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A Woman On A Mission – Exclusive Interview With Olga Zapisek On Getting Visible & Rising To Riches

If you’re an ambitious coach, business owner or executive, who has experienced their fair share of rough patches, doubts and fears, or hamster wheel burnout, Olga Zapisek wants you to know you’re in good company. No stranger to rejection, adversity or limiting beliefs, she knows what it’s like to be put to the test and feel vulnerable and tired. She also knows what it’s like to have to reinvent yourself and create impact and success from scratch, turning adversity into opportunity. And that’s exactly what she’s helping others do now on their entrepreneurial journeys: paving the way for purpose-driven female business owners and leaders (and their male allies!) to unlock their growth potential, tune into their zone of genius and stories, and achieve limitless wealth, impact and freedom by embracing and spotlighting the expert within.

From humble beginnings as an immigrant and journalist, to being an award-winning agency owner and business and marketing expert (and proud champion of women!), Olga is showing us that while entrepreneurship isn’t always sugar and everything nice, you can have what you crave –– so long as you believe it, and then take aligned and strategic action toward your vision.

We recently had the opportunity to discuss with Olga her powerhouse mission, the spark that produced her company, how entrepreneurs can gain back time and freedom when scaling their business, and why even the most successful people need coaches. Read on to find out what she had to say, and to learn how you can easily connect with your target market and crush your visibility goals.

Olga Zapisek, Founding CEO & Principal Coachsultant at Novedia Creative

Let’s get this interview party started off with a simple question. What do you do and who do you serve?

Will there be champagne at this party? Let me get a glass…

Jokes aside, I’m the founding CEO, principal business growth and marketing coachsultant and strategist at Novedia Creative, a thought leadership agency and coachsultancy. I help purpose-driven brands and visionary and ambitious women CEOs, coaches and corporate renegades in all corners of the world to: unlock their growth potential and become magnetic to their target market; elevate their brand voice & messaging; build relationships & impact; and improve their digital footprint & success mindset.

Simply put, I help them to get visible and embrace and spotlight the storyteller and expert within, so they can play at the top of their game and lead with influence. I do this through holistic and custom done-with-you business growth & marketing coachsulting programs, as well as done-for-you agency services, including strategy creation, copywriting, content marketing and PR.

Olga, you call yourself a coachsultant. Can you explain what that means?

It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? But that’s not the reason why I call myself that.

I felt that calling myself a business coach wasn’t descriptive enough of what I do and how I help individuals and brands. I believe in applying a holistic model to everything inside my business and when delivering value to my clients. This includes my title.

I wanted to merge the best of all worlds: mentorship, coaching, teaching and consulting into one. It was important to me to find a term that would capture how my approach is diverse, depending on what the client needs at the time, and that I am very much hands-on with what I do (hence why I call it done-with-you coachsulting). I don’t leave clients to fend only for themselves. I step in, doing it with them, so that they can learn to fully implement their strategy with ease.

What was the spark that made you decide to start your own business?

I knew I didn’t want to work in corporate or as a freelancer. Having experience in both worlds, I wasn’t fired up by the thought that my creativity and impact would be caged in and lost among the concert of noise. I felt limited. I was limited.

The limits came from different facets. Some came from outdated strategies and perspectives. Others from the role one was given. You couldn’t color outside of the lines. And I wasn’t having that.

I also wasn’t a fan of the environment and culture that was present at the companies I worked or interviewed at. Everyone was extremely competitive and overworked. There was no real team spirit. No sense of collaboration toward a unified goal. And I was burning out quickly. That wasn’t a life I wanted for myself. I wanted freedom to be able to travel, spend time with my family, go on long walks and hikes, and to pursue my passions and purpose. I didn’t want to be stuck to my laptop or phone 24/7, always having one more thing to check off the list – a list that only kept growing while the pay remained the same. And I certainly didn’t want my health, sanity, creativity or ambition to deteriorate.

The quintessential moment came during my job search for a full-time managerial position in PR & marketing in the fall of 2018. I had just come home from a walk when I heard a faint ping on my phone. It was an email from an esteemed global company I interviewed at three days ago for the third time. During the last interview, the director of marketing had even asked for my insight and ideas on certain aspects of their strategy, visibly impressed and inspired by what she heard. In fact, she said I was their favorite in the running.

My heart rate picked up. My eyes opened wide. ‘Could this be it?’ I thought to myself. ‘Could I finally be getting a “yes – come join us?’” I envisioned all the transformation I could bring to their department and the company as a whole, and how in turn the job would transform my own life. It felt like it was literally within a hand’s reach.

