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A Life Coach’s Journey to Self-Discovery, Healing, and Success – Interview With Abegayle Keener

My goal is to find a new audience, let them know I exist, and grow my community.

Who am I?

I am Abegayle Keener, a student of life, an artist, and a leader. I value self-expression, growth mindset, health, healing, creativity, beauty, and connecting with life in an intentional and meaningful way. I am goal-oriented and a free spirit. I know what I value and what I want to achieve in life. However, I still prioritize being present in nature and exploring my wild side. My profession is Holistic Life Coaching. I guide women through their limiting beliefs, help them manage their lifestyles in a stress-free way, and enable them with effective goal setting to achieve their goals. I am an accountability partner to many. My background in the workforce started with food service, retail, and entertainment. I worked these jobs while I invested in my own healing journey, coaching skill,s and setting up my business.

Since I was a child, I worked hard to make extra money going door to door selling random stuff. I loved reading about wildlife, history, the world, and self-development. What led me down the road of tapping into my growth mindset and helping others do the same was when I got my first self-development book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” as I entered my pre-teen stage. This book had wisdom that extended beyond what I was experiencing and learning from the people in my environment. It was a refreshing splash of water to the face that validated my feeling that there is more to life than transforming yourself. I was inspired to grow into my maturity with empowerment, effectiveness, and intention. For many years it didn’t go as planned, but it was a seed that took root at that time. That was to bloom in my future, which is now the past, and my current twenties. My qualifications come from being a Certified Life Coach Practitioner through The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology. Trained by Kain Ramsay. My other qualifications come from years of deep self-study and life experiences that could not be taught in a classroom. Knowledge and wisdom that was unique to all of the timelines I have grown through. My free time for the past 7 years has been spent on self-improvement in every area of my life. I started to chart my journey through my YouTube channel early on. My struggles, perspectives, learnings, and growth. As well as other online platforms to put out free information with hopes to motivate, inspire, and help others level up in life. There are many reasons why I do what I do. When I was a child, I witnessed many lost souls. My belief is that knowledge is power, and I started to live by the fact that I was always a piece of knowledge away from a breakthrough. I didn't see many people working on themselves, and I wondered why. I saw how a perspective shift and some research on what really matters could change people's lives. In a sense I want to be the person to help those people. I saw how a lack of growth mindset had affected many people's quality of life.

I also was more primed to seek out growth because I lived a childhood as a scapegoat in a narcissistic dynamic. For much of my life, I believed I was defective, and there was something so wrong and destructive about me, as many people in my life had blamed me for their misfortune, unhappiness, and lack of growth. I believed them and took them seriously because I truly wanted to be better for everyone. It came from a place of love for the people around me. Yes, it was painful, and my self-worth was something I struggled with. But believing them, in a way, was one of the best things that I have done because I took that and went out curiously looking for what I needed to be the best version of myself. I did indeed discover I was always worthy, and there wasn't as much wrong with me as I had thought. That was healing. However, I still grew and gained so much wisdom, growth, and abundance from choosing to take such a painful situation to see how I can grow something magical from it. I learned that all of us, regardless of how much we have already learned or how many years have been spent on this earth, always have room to keep growing. That consciously choosing to stay a student of life is the most loving way to live. It is easy to act like we know it all and be stuck in our ways. Our comfort zone. Many people are in this space of feeling like they have learned enough. There almost always is a space where those people desperately need growth and nourishment for their own well-being. A powerful saying is, “What you are not changing, you are choosing.” that really puts a lot into perspective. I care about holistic wellness, self-development, and business because it all comes down to empowerment.

Taking your power back to your health. Trusting yourself, reconnecting with the body, seeking out lifestyle changes instead of bandaids. Always have an open mind to opportunities to grow mentally, physically, and spiritually, with discernment, of course. The business and financial aspect is special just speaking as an entrepreneur here because I have noticed a divide in the communities that promote holistic growth, spirituality, and the hustlers of this world. There is so much shame being perpetuated around finances. How people make money, how much, what they do with it and especially when it comes to putting yourself out there as a business owner. I've noticed people demonize learning about, talking about, and focusing on money. Money should not be the center of our lives. It is important and it solves so many real problems for many people. Being able to take full responsibility for your finances through financial literacy and getting strategic about how you make income and budget is beautiful. Part of being empowered and independent in a healthy way is knowing you can take care of yourself for a long time. I'm here to advocate for women healing themselves spiritually, living holistically healthy lives, and achieving their goals, all while being a positive addition to the world with purpose. I’m here to support women becoming financially independent and thriving. We are far more capable than we believe. The possibilities are endless. We need not be defined by our past or even today. It's how we choose to grow beyond every day in a way that's good for ourselves, others, and the earth that truly shows our character. To close this introduction. I aspire to keep growing as a coach by working with all the most beautiful souls possible. To use my voice and become a public speaker. Keep going on my YouTube journey. Write a book. And much more.

