Written by: Diane Forster, Executive Contributor
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In one of my previous articles, I shared that hitting the snooze button can actually be a productive use of time if you do it right. Today, I’ll continue to share morning routine hacks that allow you to get the most out of your day.

Les Brown says, “the way you spend the first 20 minutes of your day will set your day up for success or failure.” It’s so true. If you grab your phone the moment you wake up, you’ve already failed.
Morning is the most powerful time of day for creativity, dreaming, visualizing, focusing, and honoring the extraordinary gift that is your life! When you first wake up, your brain waves are still in “Alpha,” partially awake and partially in a dream-like state. It’s the perfect time for reprogramming your habits and being intentional about what you want in your life. Don’t waste this precious opportunity! Use it to its fullest advantage! (And for those of you reading this, thinking, “I’m not a morning person.” My advice is to please stop saying that. That is simply a limiting belief that you keep telling yourself. I’ll write more about language in a future article.)
Hal Elrod’s book shares his “Miracle Morning” rituals. Tony Robbins performs his “Priming” ritual every morning. Personally, I do my “Nurture My Spirit, Mind and Body” ritual.
Allow me to break down the exact process for you.
The alarm goes off. (If you typically hit the snooze button, read my article to learn how to do it productively. Hitting the Snooze Button Is Actually Good for You! )
Your feet hit the floor.
While still sitting on the edge of the bed, drink a full glass of water (place it on the nightstand the night before.)
Stand up, “starfish,” your arms and legs, look up, and say aloud, “I have today to love my life! Something really good is going to happen to me today! I can feel it! Miracles — big and small— I notice them all! Yes, yes, yes! Thank you!” You’ve just given the universe a command that you are grateful and that you expect miracles!
Walk out of the bedroom, use the bathroom, grab your coffee (already brewed because you set the timer the night before) or your choice of beverage, and go sit in your “Meditation Station.” (This is a quiet spot in your home that is your go-to area where you can be undisturbed.)
Sit quietly, drinking your coffee, being present with the experience, and truly enjoying every sip while you run through a list of things to be grateful for. Simple things like you woke up today. You’re safe, healthy, and happy in your home, go through all the magical moments from the day before, and so on. This is your chance to “amp up your gratitude frequency.” It feels amazing, and it only takes about 5 minutes.
Meditate for 15-20 minutes, sometimes in silence, sometimes with music or binaural beats, sometimes a guided meditation. Oftentimes, I do my “Rainbow Breath Meditation™” and my “Rainbow Ribbon of Healing™.” They feel amazing, and they completely energize me.
Open your journal and begin to write. Personally, I “call-in” my angels, guides, spirit, the universal consciousness to be present with me. Then, I let whatever needs to flow through me come out onto the paper. I get visualizations, answers to questions, solutions to problems, guidance to next steps, etc. Just let it flow out of you for 10-15 minutes.
Grab a book and read for 15-30 minutes. (Some days, instead of reading, I write— like today. I’m writing this article snuggled next to my fireplace while listening to beautiful piano music with my headphones on.)
Last, move your body with a walk on the beach or trail, yoga, exercise video, or go to the gym. This usually takes about an hour.
Once all this is done, then you can start your day. “Nurture My Spirit, Mind & Body” takes about 2 hours. That may seem like a lot of time, but if you don’t intentionally carve out the time on your calendar for nurturing your spirit, mind, and body, odds are it won’t happen.
The condition of your energy is everything. Do you feel chaotic, stressed, exhausted, or do you feel calm, focused, and full of energy? It’s so important to “charge your battery” every day! You charge your phone when it’s low on energy. Your spirit, mind, and body need that too so that you can function and operate at your absolute best and highest level.
Here’s the routine:
Wake up and hydrate.
Affirm to the universe that you expect miracles, and you’re looking for them.
Sit quietly in gratitude.
Read or Write.
Move Your Body.
Write to me at info@dianeforster.com and share your results with me. I’d love to know how this process is changing your life.

Diane Forster, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Diane Forster is an award-winning life coach and intentional living expert. After several life events that led to attempted suicide, Diane reinvented her life and found her true calling. Now, she helps others transform their lives to live with passion and purpose. As a mindset and manifestation master, she has helped thousands clear away limiting beliefs and feelings of low self-worth to bring their ideas to actualization instead and create the life of their dreams. Diane's TV Show and podcast, "I HAVE TODAY with Diane Forster," offers practical, actionable steps that you can do today. She is also an award-winning inventor, author of 6 books. She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, QVC, ESPN Radio, KHTS Radio, and several other TV, radio, podcasts, and magazines. Her mission: Transform 1 billion lives.