I took a deep breath and hit open, anticipation and excitement coursing through my veins like a fast-flowing river. There staring back at me were the same words I had heard hundreds of times. “We loved getting to know you and appreciate you taking an interest in our company. However, we feel you’re overqualified for this position, and have decided to go in a different direction by promoting from within. We wish you the best of luck with your job search!”

That river of excitement quickly turned into furious lava. My blood boiled inside me. I had enough. Enough of the constant rejection. Enough of hearing the words “overqualified.” And enough of my strategies, ideas and creations being stolen by those same companies during interviews and implemented visibly a few weeks later. I was angry and frustrated. I was done.

It was in that moment that it became clear to me that if I continued down this road, I’d be sacrificing everything that mattered to me. Rather than letting that anger and frustration dominate me, I let it fuel a spark –– a spark toward creating something where I could make a difference, not only in my life but the life of others.

That’s right. You’re now on a mission to close the gender and wealth gap, and empower women to have everything they desire. Care to tell us more about that?

Gladly! I’m on a mission to inspire global healing and shape the digital future by helping women globally to step fiercely into their business and wealth ascension, as they discover new ways to magnify their success, passion, voice and stories. The reason why I’m driven to this is that I want women to stop feeling anxious and unworthy, and realize that by stepping fully into their expertise and financial freedom, they can live their version of a first-class life and be self-reliant, become catalysts of influence and change, and deliver exceptional experiences to their target market. I want them to see the power they hold to change their inner world but also the external one by being unapologetic about getting SEEN and HEARD, inspiring other females to walk the path of their dreams.

There is still a lot of inequality, societal conditioning and limited beliefs that hold women back, especially when it comes to their career and financial potential, as well as in putting themselves first –– and not only in places like Africa or Asia, but also in North America, Europe, Australia… It’s ever-present in every culture and society. And I can bet my bottom dollar, we’ve all experienced it to some degree –– whether you’re a man and have seen how it’s affected someone close to you, or if you’re a woman, you’ve got your own story to tell about the still prevalent inequality, harassment and bias that we women encounter in different walks of life. It’s my hope that we can one day soon eradicate this and create a world where every woman can truly feel limitless in what she can have, who she can be and what she can achieve.

I could wax poetic about this subject all day long, especially since there are various layers to it (like that of an onion), but I’ll stop here! That’s because my purpose behind my company is what truly fuels me up each day. I actually believe we all should have a purpose when it comes to our work. That’s one of the aspects that will allow you to evolve, find fulfillment and push you to succeed. It makes you step up your game.

I have a feeling you knew this was coming, but I can’t help but ask: can women truly have it all in life?

Yes. They can. I see having it all as being and living a full expression of yourself.

It’s about finding a flow in all the things, letting them fit into the business and life you envision for yourself. It’s about making every moment count. It’s about prioritizing what’s important to you on any given day.

You don’t have to sacrifice anything. You don’t have to balance work and life. You simply live in a continuous circle of passions and loves that fuel you and your world. And no, you don’t have to spend decades to get there as some would like you to believe.

How does your background as a journalist and editor help you with your current business?

I have an innate curiosity and knack for telling stories. Pair that with the journalistic ability to look at all angles, enhance the reader’s journey, and extract complex information by asking deep and thought-provoking questions, and you get a powerful creative process that produces impact. It allows me to reveal the authentic and compelling stories of brands and individuals –– especially ones they might not be seeing as something worth telling. But more importantly, because of my editorial background, I understand and capture their distinct voice just as if they themselves were doing the writing. There’s nothing cookie-cutter about it. I’m able to fully understand them and their target market to develop compulsively addicting, connection-forming and action-oriented content and brand positioning. On top of all that, I also skillfully help them develop the storyteller within themselves during my coachsulting programs, making them see that they’re fully capable of it, too.

What’s a simple way people can connect to their target market through their stories?

Focus on emotions. It’s the emotions that connect people to the story, and that grab and hold attention. It’s the same reason for why people buy something. They emotionally bond with the brand.

One way you can do this is by making the audience the hero –– even if you’re telling your story. Focus on their aspirations, values, beliefs and experiences. You’ll want to focus both on their strengths and their obstacles. What will happen is that the reader will place themselves in that story. It’s as if you’ve seen right through them. That’s when you can show them the potential that awaits them by inspiring them and creatively guiding them toward action.

AI is quite the hot topic right now. Some people fear that it will take away their jobs. Others are excited at the possibilities it’s bringing their way. What’s your take on it?

I don’t think it’s something we should fear.

Before 2004, there was no Facebook or widespread social media. We mostly connected with people in person and gathered our news from newspapers, magazines, broadcast TV, etc. We feared it would demolish our free will. Now we can’t imagine our life without it. It’s made everything more global and interconnected.