Smiling photo of Abegayle Keener

Abegayle Keener, Holistic Life Coach

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what inspired you to become a holistic life coach?

Yes, I am 26. I used to perform for a living as an exotic dancer. During those years, I invested in learning as much as I could about holistic wellness in every area of our lives and how to quantum leap into full physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. What has inspired me to become a coach is first being a big sister. I feel I have always been a little trailblazer leader in my own way. Seeing loved ones struggle with generational hardships, I could envision a space for us to grow. Also, leaders like Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, and Abraham Hicks. Impacted me in my late teen years to my early twenties. All of the hardships I have struggled with have inspired me to see how far I can go. I know there are little young girls, teens, young adults, and even women older than me who are in places that I have been. Being able to help even people I don't know because I know how things I experienced felt, and I want women going through those times to know that they are worthy and that isn't all there is to life. I also have since I was young and cared about wellness. I loved to read, would only eat healthy food when it was possible, and cared about being active. I was barefoot in the sun, living my healthiest little girl's life. I even lost that for a while, and I always find myself drawn back even stronger than before. Healthier lives really are the greatest investment. There are people who have fueled and inspired this journey along the way. I feel like I really just always had this strong urge to speak my truth, help others, and live an empowered, healthy lifestyle. I knew as a teen I wanted to coach others and speak, starting with YouTube. I also knew I wanted to have the freedom of being a remote entrepreneur. I love overcoming the past, transforming myself, taking on challenges, and putting effort into wellness for myself and others. I have also been fascinated over the years with goals, the law of attraction, and manifestation. Taking this path has taught me a lot about how to be who you want to be, creating the life you love, and receiving your manifestations. Last but not least, who inspires me the most is my partner. He has been a huge part of my growth. Cheering me on, being there in weak moments, and honoring my worth. It's given me great insight into building and participating in a healthy relationship. Showing me that being empowered isn't always about going through life and handling everything alone. It's about interdependence. Knowing yourself. This led me to see my future family more clearly. I am motivated to heal, grow, and really tackle my life beautifully so I can start an intentional family. My future children inspire me to be someone I would want them to take after and that they would be proud of.

What does holistic coaching mean, and how does it differ from traditional life coaching?

Holistic means whole and interconnected. It differs because rather than solving the micro problems, we are getting to the root. The Macro problems. It's also based on keeping our attention on feeling and knowing we are whole. We are enough, and our lives are too. When we need or want change, it's about changing our strategy for getting what we want and making lifestyle shifts that benefit our whole life. Holistic Life Coaching is intentional, powerful, and has longevity in all we work on.

Why is this work effective?

It has longevity and keeps in mind all areas of life. We work on strategically elevating the whole life. Learning and leaving the past behind. Setting up a lifestyle that truly aligns with values that benefit your world. Also training the focus to enjoy the present while looking forward to what we want to build. It keeps healing, practicality, and the magic of manifestation in mind when setting up a lifestyle or goals. Each person's life, past, circumstances, desires, and paths are different. Holistic Life Coaching truly creates results that suit the client's specific blocks, needs, and dreams.

What are some of the biggest challenges your clients face, and how do you help them overcome those obstacles?

Some of the biggest challenges my clients face are being mentally stuck in the past. Their attention is on trying not to recreate the past, and therefore, they are too focused on the problems to create solutions. They also struggle with self-confidence, lack of clarity in their life path, limiting beliefs, and lack of decision-making skills. I also have discovered many of my clients' obstacles are around feeling like they aren't manifesting what they really want in life. Leading to burnout, confusion, and falling off of their healthy habits. Last but not least, the high achievers feel like they are getting things done but neglect their wellbeing and have a hard time staying present to enjoy the journey. I help them overcome these obstacles with subconscious work that gives them more power over their energy, mind, and body. The work I do shifts their state of being so we can set up a healthy and practical strategy for getting what they want. There is some education involved where sometimes that person needs knowledge and resources before we go further. Then, to really hold their attention and energy on what they want, we do more subconscious work focusing on what we want to bring into our lives in the future. Much of this work comes down to what identity the person is carrying. If it supports what they want or not. Developing personal skills so they can lead their lives effectively. The subconscious work I do creates these shifts in identity and speeds the process along so you can do what you really want with less resistance, more clarity, and more conviction.

