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Adapting Workplaces For Employee Well-Being During Times Of Crisis

Michelle G. Rhodes is a Corporate Wellness Consultant and is Certified in Managed Care and Licensed as a Registered Nurse.

Executive Contributor Michelle Greene Rhodes

The current pandemic poses a global challenge for employers to safeguard the well-being of their employees. While the pandemic's impact varies from sector to sector, it is essential to manage staff exhaustion and the pressure to perform well. Implications on mental health may not be explicitly noticeable, but can be equally as devastating. During a crisis, HR teams can motivate employees to prioritize their physical and mental health through successful wellness programs.

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Individuals working remotely are challenged with social isolation or are struggling to juggle several

responsibilities. Hence, it is essential for team leaders to foster a healthy support system by creating appropriate channels for open communication. Scheduling employee check-ins can encourage teams to share techniques to practice self-care and mindfulness to reduce stress.

"Transitioning the workforce to work remotely may also adversely impact employee productivity."

Showing compassion, empathy and practicing active listening can strengthen company culture. This can build trust among employees as they feel their managers genuinely understand their individual situation. Simultaneously, as individuals struggle with uncertainty, employers must reiterate an organization’s values and purpose to galvanize employees to achieve a common goal. This can boost motivation and promote resilience.

As employee circumstances vary significantly, it is necessary for employers to be flexible to accommodate for individual needs. Managers can adjust work hours per day to allow time for caring for children and family members. Hence, allowing them to balance their work and home lives effectively. Transitioning the workforce to work remotely may also adversely impact employee productivity. To cater to this need, it is important to improve organizational capability by providing opportunities to improve skills using online learning platforms.

At the same time, as we have lost the opportunity to have impromptu conversations with coworkers that spark new ideas and collaboration, it is crucial for teams to find ways to connect. Team building activities such as virtual happy hours, celebrating milestones and recognizing achievements can help fill this void.

Having clear knowledge about health risks, preventative measures and organization’s wellness offerings can go a long way to reduce mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, this information should be readily available, so employees can easily seek guidance and support to take ownership of their own wellbeing.

We at Greene Rhodes Corporate Wellness Consulting have had to create shifts in our programming in order to help our clients stay on top of their organizational wellness. What changes has your organization implemented to meet employees where they are at?

Visit our website for more info


Michelle G. Rhodes is a Corporate Wellness Consultant and is Certified in Managed Care and Licensed as a Registered Nurse. By combining her love for Managed Care/Population Health background with her innate ability to create educational programs and cost savings solutions that are uniquely designed for each employer, Michelle is sought after for her multiple successes in cost saving and exceeding targets. She has helped corporations craft wellness programs that offer definite returns on investments and assists them in meeting and exceeding their annual performance measures and goals. Michelle creates various wellness initiatives for awareness campaigns all the way to the creation of wellness culture transformations. Michelle Rhodes Media LLC is also a continuing education provider for Nurses, by the California Board of Nurses, and provide workshops for Nurses to learn continuously.

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