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A New Way To Think About Change

Written by: Joel Buckner, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


As a coach who works with leaders in various industries, one of the most consistent scenarios that I encounter is individuals facing challenges related to change. I get it! Change is complex, and anytime we face moving from the status quo can be full of anxiety, frustration, and potential problems.

What if the concept of change could point us toward opportunity rather than consequences? As a culture that thrives on innovation, change is inevitable. Whether we are looking for new possibilities or reaching new levels of potential, change is unavoidable. How will you handle change?

In my work with clients across various industries, there are three main methods to engage in change that almost always guarantees success:

1. Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

When change arrives that negatively affects your life, you must embrace the moment with a positive mindset. As difficult as it may be, try to show yourself some kindness and find a silver lining to this new season. How many entrepreneurs and leaders discovered their most significant impact and legacy on the other side of difficult change?

2. Take A Breath & Slow Down

One of the worst ways to engage in change is to put your head down and push through to the other side. While it may feel safer to hold your breath and wait for change to pass, you may miss the most valuable elements that change may whole for your life!

The personal growth, new opportunities, and chances to pivot to better ideas are often hidden within unexpected change if only we will slow down!

3. Have Fun!

So often lose the ability to have fun in our daily lives! Sure, there are plenty of reasons to stress during changing times, but that doesn’t mean that you are condemned to an unenjoyable experience along the way. Find aspects of change that are fun and exciting, and focus on those rather than the complex and anxiety-ridden parts.

How Will You Change?

So when change comes by for a visit, how will you respond? Will you choose to cower back and try to wait out the wave, or will you find ways to choose optimism, take it slow, and have fun? The opportunities await those who meet change head-on with a sense of adventure and are ripe for the picking!

Will you be the one who takes advantage of change and becomes the very change that your industry needs?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Joel Buckner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Joel Buckner is a passionate Life and Performance Coach. Being one that daily understands the challenges of imposter syndrome and being paralyzed by fear he is dedicated to partnering with people to move from scarcity to an abundance mindset.

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