Can you share a success story or a transformational experience from one of your clients?

Yes, there is a woman who participated in my coaching who initially came to it feeling great emotional pain, insecure, and full of doubt. She was going through problems with family and mental health and feeling confused about her life. She runs her own business, and she feels like it is failing. She really wanted to overcome some of the past pain holding her back, tap into her inner power, believe in herself, learn how to navigate communicating with the people in her life, have belief in her business and a strong sense of self. We worked on just that. She trusted me and expressed how she safely guided me through all of this she felt. In our time together, she explored her mind, emotional well-being, and identity. We co-created a transformation that left her feeling grounded in her identity, a deeper connection with herself, seeing clarity in her life on what she wanted to do next, and developing self-trust. She was guided and became even more fluent in connecting with her own inner wisdom through our subconscious work. Not only mentally but bringing this new energy and insights into the body which is where the fullness of these identity changes are formed. When they became embodied, we were able to move past so many triggers that seemed to keep her stagnant and challenges that felt never-ending. We were able to get her reconnected to her true goals in life, her divinity, and her inner power. Then, she put a plan in place for how she wanted to integrate these new resources into her life. Since then, she has been a powerhouse with her work, consistent and full of enjoyment. She has had growth within her family to resolve conflict. She takes care of herself more mentally, physically, and spiritually. She has the confidence and clarity she needs to manifest her dreams effectively. I truly have seen such a huge difference in how she handles her life and carries herself. I'm excited to see her continue to reach her goals.

How do you integrate health products into your coaching, and why are they an important part of your philosophy?

Due to my whole brand surrounding Holistic Wellness, it fits in quite easily. I'm very passionate about clean consumption and being mindful of what goes into our bodies. I also value beauty because it's such an enjoyable value as a woman. Beauty is a virtue, and being healthy is a big way to tap into your radiance. I promote physical wellness through products that change your water quality for the better. Drinking water, cooking water, even water we mix with formula for babies and put on our skin. I distribute the highest quality water systems in the world. I have discovered just how big the quality of our water plays in so much of our physical and mental health. Women sometimes come to me with problems that coaching alone cannot solve. Since I am an expert in homeopathic water remedies and have experience with herbalism. I make recommendations that can help them get to the root of their health problems. Even without major health problems. Changing your water to Electrolyzed Reduced and Molecular Hydrogen has big effects on energy levels, leaving my ladies more energetic. My water-based business community has gathered so many success stories of how these water devices have done the seemingly impossible for their bodies and minds. I myself have an incredible testimony of how starting on this water has improved my mental health, digestion, allergies, skincare, hair care, oral health, and womb well-being. Water is a massive piece of the health puzzle. Of Course, there is more to learn and that we can do for our physical health. I always recommend changing your water first and building off of that.

What advice would you give someone who is just starting their personal growth or wellness journey?

Everyone has a different starting point, but I will do my best to give something universal. I would say I do not underestimate the basics. Sleep, home-cooked whole foods, movement, water, and a mental health outlet. Women need more sleep than men. It's my favorite fun fact to share because I've noticed so many women have shame around rest. Women need 7-9 hours for brain health and so much more. I recommend getting the basics on track. Get adequate sleep. Look at your relationship with food. If you can, change your water. Move once a day, whether that's a workout, a small stretch, a walk, or some dancing around the house. Make movement a part of your lifestyle. It's good for mental, physical and spiritual health. Mental health outlet as a safe space to reflect and manage emotions and stress. That can be a journal, a therapist, a particular mental health community, or a video series online. Or even an activity, a place or person you can trust to just sit to focus on how you are inside. Having time to sit in silence and just listen deeply is essential for breakthroughs. Mental hygiene is so important. Sometimes, the stress of our busy, bustling lives creeps up and collapses us when we least expect it, so it's key to have regular check-ins with yourself. Having a healthy relationship with your sexual expression, as in how you relate to your sexuality through self-pleasure, a partner, or maybe art that you pour yourself into. Also, look at your environment. Who are you surrounded with? How do they affect your quality of life? Taking care of our most basic needs and changing our environment for the better can create such a huge shift alone. If you can meet those needs consistently and effortlessly on top of providing for yourself financially (obviously gotta pay the bills). Then, we can move to another level where we look for ways to improve each area of our lives. Getting into the intricacies of health, beauty, finances, harmony with more complex issues, and diving into self-improvement around our self-esteem and identity. Even getting out to adventure, explore our liveliness, our authenticity, and the meaning of life. With all of this being said, the lesson here is to focus on the basics, take it a step at a time, and be okay with the natural pace of your own growth. Whether you are just starting out or you are experienced. Getting a coach to get you connected with your long-term vision and set up a plan can completely transform your life even after one session. For us to manage our “now” with certitude and intention, we need to know why we are doing what we are. We need to see the meaning and value behind our actions. The more you connect with that, the more you will naturally feel inspired to grow on your own. It's helpful to have a coach help you organize your thoughts. Last but not least, write, write, write. Write it down. Everything you want to do, what you want to heal from, the process it will take to make it happen, the actions. Most importantly, do it one step at a time, even if progress is small. Over time, all the little things you do for your growth add up.

