Natalia combines her rigorous certification training with Brave Thinking Institute by Mary Morrissey, her 20 years of experience as an educator and theatre artist with her passion for personal development and spiritual transformation to her mission to teach women ‒ especially single moms ‒ to embrace their spiritual nature, re-ignite their dreams, take charge of their life, and design the life they truly love living.

Natalia Jansen, MFA Certified & Life Mastery Consultant
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Hello, my name is Natalia Jansen and I am so happy and grateful to be here with you and share a little bit about me. I am a transformational life coach, educator, speaker, author, and a single mom of two amazingly talented girls.
I came to the United States as an exchange student from Slovakia during my senior year in high school with a dream of living a big life full of adventure and becoming a person of impact making a positive difference in the world. I did not know exactly how I was going to do that, and I simply lived for the experience, saying yes to every opportunity that presented itself to me and made me feel curious and more alive. My first love was theatre ‒ I have been an actress, then I became a theatre director and earned my Masters Degree in Theatre Directing from UCLA School of Theatre, Film, and Television. I have always been a creative person - I danced ballroom and Latin dances growing up, in my undergraduate studies I went to India for a study abroad program and studied Bharata Natyam and playing tabla. I worked on numerous productions with various theatre companies in Chicago and Los Angeles. I studied several different types of martial arts and classical piano, and I have always been fascinated by the unlimited potential of the human mind. I am an avid reader and student of personal development, various philosophies, religious traditions, and mystical teachings that explore the spiritual realm deepening my awareness of who we are as spiritual beings having a human experience. I am a dream builder and aspire to be an inspiring role model to my daughters, whom I have been raising on my own for the last decade.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
My business name is ACT Life Consulting, and ACT is an acronym that stands for Activate, Create, Thrive. As a Certified Life Mastery Consultant, and a seasoned theatre arts teacher, I combine the theatre techniques with spiritual principles to help my clients re-ignite their dreams, create a crystal clear vision for the life they truly would love, and teach them how to step into their new life, their new version of their future self and help them bridge the gap between their current life and their dream life. I teach my clients a proven, reliable, and repeatable system for transformation that they can use again and again to build any dream they can imagine.
What kind of audience do you target your business towards?
Remembering my own struggles when I first became a single mom, I felt called to serve other single moms who might be struggling with the challenges of raising their children, working full time, and feeling overwhelmed. I love to see my clients discover their power within, and Unleash their SuperMom. That’s why my website is called
What are your current goals for your business?
My current goal is to help transform 1000 lives through my group coaching programs and lead an empowered community of women, moms who feel a longing to be more, do more, create more, and support them in having the confidence and tools to build their dreams, live their true purpose according to their heart’s desire.
Helping single moms feel empowered and successful, and teaching them how to think bravely and build their dreams also helps their children, because kids notice everything. They see and learn by watching their parents, and most of the time they aren’t even aware of it. So by helping single moms develop mastery in intention, health, love, abundance mindset, manifestation, and transformation, I am also helping them empower their children.
What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?
My big vision for the future of my business is to create a life-giving center where families would come for creative and spiritual retreats. I remember, as a single mom, it was difficult to find child care and go to a weekend or a week-long event, so my retreats will be
Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?
My daughters inspire me to be the best that I can be, because I want them to grow up believing in themselves, pursuing their passions, and be unstoppable in any endeavor they choose. I am also inspired by stories of the people who have accomplished amazing things and made a difference in the lives of millions of people - like Mary Morrissey, Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Bruce Lee, William Shakespeare, Napoleon Hill and so many more.
What is your work inspired by?
My work is inspired by my belief in unlimited human potential. Every single person is a spiritual being having a unique human experience and each of us has a dream that is only meant for us. If we recognize this truth and help as many people as we can live a life they
truly love - we can create peace and harmony on our beautiful planet. You see, if each one of us learns to tune in, listen to our calling and say yes to it - we would all be living our purpose, feel fulfilled, happy and grateful and when one’s heart is full of love and joy - there would be no cause for war.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
I thrive on seeing my clients light up when they put the practices and principles they learn in my program into their daily actions and see their lives transform. Seeing their joy, confidence, and a new awareness of their power is priceless. That’s what’s driving me to keep going and grow myself.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
If I were to change something, I would love to simply remind all of us to think TRUTH in the presence of facts or conditions that may appear unfavorable or constricted.
As a Life Coach, I believe in people and their unlimited potential and power within.
I believe that by leading with love and being truly present for my clients and holding space for them to be vulnerable, to face their challenges, and stand firm as they emerge on the other side free and unstoppable, we must remember to do the same - to live with integrity, practice what we teach and have fun while constantly learning, growing and expanding.
The TRUTH is that there is only one thing happening in this universe, and it’s life seeking a fuller and more expanded expression of itself through each and every one of us. It’s our responsibility to answer that call and be the expression of more of who we are through love. There is abundance all around us - we all have unique gifts to offer the world and there are more than enough people out there who need our message, our light, and guidance to help them unlock their own greatness.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
A pivotal moment in my life was an encounter with my mortality. As a single mom, I have been raising my daughters on my own and a few years ago, after a routine mammogram, I received a call from my doctor saying that there was something they did not like on my mammogram scan and they needed to do a biopsy. I am grateful, it turned out to be benign, however, the thought of how fragile and finite life is and that none of us know how much time we really get to have in our human experience, scared me. It was that day that I decided to live each day with the intention to be better, do better and live full out.
That day I decided to stop waiting for something out there to change and realized that I am the highest authority and I get to decide what I create in my life.
I began to prioritize my health, exercising, meditating, and doing all the things I loved that I used to think I did not have time for. I made time. I also make sure I tell my daughters I love them every day and support their dreams - even if I don’t necessarily agree with their choices, I let them know they are important and they are the highest authority in their own life.
I do something that makes my heart sing. That’s when I began my search for ways to fulfill my purpose and make a bigger impact every single day. Some days it’s just by being mindful of my presence and energy in doing my daily chores. Consciously choosing to have fun and do it with more love and awareness, instead of the heaviness and drudgery of a duty. Some days it’s about noticing someone else’s sadness and doing something to cheer them up. Some days it’s doing something significant, like delivering an inspiring workshop or speech.
That day, I understood that every day is a precious gift, and each day is unique. Once the day is gone, it’s gone forever, and we never get to relive that day again.