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Align Your Inner Money Compass

Written by: Janet Key, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Would you agree that having money conversations can be challenging? Most couples will likely go to bed together before having money conversations. Money Is the cause of many breakups.

Compass used as paperweight on top of 100 dollar bills.

What is money? It is an exchange that we use for trade for services, products, or talents.

Money is nothing without us.

It’s paper, coin, and plastic.

We live in a world that is in pursuit of money.

And for the most part…we feel there is never enough.

How we use money is an extension of our energy and it’s not always in alignment.

So, what are the keys to aligning our Inner Money Compass?

Your Money Thoughts Matter

Minding Your Energy

Understanding the power of your sacred money archetypes

Your Money Thoughts Matter

I recall the day when I realized the power of my thoughts and knew that at that moment, when I witnessed a despairing negative thought that would normally take me down the rabbit hole of depression to change to a more positive, loving thought, my life would change course in a new direction.

I would back up that positive thought with positive action, yoga, journaling, reading, and running.

With practice over time. My life became happier and healthier and I felt more whole.

I was happy in all areas of my life except money.

When I looked at my money thoughts…

I judged my level of success by the balance in my bank account.

I always strived for higher financial goals and was never satisfied.

I never trusted money to be there for me.

I felt there was never enough.

What we think about, leads to how we feel. Our feeling is our emotions. Our emotions are our energy state.

Love or fear

Positive or negative

Light or shadow

When your dominating thoughts about money are negative, you begin to feel disempowered.

You might feel regret. Shame. Guilt. Blame. Lack of confidence or courage to take inspired action. You might lack trust or belief in yourself, robbing you of your will, your power, and living a happier, healthier life.

Wayne Dyer quote: Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life

Minding your energy

In Yoga, we talk about our Chakras which are powerful spinning wheels of energy in our bodies that align the length of the spine.

Our root chakra is about our tribe and security. Our family, culture, and community were born into.

This deals with our beliefs about money, abundance, money, and work ethic.

Sacral Chakra is about intimacy, movement, as well as sitting in our emotions.

Here’s where we connect to our beliefs about relationships, vulnerability, and sexuality.

This is the place where we feel shame, jealousy, guilt, abandonment, and neediness.

Solar Plexus is how we show up in the world. Our self-esteem, our will, and the divine will that wants to create through us. What has authority over us? Negative money thoughts, sabotaging habits, or patterns, something or someone else.

Our Heart is about love. Forgiveness, unresolved grief. Our inner nurturer. Am I open to giving and receiving unconditionally?

The Throat Chakra is about speaking your truth. Knowing what you believe and being able to live in that place.

Third Eye is about following your intuition and trusting your inner wisdom.

Crown Chakra is our connection to the spirit. Knowing that we are not alone when we open up to the possibility that there is something greater than ourselves.

Facing our money fears, emotions and challenges can move us from lower to higher states of energy. It is in these states that we feel an inner sense of joy and we are in a flow state and our creativity is high.

This happens as we expand our consciousness. We the more conscious about where we give our energy, our time, and money by the choices we make, which are either empowering or disempowering.

Enlightenment is shining light on our dark parts, and that includes our money relationship. Our money relationship can mirror for us what we need to see. We are often so focused on building our net worth and fail to acknowledge our enlightened net worth, which is our value, our worth, and the abundance that is already within us.

We are always creating, from negative money experiences of the past or now at this moment, connected to our universal intelligence.

“Our Emotions around money can teach us how free we are.”

Avoiding money issues will not go away on their own. Facing them can empower new exciting opportunities as you open your perception, clear limiting beliefs, and break free from self-sabotaging money patterns.

T Harv Ekar of The Millionaire Mind quotes: How you do money is how you do everything.

Understanding the power of your sacred money archetypes

Archetypes are the power of patterns that are within us, they make up our stories, our motivations, fears, gifts, strengths, and also our challenges or the shadow side of self.

Archetypal work is all about living life in alignment through self-awareness and emotional mastery.

When you are in a state of alignment, you are in a place of integrity. You act on what is right and true for you. You feel inspired and empowered, and those times when you are faced with making a difficult decision that you know is right, being in integrity or alignment will give you the courage to take action.

When you are not in alignment, you feel disempowered, shame, blamed, and guilty. It’s when you are most vulnerable and you are more likely to say yes when you really what to say no. Here you are not accessing your power or connected to the divine.

There are eight money archetypes.

The Ruler is the inner empire builder which has a high desire to achieve success.

The Maverick is the inner rebel who is here to illuminate risk is essential.

The Nurture is your inner sponsor and you are here to be a role model for caring and compassion.

The Connector is your inner relationship builder and faith and optimism are what you illuminate.

The Celebrity is your inner big shot, you illuminate impact and recognition.

An Alchemist is an inner idealist, whose here to make a positive change.

The Accumulator is the inner banker, and you illuminate respect and appreciation.

The Romantic is the inner hedonist and you are a role model for enjoying the pleasures of life.

We have all of the qualities of each archetype however we focus on working with your top three to help you identify your unconscious money beliefs, fears, and common everyday blind spots that show up in your money relationship. Understanding your unique money personality helps you to heal past money wounds, empower your voice, create healthy money boundaries, break through your glass money ceilings, and create a brighter future on your terms.

Being trained in sacred money archetypes by Kendal Summerhawk has been profound for me and the individuals I work with. The work is transformative as you recognize through looking at your money relationships where you give away your power and how to take it back.

In this world, we believe money has all the power. That we will be happier when we have more money, yet our emotions and actions with money can rob us of our power.

We are connected to a power that is greater than any challenge, and that is the truest source of power.

Imagine for a moment, what it would feel like to be free of what holds you back. You live your life on your terms, with more happiness, healthier relationships, and financial freedom. Where you feel more love and joy as you witness and accept all parts of you. From this place of acceptance, you feel connected, more whole, and more complete. Aligning your inner money compass is about aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions so you can live your most prosperous life.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Janet Key, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Janet Key is a soulful money coach who empowers women seeking financial freedom. Janet found happiness in all areas of her life except money. With a background in yoga and finances, she was intuitively led to take her relationship with money to a deeper level. She explored her own money mindset and discovered deep-rooted beliefs about not being enough, which stemmed from her own poverty upbringing. Janet's mission: Inspire women to heal money relationships and to embody abundance by living their soul's highest potential.

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