What are common misconceptions people have about holistic health or coaching?

First, the word “Holistic” is technically what you could call a buzzword that has become trendy in all sorts of contexts. That is just the thing; many people have different meanings for that word, and I find a lot of people misperceive what I do based on their own definition of holistic. Most people who have worked with me admitted what they expected the holistic consult or coaching to be was way different than what they imagined in a good way. There are a lot of spiritual con artists out here that hide behind the holistic approach, but also, many people associate “ holistic” with ritualistic spiritual work that isn't grounded in practicality. On the contrary, all of my work is, in fact, connected to reality, and we use just enough imagination to fuel the transformation of one's reality. Another misconception about coaching, in particular, is that only people who are desperately struggling need coaching. I find as I take the clarity calls there are many people who have the limiting belief that they don't need coaching just because things aren't as bad as what they imagine other people get life coaching for. They think because overall life is good they wouldn't benefit from coaching. Many think life coaches are for people severely struggling or for super rich and successful people who want extra assistance. People have expressed these extremes to me and what I would like them to know is that coaching is for everyone. No matter how negative, average, or successful your life is, we will all always have problems to solve in life, things to learn, and space to grow until the day we say peace out. Holistic Life Coaching can truly benefit anyone's quality of life. Knowledge is power, bettering yourself is responsible and shows integrity. There is something each and every one of us can use a bit of assistance with. I've noticed a lot of shame around being willing to seek out and accept help. It doesn't have to be a disempowering experience. It's quite the opposite, actually. It's about clearing out what doesn't serve us and managing our lives in a way that enables enjoyment and less stress. Then, bring in the new perspective, mindset, goals, and habits we want to implement that will feel good in the long run. Learning how to manage our emotions, too. As far as the health products that change the water quality in people's homes. Many people believe “water is just water” or “all water is the same” or “ it's not that deep”. Truly, the details do matter when it comes to our highest well-being. Look at microplastics. We can't even see them with the naked eye yet they are so destructive to our planet and bodies now if we took that perspective and placed it on how the small details could transform our health for the better. People could see the value of what I distribute. Down to the molecule matters. The concept of the device is the engine making molecular shifts so our body can use water better. Absorb more of it. Absorb water in the structure that actually reduces inflammation and hydrates deep fascia. My work I guess you could say is so detailed it's unseen. I can promise that the results of doing the inner work and making shifts that may not be instantly gratifying or obvious are rewarding. That leads to really the biggest misconception that this work is not real because it's not something that has instant results or is a direct material result. Due to social media and high rates of consumerism, there have been studies that show people have a harder time being patient, want instant results, and have shorter attention spans. The work I do gets to the roots, it has substance and as I have had many sessions with results after one session. Or people get healthier the week they have the product. Many of these changes require patience, open-mindedness, willingness to learn, consistency, and time.

How does your approach to wellness and life coaching support long-term sustainable results for your clients?

