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Alchemical Transformation – A Journey To Wholeness

Written by: Mary Jacobs, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


So much folklore and mystery surround the topic of alchemy, yet everyone seems to be aware of it. The temptation of gold and obtaining the mythical Philosopher’s Stone are part of its appeal. Many misinterpret the higher wisdom of alchemy because the truth has been obscured. To the adepts, this science has never honestly been forgotten. It was often veiled from the masses and taught directly to those under the tutelage of a Master Teacher. So what is alchemy? From a dictionary standpoint, it is a lengthy process of turning lead into gold, or said differently, a mysterious power or magic used to transform things.

Female Wizard at table with Magical Items

Most people hear the word alchemy and immediately associate it with transmuting a base metal into gold. There are numerous stories of wise, strange men throughout history who were said to have accomplished this feat or at least tried. But stranger still was their lives and the symbols they left behind.

The latter part of the definition states alchemy is a seemingly magical transformation process. Using the term “magic” suggests that a Higher Science is involved. This clue leads us to ponder that there is much more going on with Alchemy than traditional Chemistry.

What if our consciousness is the base metal transformed into gold? Could the deep inner transformations of consciousness through the calculated steps of a higher science be the true gift of Alchemy and, therefore, the real Philosopher’s Stone? This article will explore this idea as I share my understanding of this profound topic.

There is much more to this world and universe than we can physically see. Yet, we can tap into extrasensory perception (ESP) and communication through our Higher Consciousness. This ability is available to everyone, and though this topic is gaining momentum, most people still seem to accept this as an abstract idea rather than a reality. Some on the planet experience higher faculties such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, precognition, and telepathy. These are considered psychic abilities and science has yet to understand or justify their occurrence fully.

Spiritual alchemy allows us to view our lives as our awakening journey to wholeness. It is a path of trust that unravels our false identities and belief systems. As we face ourselves with unconditional love and compassion, our deepest fears and pains are witnessed, healed and transmuted. We each have a choice of healing ourselves, each other, and the world or not. From the intention to heal, we can lift into higher states of consciousness where the reflection of the outer world will be in balanced harmony with our transformed inner world. We radiate peace, love, and the joy of life as we co-create heart-centered solutions in our shared world.

However, if we choose not to accept the healing journey, we find ourselves in a repetitive loop of uncomfortable experiences and are often surrounded by chaos. From this choice, our wounded ego attracts experiences and people that reflect the pain and judgments that we hold inside. There is comfort in feeling validated and projecting our responsibilities onto the outside world. Our inner fear, pain, anger, and judgment reflect on us as a mirror until we are ready to face ourselves and heal.

Each path is beautiful and rich with experience, and no right or wrong choice exists! We are given many opportunities throughout our lives to expand our consciousness and to be, live and do more than we once thought possible. At any moment, we are free to choose differently, and with every step, there is support.

Oftentimes, we hide from ourselves the many self-judgments we accumulate through life. From childhood, we are told how to be so as to fit into our family and societal norms. These layers of beliefs about who we are or should be obscure us from who we truly are. The pain from this loss of self, in addition to the compelling need to fit in, add to our dissatisfaction with life. The pressure builds until something in our life gives, which creates an opening for a new direction. Thankfully, with awareness and extra support now available, we are able to have these breakthrough moments without the sky falling.

The sages and mystics throughout time have left us clues and teachings about the intimate journey of the soul. What is true for us in one moment is often shattered by greater truths over time. As we allow the internal transformation of consciousness to endure, we face many uncertainties. Through our ability to meet these moments with a healthy dose of trust and transparency, we offer ourselves greater spaciousness to expand and allow a new understanding to illuminate us beyond the initial cognitive dissonance.

The alchemical transformation of consciousness is experiential by nature and requires a conscious awareness of the Self in every area of life. We are now in a new era, and the resources are readily available to assist us all.

Are you ready to reclaim your Higher Consciousness through Alchemical Transformation?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!


Mary Jacobs, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mary Jacobs is an Avesa Quantum Healer, Minister of Self-Ascension and Intuitive Life Coach. During her personal journey of restoring her physical, emotional and mental health, Mary was intuitively guided to study and immerse herself into a variety of mystical teachings, practices and alternative healing modalities. Throughout the years, Mary has had the honor of traveling internationally, volunteering and leading groups of people from around the world to lift their consciousness and find their authenticity. She now shares her dedication to expanding consciousness through the skills and wisdom she’s attained, via her writings, podcast and 1-1 sessions.

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