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Actualizing Abundance – A New Paradigm To Create Wealth

Written by: Erlinda Vo, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The path toward prosperity is possible once you allow it. Every one of us has imagined a different life from the one we already have. Some people, even ourselves sometimes, desire a life full of luxury or even eccentricities. Others think about buying their first house or a brand new pair of shoes without worrying about the price. Our everyday life is paved with this wishful thinking about having more. Living a comfortable life is, for most of us, a dream we do not always know how to materialize. Beyond manifestation, there is a realm of energetic work that we tend to leave behind. You see, manifesting is not enough to attain the kind of prosperity you wish to have.

Having a golden coin in the palm of your hand is not a thing that will happen miraculously. Wealth is a product of inner work, more specifically, an energetic endeavor. Aligning yourself with the right frequency is a key step toward achieving your goals. Bear in mind that abundance can also mean different things for each individual. For instance, not everyone wishes to own the fastest car or the most expensive jewelry. Being rich for some people can mean just being able to afford a house in a quiet neighborhood to enjoy a calm happy life with their family without financial concerns.

While the Universe has all the abundance available to us, our limiting beliefs, low frequency or even our resistance to being successful can make prosperity unreachable. So, let’s do the work! Let’s delve into the infinite resources the Divine has ready for us to make our lives better, easier, and happier! Through Actualizing this is possible. Let me tell you how.

Co-creating Abundance with the Divine

Are you ready to build the reality you foresee in your dreams? A future with no limitations, no debt, and no boundaries between what is possible and what it’s not. Remember that we are a reflection of what we allow ourselves to think it’s attainable for us. This is when alignment comes in handy: believing that your dreams are valid and that you deserve them to be materialized in your life is alignment between your desires and your capacity to wish for a life outside of your reality. In consequence, you will engage in a co-creating process with the Divine, a process that will allow you to broaden your perspective about the things you wish and the things you need. The Universe will always provide for you in the same amount you provide the Divine. Remember that no matter your hardships, Divinity has your back.

Actualizing channels your ability to take control of your life by materializing the reality you desire. Through focusing on the power of your thoughts, abundance can express itself in many forms—not just a brand-new car. Abundance can also entail joy, spiritual alignment, and of course, financial stability.

As a first step towards Abundance, you must start by developing awareness around your thoughts. By noticing your patterns, you can rewire your brain to become a magnet for prosperity. Since a lot of what we believe is in our subconscious, negative thinking patterns can be embedded in our brains affecting our ability to attract Abundance the way we desire. If you continue to repeat those patterns it will be unlikely for you to move forward and achieve your goals.

When you reprogram your beliefs to align with your desires you open a gate between you and the Divine. When you have the right mindset, you have more clarity about what you really want, aligning yourself with the purest most essential matter of the Universe: high vibrational energy. As you become a manifestator you begin to believe that the Abundance you dream of is actually possible for you. Thus, by changing your mindset around what is possible for you and feeling that your dreams are valid, you start raising your vibration and finding prosperity on your path. You step into a process of co-creation.

Co-create and surrender

As you establish a connection between your desires, your needs, and what the Divine has in store for you, chances are you will have access to limitless Abundance in your life. Having your hands open and trusting in what is meant for you is also a way to co-create. As long as you do your part, the Universe will do theirs just for you. Surrender and you will start reaping all the good things you sow with your energetic work. Imagine as if all the abundance of the Universe is coming towards you and the only way to receive it is by opening your hands with your eyes closed and a big smile! That’s how you Actualize your dreams! Do not resist, flow and trust. The Divine always has your back!

Creating wealth and prosperity is not a miracle, it’s not magic. Actualizing is the result of careful and consistent inner work. A reflection of the energetic alchemy you activated in your body, your mind, and your spirit, will automatically project onto the Universe. As above so below, as within so without.

If you want to learn more about Actualizing Abundance join our community and start your journey towards the limitless prosperity you deserve!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Erlinda Vo, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Erlinda Vo, the Energy Alchemist, is a visionary leader. A leading expert in personal motivation and breakthrough technology. As an experienced business and success coach, aka an Energy Vibe coach, she has developed a new modality called "Energy Alchemy" — a tool to empower others to produce life-changing results and to live a life that lights them up. Her mission is to Vibe Up the Planet. Join her community today to actualize career, romantic, financial, and self-expression goals using business and spiritual techniques.

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