The whole philosophy behind my work is aimed at longevity and endurance. Much of our beliefs and thoughts stem from our early childhood years. Many of these mindsets and beliefs are outdated, wrong for the person, limiting, or maybe just don't align with the identity or life they want. Doing these subconscious work sessions undo conditioning as we focus on what we would like to be programmed with mentally. When we do this, it is sustainable because the results of this will continue to unfold and change the way you live forever. If we grow to be 80 and we are still living the exact same way as we were when we were 7, 15, 20, 35, 50, and so on. It probably wouldn't be as enjoyable or fitting as it could be if we shifted in what we value and how we live, keeping the future and present moments in mind. Clearing the limiting beliefs and people taking back their power from their past circumstances can ensure they live out now and their whole future free from emotional pain. When you are free of focusing on the past, you make different choices and behave differently. That could change the trajectory of one's life for their whole life. Also, building a holistically healthy lifestyle is focused purely on sustainability as we look at the basics in a simple way. Subtract the stress and noise from the lifestyle. Guide people on how to become more resilient and self-assured and build habits that will be healthy for life with the occasional adjustment of strategy. People's ability to problem solve on a day-to-day basis confidently will determine their stress levels and quality of life. My job is to get people to fall back in love with enjoying the process of finding solutions. I teach my clients the skills to problem solve, make decisions, and manage time and stress. They learn skills and hold knowledge they can use for life. Even help people they know with it. The focus is growing their knowledge and abilities so they can become more valuable to themselves. When it comes to manifesting their dreams, I love this topic for the sole purpose of generally being a super quick fix topic that I was a victim of in my early 20s. Many manifestation gurus are perpetuating a cycle of ungrounded manifestation techniques that people are wasting so much time and money on. I have learned so many lessons on my manifestation journey. I've learned what works, how it works and the way to manifest that is rooted in reality. It is important for our brains to be grounded as we explore what's possible so we actually follow through on what we want out of life. My way is sustainable because we meet people where they are and shift their identity and mindset using techniques based on neuroscience. Then come up with a plan so people honor their part of the manifestation work. My manifestation principle is that we co-create with the universe. We must trust in the unknown and do our part. Focus on what we can do and surrender the rest. I help people get clear on the goal steps and enjoy the process by not worrying about what is outside of our work. Building a trust for the unknown. This is especially good for those who struggle with needing to be in control too much. My coaching aims to elevate people's lives now while forming a healthy future too. Every session is an investment that you will gain from for the rest of your life.

What are 3 steps someone could take to improve their health and well-being today?

Address your sleep schedule. Sleep is No. 1. The second is to find your biggest, most debilitating problem. Write it down. Ask yourself if you truly believe there's a solution. If yes, start researching and writing down your options to take care of it. If you truly are having a hard time seeing a solution. Ask yourself again if there is really no way this could be solved. Even if you don't know how yet, do you believe the solution is out there to be discovered? There's a way. I'm telling you right now there is always an answer and solution. If you truly still can't see how you can move through it. Get a trusted friend, partner, coworker, therapist, or coach to sit with you and break it down. More importantly, truly be open to their solutions. They may not seem reasonable or feel great to hear but it's your door to growth. The problem and the solution do not exist in the same vibration or wavelength in our minds. We must detach ourselves from the problem and be open to a solution. Third, get outside. One of my heroes is Steve Irwin. I've always had adventure in my heart and a love of the outdoors and even I get stuck inside a lot. When that happens, I can feel a huge difference in my mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. Getting outside and looking at the sky. Taking deep breaths. Even if you only have 5 minutes. Enjoy every minute you possibly can. It will change the way you feel, your perspective and your day. We are still mammals, no matter how evolved we are we are still animals that thrive in nature. It's important to connect with the earth. If you can put your feet on the ground, sit in the grass, look at the sky, sit in silence, and breathe. Just getting fresh air and seeing a horizon reminds us just how big the world is while enabling some optimism.

How can people get started working with you or learning more about your services and products?

Visit my website or message me through any available apps to book a complimentary call. Where we connect, evaluate your goals, and see if you are qualified for the program. The same goes for the products. You can message me directly, provide your email and I will send you everything you need to know. If you still have questions, we can connect through a consultation.

In conclusion, I am looking forward to growing with the Goddess community and achieving my goals while helping you achieve yours. A pivotal moment from my past that brought me here today was when I hit the depths of my depression. It changed me, and I knew no one was coming to save me, so I had to get to work to save myself. Now that I've overcome that. Achieved the life I had only dreamed of years ago. One of those achievements was partnering with Authority Medium Magazine and all the people I got to witness flourish through my work. It's been truly rewarding. I have poured my heart into this business brick by brick. Moment by moment. This business has been built with my life experience, my pain, my joy, so much research, classes, mentors, computer time, phone calls, messages, brainstorming late into the night, my wildest dreams, and, of course, creating content to put out on all of my platforms. There are so many moments I’ve internally shifted in order to grow professionally. As well as a lot of action in the external world. Goddesses Universally means to be a Goddess without exception. Never lose sight of your worth, your light, and your ability to take your power to channel toward change. It was inspired by how harsh the world can be and to hold your Goddess posture no matter what. To not let the world change you, but to be a part of the change in the world. I hope in the years to come to work with as many of you as possible, speak my truth through public speaking, and continue to live by example of what I believe in. My goals are to keep investing in my skill sets and get as creative with them as possible. I hope to hit 100k on YouTube, as it's a dream of mine. Grow the business enough to where I can allow more people to be a part of it. Elevate people's understanding of themselves and wellness. Write some books, speak at a TED talk, and host many workshops for people looking for a healthy community. Thank you all for reading to the end. I wish you love, wellness, and success.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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