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Adjust And Thrive In 2022 And Beyond

Written by: Dianne McKim, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Wow, have we seen a lot of incredible changes and challenges over these last two years. Everyone knows it. Everyone sees it. But how do we not only keep up with these changes but actually get ahead?

Businesses need to shift and adjust to thrive in 2022 and beyond. No longer are the linear and hard bottom line only focus sufficient. New approaches need to be incorporated. Let’s take a look at three ways businesses can shift so they rise above the rest

1. Relationship

Building genuine and authentic relationships with your employees and your customers is such a critical component. The great resignation has been happening and it may continue for a while. Employees are showing they want to work where they are shown empathy, compassion, and understanding. They want to be valued and appreciated.

So, how can the leaders demonstrate this? Take time to get to know your employees. Get to know what is important to them, not only at work, but also outside of the job. Find out how they approach projects and tasks so there is a successful outcome. Let them know you care and are willing to help them in any way you can.

People become more loyal. Their productivity and enthusiasm rises, and their contributions increase when they feel heard, understood, and valued.

2. Listen

We are all so very busy. Time is passing too quickly. There is so much to do. Many of us feel we just don’t have the time to stop and listen or in conversation we are thinking about other things on our plate instead of really paying attention.

With so much shifting to remote and virtual positions and meetings, it is even more critical to practice active listening. This type of listening helps improve mutual understanding. The listener focuses fully on the person speaking when practicing active listening. Understanding and true comprehension of what has been communicated takes place and the listener can then respond thoughtfully.

Just think of times you have been speaking to someone. Couldn’t you tell when they were really listening and when they had “checked out”? Which one made you feel appreciated and valued? Which one made you feel more connected? If this was at work, which one caused you to become more productive and maybe even more creative?

Take the time to focus when talking with others. Watch for verbal and non-verbal messages. Show others you have heard them with how you respond and see what a difference this can make.

3. Flexible

With the ever-changing world we live in, flexibility has become a key component to success. No longer can things operate as they always have. At some point the old ways become outdated and success begins to wane.

Expect the unexpected. Be ready to adapt processes. Implement new approaches. Know the talents and strengths of employees so they can be placed in positions that maximize those strengths.

Being flexible may mean thinking outside the box. Have some brainstorming sessions with leaders and independent contributors. Recognize each person is unique and together the best outcomes will be established.

As the calendar turns over to 2022, watch success grow with the incorporation of these three approaches. If your business is ready to adjust yet is needing some help to really thrive, reach out to me at

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Dianne McKim, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dianne McKim is a leader in personal, professional, and spiritual coaching. She has the depth of experience, training, and certifications to provide her clients the transformation they need to excel. Whether your team needs to maximize productivity and cohesiveness, your underperforming employee needs help to improve, you need help in life to overcome obstacles, or you desire to move forward from whatever is holding you back, Dianne is the coach who can make it happen. Her clients say it best "If you are looking for someone who will help you grow as an individual, work better with a team, or simply get “unstuck” and discover your purpose for being, Dianne will certainly challenge you and work with the unique individual/organization you are."



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