Written by: Victoria Rader, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Your subconscious mind is a tricky thing. Quietly and powerfully, it runs your life, in the background of your awareness, beating your heart, pumping your blood, breathing your lungs… witnessing millions of cells dying and being born. Running the programs of your survival.

Wait. Pause. That is just it. It is running the programs of your survival! Creating a deep subconscious program that you BELONG in survival! Any risk, any inexperienced growth is considered to be a threat. If you have not done something before, there is no subconscious record of the evidence that it won’t harm your survival. And so you set your goals, you dream your dreams, you get ready, you get set, you go… and you hit a cement wall of your self-sabotage! Sounds familiar? Your willpower takes you only so far if it is a continued push against your self-sabotage, based on your will force. If you are forcing your way towards achievement, sooner or later you experience burnout and exhaustion in the process. The achievements lose their appeal, draining the sense of fulfillment and joy. Welcome to Being Human 101! What if we stopped fighting the process? What if we stopped overcoming who we are? What if we actually accepted ourselves so fully and completely that the pattern will give way to a new paradigm of growth? Acceptance is not a process of agreeing or condoning. Acceptance is stepping out of denial and into awareness! A lot of us refuse to accept life for what it is because we think that by accepting the circumstances, we support them. In reality, accepting empowers us to release and not build up resentment or regret. If you have been weighed down by feeling Rejected or patterns of harmful Resentment and Regret or triggered into unwanted Reaction, there is simply a glitch with Acceptance. Once we shift our conscious awareness of what acceptance is, our subconscious no longer needs to be glitching us back into sheer survival through patterns of continued self-sabotage.
1. We Accept to RELEASE
When we don’t know how to Accept in order to Release, we will feel damaging inner resentments and regrets! I often use this visual: imagine that someone is giving you a bag full of junk and they are very insistent on pushing it onto you. If you continue to resist it, you will be in a stuck standoff, continually being drained of your energy! Yet, if you accept the bag, you then reclaim your full power to do whatever you choose with its contents! Hence, the well-known “what we resist, persists”! By accepting a negative situation, we simply no longer resist it, we give ourselves the power to shift it by accepting it so we can release it! What are you ready to accept today in order to release it?
2. We Accept to RECEIVE
When we don’t know how to Accept in order to Receive, we will not only feel rejected, we will also reject any good advice or opportunity, being stuck in the process of sabotage through self-rejection! We often feel like we don’t belong … Or we might be reluctant to receive the good that others have to offer us. Some of us have not developed a healthy pattern of receiving because we don’t have the mental capacity or practice to belong with good things. Yep, not a typo. Most of us think of belonging as to someone. “This belongs to me”. This pattern triggers a survival cry for freedom! We would much rather feel free than listen to good advice that we feel is limiting our freedom! You know you have done it … so have I… But a much more powerful shift is knowing that you are worthy to belong with what is good for you. To belong with abundance. To belong with wholeness. To belong with prosperity. We get stuck in the actual longing for something, creating more lack of it in our life! We long for good relationships, vacations, and careers. We are at a level of “be longing” for what we want instead of “belonging” with it! Our subconscious deciphers that it is not safe for us to receive and belong with our desires and keeps us in survival longing for them! What are you ready to accept today in order to receive it?
3. We Accept to RESPOND
When we don’t know how to Accept in order to Respond, we will be triggered into Reacting instead of Responding! Acceptance is a process that allows for clarity of mind without the necessity of immediate action. So many of us have become action figures! Accepting and pausing gives us a chance to respond. Sometimes we need to accept an idea in order to decide further whether we are going to release it or receive it, without internalizing it! What are you ready to accept today in order to respond to?
What if you indeed belong with peace, purpose and prosperity? What if you indeed belong with infinite possibilities?
To keep your inner self-saboteur lovingly in check, please accept my Free gift of Manifest Miracles Masterclass … because I say YES to a question, “What if you indeed were a miracle and belonged with a life full of miracles?”

Victoria Rader, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Victoria Rader, Ph.D. in Metaphysics, is a Possibility Coach and founder of YU2SHINE. Through thousands of client sessions and seminars, Victoria has witnessed that the cap to one's fulfillment is defined by their subconscious programming. As a result, she created products and services with a unique success formula of healing one’s heart, freeing one’s mind, and expanding one’s skills to see, create and live a life of limitless possibilities. The host of All About the Voice podcast, internationally best-selling author of Until You Win, Until You Shine, and Manifest mE journal, creator of mE apps, and founder of the Quantum Freedom movement, Victoria is excited to launch her newest book Prosper mE: 35 Universal Laws to Make Money Work for You. Her mission is to both awaken and empower you to your life of limitless possibilities.