Same can be said for the smartphone. I mean, think about it: We’re basically carrying a little computer on us all the time. We didn’t have that capability before 2007, at least not a full un-watered-down version that had full access to the internet, or apps for literally everything you could possibly imagine and desire. You want to order food? There’s an app for that. You want to rent a home or go on a date? There’s an app for that. You want to be more productive and organized at work? There’s an app for that. We take much of it for granted now as it’s become so ingrained in our day-to-day life. But there was a time when we weren’t so open to it all, fearing what the implications could be on our society.

Case in point, before the pandemic, only a portion of businesses were using video conferencing technology. Now it’s being used in almost every office, and has enabled thousands of people to work from home, particularly in the USA, giving workers more flexibility and companies smaller overhead expenses. It’s created a movement that is changing how we work today –– a movement many large and medium sized companies were afraid of until circumstances forced them into it. They realized the roof didn’t come falling down on them, and they adapted how they’re running their companies to present day.

Technology advances. And because of it, so do we. Of course, it all depends on the person who is using it, if they’ll use it to benefit themselves and others –– or to harm. But that can be said for every new invention. There will always be pros and cons, but in retrospect, I believe technological advancements make our life better, not worse. We learn how to make it work for us and what to do to keep ourselves safe from the drawbacks.

AI technology isn’t any different. It’s opening doors to opportunities and to a reinvention of our jobs. It’s showing us that the beauty of life is that it constantly evolves. I for one am excited to turn the page of this story and see what we can create for ourselves and generations to come. It’s in our power what we do with it.

And how do you feel AI will change the content creation landscape?

There’s a misconception out there that AI will put journalists, content creators, copywriters, content marketers and creatives out of jobs. I disagree.

Yes, some writers who don’t put much thought and creativity into their craft might find themselves in trouble, but those who bring depth, emotion, authenticity and perception will flourish. And here’s the most important thing: AI will never know the stories that are still untold. It also doesn’t know how to combine seemingly disparate elements, only to form new and original ideas. What it does is aggregate information that is already out there. But our life continues, as do our stories. There will always be a new experience to share and the emotions and insights that come with it. And that’s where content creators and writers like myself come in, to capture those fleeting moments and give them impact and significance.

I like to think of AI as a writer’s, business owner’s or entrepreneur’s nifty friend or collaborator. It can help you brainstorm. It can give you writing prompts. And it can get you started on research (make sure to fact-check thoroughly, though!). But then you have to put your own touch as you craft the story, giving it edge, discernment, detail and life, so that it doesn’t sound like a carbon copy of everything else that’s out there –– or infringe on someone’s copyright.

AI is meant to enhance your capabilities, not fully take over them. If you want to stand out and be memorable as a brand, then you have to put in your part. It’s the human element that will connect you to your target market’s hearts (and credit cards!).

A lot of individuals go into business for themselves to have more time –– more time for themselves, for their passions and hobbies, or for their family and friends. But as they go deeper into the water, they find themselves drowning, with no time for activities that would allow them to scale their business. How can they put an end to this cycle and gain back that time and freedom they were dreaming of?

This can happen for several reasons. One of the key ones is a lack of systems and strategy that are custom to their business. They don’t have their foundations set-up that would allow them to scale. Instead, they’re spinning round and round like hamsters on a wheel.

What I see a lot of the time with my clients is that they’re trying one method after the next, often wasting time on tactics and strategies that aren’t working for their specific target market or business.

My advice: stop going after the shiny new toy or thinking that what works for someone in your industry will work for you exactly as it did for them. You have to customize it for your brand, your vision and your audience. And even then, it still might not be the best route for you. I’d definitely encourage anyone who is starting out or scaling their business to the next stage to work with a business coach, strategist or mentor, who can find the best and most simple pathway for you and then teach you how to implement it. Sure, you can learn it on your own through trial and error, but working together with someone you’ll make less mistakes and save yourself months or even years of overwhelm and strife.

To clarify, I’m not saying you won’t make mistakes. You will. And it’s important that you make them, because they’ll be part of your entrepreneurial story and growth experience. But you’ll be able to skip ones that hold you back significantly from seeing success.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to delegate and outsource once you’re turning a steady profit. This is another thing I often see with clients that I help them work through –– knowing when to let go of tasks that they don’t enjoy doing and delegate them to someone who loves them. You want to be working on the things that bring you money and the things that you enjoy, not the ones that take you away from those.

Speaking of time, when is it time for change in your business?

When you’ve stopped growing. Sometimes we hit a sweet spot, but when we do, we can get complacent and stay in it for too long. We get comfortable. And while there’s nothing wrong with some comfort, I’d encourage you to keep challenging yourself. Set new company and personal goals, so that what you do continues to excite and push you each day to be better, bolder, and even iconic.

