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Adapting To Change In Everyday Life

Written by: Vikas Arora, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Change impacts us all in every aspect of our life. Regardless of the global events that have impacted all due to the coronavirus, change is in embedded in nature, the seasons change our landscape, as we grow and evolve from childhood to adulthood, and as we move from career-to-career change is ever-present.

In some instances, change is easy to accept when we are aware and prepared for the outcome, but in some, when the change is unknown, we close, prepare for the worst and put up barricades, we feel challenged at every level and begin to fear the potential outcome be that failure, rejection, success, trust, etc.

Resistance to change is not uncommon and typically occurs when we are presented with a new situation or set of circumstances that place us outside of our comfort zone. Our inability to change results, in some doubting ourselves and our ability to grow, our ability to evolve and with this, not in all cases, limiting beliefs kick in, and we embody a self-sabotaging mindset.

All is not lost, we all have skills, strengths, and abilities to adapt to change as we have been doing so throughout our life. Tapping back into them and adapting them to the situation is not impossible either and doing so will build the resilience, confidence, and belief to make change more acceptable and see it as a sign of growth.

Below are some of the steps that I have personally followed to adapt to the changes I have faced in both my personal life as well as my career as a professional and a coach.

Clearing Old Baggage

…or Emotional Spring Cleaning as I like to call it out with the old and in with the new. Before we proceed on any journey to self-improvement, we must take the time to tackle our EMOTIONS and LIMITING beliefs as these will always hold us back. Releasing and clearing the negative limiting beliefs to formulate new beliefs opens us up to and empower us to adopt a growth mindset.

When working to change our beliefs the “Underlying belief here is that something needs to change” ‒ one of the requisites of taking a Quantum Leap (according to Price Pritchett)

Our unconscious mind has many repressed memories and behaviours and beliefs that hold us back with negative emotions ‒ but if they are unresolved, they can come back to bite us if we experience that situation again.

Emotional clearing is key here, with meditation, journaling, exercise and mindset work with a coach. When you focus on creating space for new behaviours and beliefs you commence the process of allowing yourself to grow. This is not a one-time thing. We must continuously perform emotional clearing as we grow and evolve in our chosen path or profession.

Taking Action

This phase is only successful once we have gone through the process above by rewiring our internal beliefs. Unresolved, experiences, beliefs and behaviours will always stand in the way of something new.

Keeping an eye in the rear-view mirror when looking to the future will continually hold us back.

Reprograming our minds by clearing unresolved issues to formulate new neural pathways enables us to create new habits and experiences.

We no longer believe in the old assumptions therefore we are now open to taking action that will deliver the desired result. Stepping into the higher version of ourselves, the actions we take now, were previously thought to be impossible, are possible.

We can break these actions of change down into more meaningful priorities and by acting on these priorities every day we can adapt and grow.


To truly follow our desire we must move deep into the desire itself and not fall victim to the result or the outcome of what we desire.

So many fall foul of focusing on the end result which then causes us to lose sight of the desire and our WHY, leaving us frustrated and

Questions we must ask ourselves are:

  • What is your vision for every aspect of your life?

  • How will this change bring a positive experience to your life albeit financial, emotional, spiritual, or mental?

  • What skills do I have to help on my journey?

  • What new skills, resources, support and tools do I need to support me?

Your vision for what you desire has to be clear, it has to be strong and full of purposeful intention, therefore you need to expand your mind to what you want. As Napoleon Hill states, "Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything."

Spending time on outlining what you truly desire is a path well served. Digging into this, without limitation, fears, and doubt, be that through what is highlighted on note 1 ‒ journaling, meditating, visualising, etc. will be time well spent. What does this look like for you? What does this mean to you? What new opportunities does this situation present? How can you grow from this?

These steps can be performed for every change that comes your way.

There is always a new opportunity, new challenge, and experience presented to us. We are always encountering change, and resistance will come, limitations may present themselves, and you will be challenged, and you will be stretched.

If experience has taught me anything then it is, change has proven to be the catalyst for adapting to situations that have presented opportunities to learn and grow. You simply need to reset your mindset, reframe and adjust to the new situation or circumstance and go through the above again and again and all the time having fun in the process.

I know I do!!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and visit my website for more info!


Vikas Arora, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Vikas Arora has a long-standing Corporate Career with some of the biggest names in Telco and Technology industry. Midway through his career Vikas began to focus heavily on personal development which awakened a purpose and mission to help, guide and support people in uncovering their true potential and purpose as a Mindset Transformation Coach. As a certified NLP practitioner, Quantum Manifestation, a Member of the International Coaching Federation and through Instagram as well as hosting "Conscious Conversations" Podcast, Vikas is committed to helping others uncover the best version of themselves.

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