will experience a profound shift — one that will reveal the monsters hiding under the bed andlurking in the shadows of society. What’s fake will disintegrate. What’s real will survive, though perhaps not unscathed. This transit promises a new world where authenticity is the only currency. Masks will no longer work. Let’s dive into what that means for every

level of life.

Masks will come off in relationships

Imagine standing in front of someone you’ve known for years, and suddenly, their real face shows itself — not the one you’re used to seeing but their inner truth. Pluto in Aquarius will force the exposure of relationships that were built on lies, false pretense, or manipulation. Friendships, marriages, and even familial ties will fracture under the weight of their own falsehoods. Where there’s deceit, Pluto will burn it to the ground. You’ll find yourself re- evaluating the people around you. No one can hide anymore, not even behind years of familiarity.

Death of old goals and the birth of new dreams

As society changes under Pluto’s influence, so will individual goals and aspirations. What once seemed like a solid plan may suddenly crumble as new, more aligned desires emerge. People will come face-to-face with the unsustainability of their ambitions, forced to reevaluate their place in a shifting world. The dreams we were once sold — the ones rooted in societal pressures and collective illusion— will shatter, replaced by goals that reflect true purpose and authenticity. If you’re clinging to something false, this will be the era where it slips through your fingers.

The end of the faux: Exposing fake personas

Are you hiding behind a façade — makeup, Botox, or implants — projecting an image that isn’t aligned with who you truly are? This era will strip that all away. Masks of beauty and fake spirituality, fake smiles, and superficial pleasantries will no longer protect you. Every layer of pretense will be peeled back. Your motives will be visible to the naked eye, and authenticity will be the new standard. What’s inside will be more important than ever because that’s what people will see, whether you want them to or not.

The great scam reveal

Imposters and scammers, beware! The digital age has given rise to countless false identities and personas, but Pluto in Aquarius will dismantle this illusion. People will become masters of seeing through deception. Scams will no longer work as people develop the ability to spot a fake from a mile away. False claims, fraudulent schemes, and anyone pretending to be what they’re not will face exposure, ridicule, and eventual downfall.

The collapse of celebrity culture

Celebrities have long presented a polished, fabricated image to the public — but that veil is about to be ripped off. Pluto in Aquarius will expose the lack of authenticity in celebrity culture. Public figures who built careers on shallow foundations will lose their luster. Manufactured talent and personas will no longer stand up to scrutiny. We will crave substance over surface. The public will no longer tolerate those who are merely “famous for being famous.” A new kind of celebrity will rise — one built on genuine talent, individuality, and truth.

No more stalker profiles

The online world, rife with fake profiles used to stalk, manipulate, and deceive, will also face a reckoning. Social media facades will crumble. Those hiding behind anonymous accounts to spy, control, or harm others will be unmasked. This will lead to a breakdown of online deception that currently fuels jealousy, mistrust, and confusion in relationships. Pluto’s energy of domination will bring a new kind of transparency, forcing people to face the consequences of their digital deceit.

The rise of energy sensitivity

By the time Pluto is done with us, your average person will be an energy reader. Gone are the days when charm or a well-rehearsed persona could sway people. We will become acutely aware of others’ intentions, even from across the world. Fake pleasantries and manipulative energies will feel like nails on a chalkboard. Everyone will be forced to align with their truth or be painfully exposed. In this new world, your aura will speak louder than your words. If

you’re not authentic, the whole world will know it.

Pluto’s power: Death and rebirth

Pluto carries with it the energy of Scorpio — deep, dark, magnetic, and unapologetically raw. It unearths hidden truths, exposes emotional manipulation, and forces transformation, no matter how painful. Pluto tears down in order to rebuild, and as it journeys through Aquarius, it will do so with a focus on collective evolution. Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, demands honesty and revolution, even if it means chaos and destruction.

Wherever you are not in alignment with your highest self, Pluto will call you out. This transit isn’t for the faint of heart. The masks you wear — the ones society or even you placed on yourself — will disintegrate. You will have no choice but to stand naked in your truth.

Freedom in authenticity

At the core of Pluto in Aquarius is freedom — but not the freedom to continue living a lie. This is the freedom that comes from being unapologetically, authentically yourself. Pluto’s transformative energy may feel like grief, loss, or destruction, but it’s here to show you who you really are. It’s here to deliver you from the bondage of illusion and into the light of your true self.

So as we enter this twenty-year cycle, ask yourself: What mask are you ready to burn? What part of your life is begging for rebirth? Because once Pluto arrives, there’s no turning back. The only way forward is through the fire of transformation.

If you are curious about how Pluto in Aquarius will affect your personal journey, I invite you to book an astrology birth chart reading with me through the EverClear App.

Follow me on Instagram, YouTube and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Nichell Delvaille


Nichell Delvaille, Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer

Nichell is a Wellness Practitioner. Healing effects all aspects of a person. She is a Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer, Reiki Master and Herbalist. Nichell also has certifications in Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda.



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