We talked about why entrepreneurs and businesses at the start of their journey should seriously consider working with a business coach, strategist or consultant – from helping you develop your vision, branding and strategy, to lessening or skipping obstacles, and to getting you off the hamster wheel and helping you increase profits. But why can even the most successful people and companies benefit from one?

We can all benefit from them at different stages of our journeys –– it can be an ongoing relationship or one that you return to when you have a new goal or project. I consistently invest in coaches, mentors and masterminds both for my business and my life, as they inspire and motivate me to be at the top of my game and help to advance my skill set. But more than that, they show me what’s possible for me when I can’t see it yet, and they challenge me to go after it. They help me grow as a business owner and individual, which allows me to elevate what I give back to my clients, my community and the world.

You asked me why even the most successful individuals and people would benefit from investing in a coach, mentor or consultant. I could probably give you a long list here, but I’ll cap it at three additional essentials that all business leaders and companies need aside from continued learning and brand elevation.

  1. Accountability –– Think about how often you or your team put something off in your business or slack off on it. Probably quite a bit of things, am I right? A coach can hold you accountable, keeping you on track and propelling you toward your goals.

  2. Brainstorming –– We all have ideas we wish we could bounce off someone or have someone to brainstorm with us. Having a mentor allows you to have someone who will give you the insight, inspiration and advice you need to bring those ideas to fruition (or not).

  3. Fresh perspective & growth –– We need someone in our corner who can see the bigger picture. When we are entrenched in running the business day-to-day, we tend to focus in on specific goals or problems, but a coach will see what we’re not seeing. They’ll see what’s right in front of us when we are busy wearing blinders. From the sidelines, it’s far easier to spot the weak points and the opportunities than when you’re involved in it each day. Let someone bring in fresh perspective and help you tweak your mindset, strategy, processes and systems to go after those big goals –– and achieve them.

In the words of Bob Proctor, "A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you." Don’t be afraid to ask for help to achieve your next peak. Let a coach or mentor be your compass, charting a course to your potential.

What’s the biggest barrier for people not attracting more clients to their business?

Honestly? Themselves.

We can get stuck in our own mind, allowing our beliefs, thoughts and past experiences to bring our efforts to a standstill. This can happen during lead generation activities or sales calls, as well as when we’re deciding if it’s the right time to invest in ourselves or to take action on something. Recognize that in order for your business to change, you also need to change. So, before you do anything else, ask yourself how willing you are to take that honest look in the mirror.

Going off that, let’s say you could only offer one piece of advice for aspiring and emerging women entrepreneurs, what would it be?

Stop procrastinating! When something is out of our comfort zone, we tend to do everything and anything to put it off. It’s like the elephant in the room that we keep ignoring. But that’s exactly what anchors you in place and doesn’t allow growth to happen. Stop standing still! Otherwise, you’ll have someone hot on your heels, scooping up the success you could be having for yourself.

For instance, many of my clients have a hard time going on video at first. They’ll find a million excuses and reasons why they can’t do it. But it’s one of the main things that will bring business in — and they intuitively know it. When that fear or discomfort starts to rush in, it’s important to acknowledge those emotions, but also examine where that feeling is actually coming from. What’s really going on in your mind? What story are you telling yourself? And how much actual truth is in it?

Once you realize your imagination is controlling you, a shift can happen. You can construct a new mental story, a more empowering one. I’m going to challenge you right now. Ready? When you feel you’re procrastinating, or rather avoiding something, make it a priority to act on that very thing right away. Put it at the top of your to-do list. That’s right. I want you to plunge right in, head first. Not only will you size down the fear when you step into it, but you’ll start to see the possibilities that await you on the other side.

And how can they start to increase their visibility?

Make your brand more social. You want to engage with your community and new individuals. Start meaningful conversations. Build and nurture relationships. And offer fresh perspectives.

One good way to do this is to leave a valuable comment each day under an active influencer’s post, one who shares a target audience with you. You’ll start to be seen as the go-to expert in that individual’s community for the perspective and advice you bring to the table. Plus, you’ll be helping the influencer’s posts to be seen at an even greater scale. It’s a win-win for everybody.

I know you put your heart and soul into your current programs and services and to delivering exceptional experiences to your clients. But what’s next for you? What’s calling you?

Spreading my message further. I’m considering starting a podcast in the future, as well as speaking on stages to encourage more daring conversations and change to happen. By allowing all parts of myself to be seen and expressed in the world, I know I can motivate more women to navigate opportunity in the face of uncertainty, come home to their worthiness, and design businesses and lives they are wildly obsessed with.

Anything else you want to tell our audience?

If you're ready to create or elevate your business, shine light on your blind spots and break the glass ceiling, book a call with me here.

Success isn’t given to you. You have to create it. Your audacious dreams are waiting for you to push through your fear and rise.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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