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A Simple Energetic Healing Anyone Can Do

Written by: Nicole DuVall, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We are all energy healers. No certificates or training needed. It's our Divine right as a human beings. There, I said it. Shocking, I know. Be that as it may, we all have the capability to work with energy, because everything is energy, but we are programed from a young age to stifle this gift through the programing of our parents, through generational lines, through society, through religion, through our traumas, and a whole host of other muck. You work with energy every day and you aren't even aware of it. Ever have those intuitive moments where you just KNOW something is going to happen and then it does? Ever get an off/sickening feeling in your gut walking into a room? Or just know someone has sketchy vibes? Or even think about someone and within a couple of days, they are calling you saying you've been on their mind? Or you get the nudge to take a different route home and later find out there was a bad accident and you would have been stuck in traffic for hours? You are working with energies, your intuition, and the Spirit realm in all these instances. Most of us have had instances like these throughout our lives and we just chalk it up to coincidence.

While I do recommend to work with a mentor/teacher to learn how to work with energy and refine your skills rather than trying to do it all on your own, it's not a necessity to do the following energetic healing for yourself or for others. I have studied Reiki and other forms of energy healing for several years and became a Reiki Master almost 2 years ago. I love working with Reiki energy but for me, it felt like the energy healing work I was already doing. I love being able to mesh different healing techniques together to create even more powerful healings for others and myself. There truly is no right or wrong way to do things because the energies you send out will only go to those who are open to receiving the energetic healing and be of their highest good.

I call this an Energetic Blanket and it is a modified version of a Reiki Blanket for those of you who have studied Reiki Healing. This Energetic blanket not only works with Reiki energy but it also incorporates working with the Archangels, Ascended Masters, your Spirit Guides, color healing, and can be modified to incorporate any other Beings or Healing aspects you wish to call upon.

Lets do a little cleansing prework first:

1. Find a comfortable place to either sit or lay down. Relax your body. Turn on some meditation music if you wish. You can also have any crystals you want to work with or light a candle or inscense.

2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and drop your awareness to your heart space.

3. From your heart space, drop your grounding cord down through your lower chakras into the earth, spreading out your roots far and wide.

4. As your cord descends, imagine it dropping into and connecting with the crystaline heart of Mama Gaia (Mother Earth)

5. Imagine a button just below the base of your Root Chakra. Push this button, allowing anything that is no longer servng you to be “flushed” down your grounding cord where it is received with love from Mama Gaia.

6. Bring your awareness back to your heart space and send another cord up into the cosmos, connecting into the black Womb of the Creatrix (God, Sophia, Universe, whatever you choose)

7. Imagine white-gold energy flowing down your cord filling your entire body on all layers, levels and dimensions of your being.

Now that you have cleansed your energies and raised your frequency, we can now create our Energetic Blanket

8. Start by calling forth a blanket of energy and imagine the most divine blanket you can imagine. Notice what color it is. Notice the texture. Notice it's size. Use all of your senses to truly form this blanket in your third eye.

9. Call upon the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and any other guides you wish to work with to infuse this blanket with their divine energies.

Call upon Archangel Raphael to infuse this blanket with the Emerald Green light of Healing.

Call upon Archangel Michael to infuse this blanket with the Electric Blue light of Protection.

Call upon Archangel Chamuel or Quan Yin to infuse this blanket with the Soft Pink light of Uncondition Love and Compassion.

Call upon Archangel Gabriel to infuse this blanet with the Diamond White light of Clarity and Direction.

11. If you are attuned to Reiki healing, you can place any Reiki symbols onto the blanket if you feel called.

12. Call upon any other healing energies you wish to infuse this blanket with. like the Silver Violet Flame of Transformation and the Mahatma Energy.

13. See your blanket being infused with all of these incredibly powerful energies. Visualize the colors swirling and pulsing throughout every fiber of the blanket.

14. Once you are done calling in energies, imagine this blanket softly floating towards your “target” and wrapping them in a cocoon.

15. Set the intention that this energy blanket stays with the “target” until it is no longer needed and the person/place/thing receives all the healing that they need at this time for their highest good.

16. Once you set the above intention, close your energetic ceremony by imagining your cords returning to your heart space (or see them dissolve).

17. Thank all Beings for their assistance and close your ceremonial space with gratitude and love.

Additional tips:

  • You can send this same blanket to as many people/places/things you can imagine. At the end of your ceremony, you may wish to ask that this blanket encompass every being and creature in need of healing or ask that the whole of Mama Gaia be wrapped in this Healing Energetic Blanket.

  • Don't forget to include yourself in the receptivity of the healing blanket! You can wear your blanket like a cloak or cape as you go about your day.

Enjoy working with the Energetic Blanket and by all means, make it your own! There is no right or wrong way of doing this as long as you are using it for love and for the highest good of the person you are sending it to.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Nicole DuVall, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Nicole DuVall is a Transformational/Empowerment Coach, Reiki Master (for both humans and animals), as well as a certified Energy Healer. She has walked the path so to say, healing herself from severe childhood trauma, addiction, narcissistic relationships, depression, and anxiety. She was the epitome of a broken soul who 'didn't want to be here anymore' with no self-love or self-esteem. Over the course of her healing process, she has had several spiritual deaths and rebirths which pushed her into her true calling of helping others heal and being able to intuitively see the core woundings and higher perspectives her clients need to truly heal themselves.

Her soulpreneurship, Awaken the Divine U, is based on service to others, helping you to recognize and heal your inner wounds and to learn to love yourself again, fully, completely, and unconditionally. She takes people on a personalized healing journey through self-love using multiple modalities to get to the core of the repetitive negative, stuck cycles you are caught up in, helping you to break free of those cycles, and learn to feel ALL of your emotions in the process. She holds space as you befriend and heal your ego, soul, and inner child, allowing all of your inner selves to work in harmony together for your highest good. She helps you to 'biohack' to the core 'blocks' so your healing doesn't have to take years to see and feel the benefits of your inner work.

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