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A Visionary And Evolutionary Seeker – Exclusive Interview With Angela Sette

My name is Angela Sette. I am an Entrepreneur, Movement Specialist, Brain Health Coach, NLP Practitioner, Neurohacker, Author and Speaker. Wife of Dominic and mother of three amazing grown children Nicolette, Zachary, and Anthony. We reside in New Jersey with our sweet little dog Gizmo. Today I run Visionary Movement, a Fitness, Dance, and Wellness Studio alongside my daughter Nicolette Sette. Although we weren’t able to open for two years due to COVID, it is exciting that our 1st year anniversary is coming up in March 2023. As a visionary and evolutionary seeker, I have a deep passion to learn the most cutting information on the brain and movement. Then share it in a unique way that combines neuroscience artistically woven into my creative elements as a dancer, actor, model and singer. I believe that utilizing both hemispheres of the brain creates a cross-communication through the corpus callosum which allows one to obtain full brain functionality, making us feel balanced, whole, and happy.

Angela Sette, Visionary Movement

What is the name of your business and how do you help your clients?

Visionary Movement is the name of our business. We help our clients by offering services that assist in attaining physical, mental and spiritual health. Our Studio has a unique way of offering classes that improve cardio health, alignment, strength, conditioning, flexibility, increasing ROM through Mat and Equipment Pilates, Zumba, Yoga, Dance, Strong Nation, Meditation as well as Brain Health and Nutritional Coaching. Each room at Visionary Movement is named after an element of healing to encourage our clients to find a balance between physical, mental and spiritual wellness.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life?

There were many pivotal moments for which have led me to where I am today.

One pivotal moment occurred in an effort to heal my daughter’s rare form of epilepsy called ESSES that affected her ability to sleep at night. So much was discovered about our brains and bodies as energy forms. Such as how to access energy through the Ketogenic diet, Neuro/Bio Feedback, Exercise, Music, Musical tones, Meditative techniques and Brain Training methods. It seemed my life led me down a pathway to learn even more about our brain’s when my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. Given only three months to live she battled this for three years before it traveled to her brain for a second time before it took her life. Concurrently, my cousin's son was also battling brain cancer. Sadly, he too passed away many months later on his fifth birthday.

What I learned from these events is that each day is a precious gift and having the energy to enjoy it is of the utmost importance! In the same year, I found there was a large tumor in my own leg. The good news was that as long as there were no changes in three years, this type of tumor wouldn't need treatment, and would only need to be monitored. I realized at this time that all this information I learned would be best served if shared. That year was on my mom’s Birthday, so I created an Instagram account.

Instagram was fairly new at the time, but served as a great way to write, share knowledge and inspire. The overwhelming encouraging responses led me to using each of the inspirational quotes as chapter headings for my book “Opening Our Minds To Our Brain's Potential: Are We Our Children’s Teachers Or Are They Ours?” I knew that I would need to promote myself and my book. Since being so fearful of speaking in the past, it prompted me to get back into the acting field for which I had once loved. This then began the journey of learning how to express myself in the most inspiring transformational ways.

If you could change one thing in your industry what would it be?

If there was one thing I could change in our industry, it would be to create an understanding of the vital connection of ourselves as energetic beings. This type of approach towards living is not at all new, however, it is not often utilized. Our nervous systems have the incredible ability to help heal our minds, bodies and spirits when tapped into. Connecting to this is one thing but then adapting lifestyles towards selecting those things that best serve us energetically, takes both patience and the willingness to work towards that goal. It is a primary reason I wanted to offer BrainHealth Coaching or Brain Training as well as meditation at Visionary Movement.

What are your current goals for your business?

My current goals for Visionary Movement is to be “The Go To” place for Physical, Mental and Spiritual well-being. Serving clients globally in the highest energetic ways so that they can be the best they can be in life by combining neuroscience with the integration of movement, music and technology.

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

The legacy I leave behind for my three children and humanity, is who inspires me to be the very best that I can be. I believe in epigenetics or another way of putting it is, planting seeds for future generations to come. This was my intention when I wrote “Opening Our Minds To Our Brains’ Potential: Are Our Children’s Teachers Or Are They Ours?” as well as why I do my very best to communicate and share information in podcasts, interviews, Instagram/Facebook videos/ reels, speaking engagements and then at Visionary Movement. We have the incredible ability to inspire human potential and this is a driving force for me!

What is your work inspired by?

The perpetual need to share information that could help someone else lead a better life. Followed by learning from those that have offered the best in their fields. Beginning with my mom, without her loving support and her unending positive outlook towards life, I would have never gotten this far in my evolutionary journey. My mentors in life are Oprah Winfrey for the many soulful lessons I learned early on, like writing a gratitude journal for the past 25 years which assisted me in writing my book. Rhonda Byrne’s for “The Secret” for which my mom so loving shared with me and then I shared with my children.

Connecting with ideas presented by Jean Houston, Gary Zukav, Deepak Choppra, Lisa Nichols, Jim Kwik, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Joe Dispenza, and Vishen Lakhiani. Then the continual knowledge I gain through being a certified Brain Health Coach from Dr. Daniel Amen and my clients. Then of course my husband and our children for which my subtitle was created “Are We Our Children’s Teachers Or They Ours”. Most importantly, seeing the amazing transformation in those that I have had the honor to work with.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and visit my website for more info!

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