Written by: Nilima Amit, Executive Contributor
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Affirmations are positive statements. If repeated or written ‘n’ number of times, they help in achieving our goals, desired outcomes. But, do they really work? Most of them will say they don’t.

Daily I receive more than 2-3 messages which point that affirmations don’t work. Let’s find the reasons why affirmations don’t work.
1. Use words like “No/ Never/ Not” in the affirmation statement. Subconscious does not understand these words. For example, affirmation for overcoming anger or being short-tempered is framed like “I don’t get angry.” Such statements will make you angry more often. Instead, “I respond in each situation” or “I stay calm and peaceful in each situation” helps create the desired results.
2. Too long statements. The essence of chanting or writing the affirmation is lost if the statement is too long. Along with writing/chanting, we should feel the affirmation to get results quickly. Longer the statement might make us forget a word or two and make it monotonous.
3. Expecting results instantaneously. After a few days of practice and we expect life to change 360 degrees.
4. Doubt is the biggest hurdle. For example, if you say affirmation for money and some unforeseen expense comes up, the first thing that comes to mind is doubt about the affirmation. Instantly, we declare they don’t work.
5. Irregularity in practicing them. You have 100’s of excuses to justify why you missed a day. Remember, a day’s break takes you back 2 steps in the manifestation of the affirmation.
6. Complaining about everything around or being negative for the rest of the day hampers the effectiveness affirmation writing/chanting has created.
Easy ways to make it work:
1. Choose affirmations wisely which contain positive words. Avoid words like fear, scared, unwell, dearth, scarcity, or loss.
2. Choose easy, short affirmations.
3. Practice daily without a break. Set time aside daily for writing/chanting. Let the time be fixed. The ideal time is when you wake up or just before sleeping.
4. Have patience and notice the smallest, good thing that happens in your life. Appreciate it.
5. Replace complain and negativity with gratitude.
6. Faith that universe will send only the best to you even if it does not match your expectations.
7. If you cannot relate to an affirmation, add “I intend” at the start of the affirmation. This works wonders. For example, if you cannot relate to the affirmation “I am a money magnet.” Add “I intend to be a money magnet.” This will help your subconscious to align to this and make it your reality.
8. Continue the practice until it becomes a reality in your life.
A few of my favorite affirmations are listed below:
I am calm and peaceful.
I respond in each situation.
I accept myself.
I am worthy and deserving.
My efforts are being supported by a Force greater than me.
Life is always working for me.
I attract joy in my life.
I effectively communicate my needs and desires to my partner.
I am grateful to have abundance in my life.
I am blessed to have an abundance of health, prosperity, and affirmative willingness.
I am attuned to the abundance of success.
I welcome all the wealth life offers me.
I am enough.
I am strong.
I have the power to succeed.
I trust my abilities.
I am unique and brilliant.

Nilima Amit, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Nilima Amit is a Bestseller Author, Holistic Life Coach, and Reiki Healer. Her life is a beautiful and interesting journey from having an opportunity to be born to Osho follower parents to self-discovering her own Calling. This journey transmuted in the formation of her company, One Life Many Jouneys™. Coincidentally her bestseller book is also with the same name. The mission of One Life Many Journeys™ is to spread the light and guide souls in their quest in emotional and spiritual quest. Her book, handcrafted workshops, and Reiki infused products like affirmation box, wish box, Money, and Relationship box are created to help in the same.