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A Paradigm For Your Best Life

Written by: Marianne Ewasyn, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do you believe that you live in a friendly universe? That the universe is supportive and life-giving and that you have access to unlimited possibilities? That everything happens “for” you and not “to” you? Do you feel the power of this energy and potential in your life?

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” Einstein

Or do you perceive the universe as being more hostile and fearful, and does your inner voice sound like:

“It’s easy for others, but not for me.” “I’m trying, but I’ve never been good at doing that.”

When you use phrases like:

I don’t, I can’t afford, I better not, I’m too old, I should have …

These phrases are often at the front-end of a condition-based story that you tell yourself and others. And this is a glimpse of your current paradigm at work!

What is a Paradigm Anyway?

A paradigm is a collection of habits based on our beliefs about ourselves and our world, that generate our circumstances, experiences, and results. It’s is the mental setting from which you think, feel and live. It determines what you hold mentally and emotionally. Most of us hold problems that we feel we must have because we believe deep down that our survival depends on it.

Your paradigm is calling the shots. All your decisions, feelings, and actions make sense within it. However, your paradigm is probably outdated, leftover from what you determined to be true long ago. You need a paradigm shift – a new awareness that can shift things into a better perspective – a paradigm for your best life!

Is Your Paradigm Positive or Negative?

Your paradigm is a pattern of beliefs – it can be good or bad, but we tend to develop negative paradigms.

From infancy, your subconscious mind is like a sponge and you soak up your understanding of the world through your environment and those around you. Navigating your life, you accumulate knowledge and determine how to make the best of your circumstances. But we are not typically taught how to think and develop our mental faculties, such as perception and imagination, or how to tap into our unlimited potential. We learn to conform to societal expectations rather than to value our dreams and creative imagination. Through mass media influence, we perceive a life of struggle, lack, and competition.

The message we often hear is “Life is difficult!”

“Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds.” - Napoleon Hill

You may think that normal life is one of worry and struggle because that’s what you’ve been experiencing all along. But think for a minute about what goals and dreams you have. What are you passionate about and what would you love to experience or enjoy in your life? And know that you can change your paradigm to support you rather than drag you down.

The truth is that you do create your own reality, even if you don’t understand that you do. For that reason, you often create by default, rather than by design. Learn to become a deliberate creator of your reality.

Increase Your Sense of Deserving

It’s important to remember that you have far more potential than what you have experienced thus far in your life. You can consciously choose a new awareness. For instance, you have a story, but you are not your story and, you have a history, but you are not your history.

Your sense of deserving does not stem from your past, your stories, or your conditions. It comes from infinite potential; from the point of power within you. Identifying with your innate potential is how you begin to shift your sense of self – from the self of personality, history, and conditions into your higher, authentic Self, the Self with a capital S, and to who you truly can become.

Terror Barrier

When you take steps to release your limitations, the old ways start fading away as you approach your dream. You'll feel a “Terror Barrier”, the survival system's defense against "the unknown." Passage through this stage is normal, but this is when you may retreat to your comfort zone of limiting beliefs. It’s vital to keep your dream alive because your dream is on the other side of the Terror Barrier.

The Good News

The good news is that when you recognize your paradigm, you have an opportunity to re-pattern it, so you can move forward with your life. You can interrupt and repattern your paradigm or your thought pattern quickly when you make a firm decision to do so. In its place, you install a new pattern of thought that aligns with what you want.

Be aware that your paradigm will use dissuasion to sabotage your firm decision for something greater in your life. It says “Who do you think you are?” “You don’t really want that.” Dissuasion is your paradigm talking you out of your decision and it can be very convincing.

However, you have the power to gently push it aside for an experiment in living, and say “What if I could?”

To solidify your decision to change, all you have to know is this: If anyone has ever done what you want to do, then it’s possible. And if no one has ever done what you want to do, but you believe it can be done, then it’s still possible.

Tools to Support Shifting Your Perception

1. Be Conscious of your Thoughts

Your thoughts, words, and actions are energy. You create manifestations through this energy to form objects, conditions, and experiences.

2. Notice what you’re Noticing

Begin to notice your thoughts, words, stories, and feelings. You may start to notice that you’re stuck in the same old story. And even if you don’t like the story, you may be repeating it over and over again, because you haven’t seen it for the limitation that it is. The truth is, it’s just your current limiting paradigm.

Notice your words. For instance, if you say things like … “This always happens to me.” …. “This is where things always break down” ….

Be aware that words like these aren’t life-giving. You can repattern the words or story by adding the phrase “up until now.” For example, “It’s always so hard …. up until now. It may have seemed hard, up until now, but now I see it as being easy.”

3. Change the Channel

As you start to notice your thoughts and pay attention to the patterns in your life, you may realize that your thinking has been focused on limiting ideas or beliefs. For example, the idea that “you’re not enough” (such as not smart enough) is a limiting belief.

The good news is, when you notice this limited thinking, you can change the frequency, just like you would change the channel on the TV when you want a different program.

Everything is energy and everything has a vibration that creates a specific frequency. You can notice the frequency by the feelings you’re having. For example, there’s a “feeling tone” to “lack” and “not enough” that is different than the feeling tone or frequency when you feel “prosperous” and “grateful”.

When you start to pay attention to your thoughts, words, and stories, be receptive to your feelings. When you notice you’re feeling contractive, start reviewing your thinking and change your thoughts. This will put you in harmony with the vibrational frequency of what you want.

4. Respond instead of React

Most of us have learned to be reactive. Your buttons are pushed when something happens and you have an automatic reaction, which you don’t even think about. A patterned response is often unconscious and it’s a “reaction” because it is no longer you consciously choosing how to respond. You just react from a pattern that was established in your learning.

However, you can consciously choose your response to life.

Ask yourself, “What would I love? What steps can I take today that will move me closer to the life of my dreams?” And even if it’s just one small action, take it!

With enhanced awareness, you can change your perception and start installing a new pattern of thought that is in alignment with what you want.

Are your paradigm and its associated fears holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams?

You can often be blind to your behavior and thought patterns. Through guidance and support, you can learn to shift your negative paradigm. There are proven tools available to help you to develop new ways of thinking, allowing you to live an inspired and successful life.


And your new paradigm will sound more like this: “I have unlimited potential.” “I am amazing and have a wonderful life that I love!”

The world needs more people who are passionate about living their own lives fully and pursuing their dreams.

Here’s to you and your best life!

And I would love to connect with you to support you with Dream Building and moving past your fears. Visit my website here and follow me on Facebook!


Marianne Ewasyn, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marianne Ewasyn is grateful to be living her passion and purpose as a Transformational Life Coach and Healer. She inspires and guides others to discover and build their dreams so they can live a life they absolutely love! As a life-long student of personal development and heart centered mindset she has immersed herself in premium coaching, healing and mentoring with Marci Shimoff, Christian Mickelsen and Mary Morrisey’s Brave Thinking Institute, among others. Marianne knows first-hand what it’s like to be weighed down by worry and struggle and she now empowers others to achieve new heights of authentic happiness, vibrant health, spiritual aliveness and success through a proven system called Dream Builder. She believes that each one of us is far more powerful and contains more potential than any circumstance, situation or condition. Marianne would love to support you to create and live a life that you would truly love! Her motto: “It’s your life, make it a great one!”

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