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A New Approach To The Unsolved Alzheimer’s Medical Dilemma

Written by: Patrick Smith, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


For forty years the scientific and pharmaceutical industry has attempted to understand and solve the dilemma of cognitive decline as we age.

Alzheimer concept

Alzheimer’s disease was initially named back in 1906 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer who observed plaque buildup in the brain of one of his patients who suffered from cognitive decline. After her death, he autopsied her brain and found what he believed to be the causative factor.

For the next one hundred and 25 years those plaques became the target for pharmaceutical elimination. Unfortunately, nothing that has been developed to eliminate these plaques has shown to be effective.

Billions of dollars in research, drug development, and clinical trials have been completely ineffective to slow, stop, or reverse the ravages of the insidious disease.

Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias have become a worldwide problem. Currently, 35 million individuals suffer from this debilitating illness, and the economic and social impact is creating a massive problem that our societies must solve.

The number of memory care hospitals needs to increase 10-fold. The caregivers needed are unprecedented in medical care, and the amount of growth in this problem is expected to increase three times in the next 25 years.

It was due to these factors that Brain Love Health was founded. Our experienced management team has been studying and researching this disease process for many years, and our conclusion in conjunction with numerous world-renowned scientists is this: Alzheimer’s Disease and many related dementias cannot be treated!

It is a progressive disease that begins nearly 25 years before symptoms become apparent and the tell-tale signs of cognition and memory decline are manifest.

The plaques spoken of earlier are an immunological response to metabolic processes that began years before.

Brain Love Health has created a new approach that has tremendous promise. An approach that is now being shown to be effective, and tested by numerous groups around the world.

The underlying premise being implemented describes the disease process beginning in midlife and is related to the age-related changes in our hormonal system once we move through menopause and andropause. It is at this point that several metabolic changes occur which create a perfect storm of pathologies leading to a downward cascade of multiple issues leading up to disease in later years.

The plaques identified by Dr. Alzheimer are not the cause, but an effect of earlier pathology.

The Brain Love Health approach is to create a methodology to address these changes in midlife and apply natural lifestyle, nutritional, and physical exercise interventions that are emerging scientifically in clinical research to be effective in preventing neurological diseases as we age.

The Brain Love Health Brain Optimization and Dementia Prevention Program is changing the course of these devastating diseases and providing a cost-effective innovative approach that is showing scientifically in peer-reviewed medical journals to be ushering in a whole new paradigm shift in how we prevent neurological diseases from manifesting as we age.

Our team looks forward to interacting with individuals who have concerns about their future brain health, and we are excited to be able to provide this service in a virtual environment worldwide.

For further information, visit here.

Contact us here or call: 919-601-5462

We are happy to connect and become a part of your brain health optimization journey.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn visit my website for more info!


Patrick Smith, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Patrick S. Smith is an innovative entrepreneur who has worked for over 40 years in the Health Care, pharmaceutical, and medical nutrition arena. His accomplishments span many decades and have been recognized by major healthcare institutions, and he has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree for his pioneering contributions to providing complex patient care in the home setting. He has spoken at over 100 Health Care Conferences and was voted as one of the top Health Care Service CEO’s in the USA by the Wall Street Transcript. His lifelong passion has been to provide game-changing creative solutions to some of society’s most pressing medical problems.

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