Written by: Anuradha Rathore, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As 2022 is winding down, I have reflected on this year and all it brought for me.

Here are some lessons I learned along the way.
Before you invest time, money, energy, and effort into installing top-of-the-line systems, software, and processes to increase income, impact, and productivity, ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS. I don’t care how docile and harmless they seem; eliminate them ruthlessly.
Empty phrases are empty until they are implemented. Here are some overused ones ‒ Get out of your comfort zone: Be authentic, Create your reality, and so forth. If you read a quote and it spoke to you, act on it.
Consistency is a magical thing. It’s one of the most easily accessible but severely underplayed and underused superpowers. Whatever you are pursuing or hope to achieve, consistently define the small steps and act on them. It’s fail-proof and adds up like compound interest.
There are only a handful of people whose opinions matter, and that too when they contribute to solutions, progress, and reflection. Audit them. Are they still giving you constructive feedback or making unnecessary noise?
‘You can’t pour from an empty cup.’ I aspire to live by it. Put yourself first. You can’t expect others to show up for you unless you show up.
Prioritize. When you become too available to the world, you must operate based on the priorities set by others, which constantly change to serve them and you are left in the dust.
Guilt is a useless emotion. It’s like vile burning lava that enters any open space in your life and solidifies to take shape. Fight it fiercely!
And lastly, I learned a new word, ‘JOMO ‒ Joy of Missing out ‒ Feeling content with staying in and disconnecting as a form of self-care. This word is the antidote to hustle and mocks the status quo quietly with a smile.
If you want to ride a bike, you must get on the bike, wobble through and push the pedal, fall in the process, and get some scrapes and bruises.
To live a wholesome, purposeful life, we must learn and implement life's lessons, despite the bruises.
Grateful for the lesson from 2022 and looking forward to 2023. The best is on its way for all of us.
Follow me on LinkedIn for more info!

Anuradha Rathore, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
To solve a business challenge, you must address the human challenge.
More than ever, the world needs confident, compassionate leaders and high-trust, courageous teams that foster creative conflicts and embrace disagreements to navigate complexities and thrive in the face of relentless uncertainty.
Anu Rathore is a Business Performance Coach, consultant, and mentor to leaders and entrepreneurs. She works with organizations and individuals to develop and amplify their latent, ineffable skills and mindset, which are not very well defined but are increasingly important in this ever-transforming ecosystem.
Her clients love that working with her allows them to show up powerfully in the world while staying aligned with their true selves. She focuses on developing leaders as holistic individuals because, contrary to conventional wisdom, you shouldn’t have to choose between success, happiness, and joyous living.