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A Leading Mind Coach Bringing Happiness And Success To People ‒ Interview With Anton Broers

Anton Broers is a leading European mindset trainer, coach and speaker and author of the transformational fable “The Robot who became a Human”, and who was recently featured on Dutch national TV. He has been a student of life for decades, learning and practicing the power of ancient wisdom. His learning accelerated when he was living and working in Singapore where he sought and found a unique teacher in the person of Vikas Malkani, The Wisdom Coach. Under the loving and inspiring guidance of his guru, Anton has made wisdom an integral part of his life which has made his life bigger, better, brighter and braver. Upon finding the treasure of wisdom, he transformed his life. He was in a successful corporate career, now he is on a mission!

Anton Broers, Mindset Coach & Trainer

Who are you?

I am born and raised in the Netherlands in Europe. As a child I was a dedicated student at school and an active sports practitioner. I hold a black belt in judo and I was a talented tennis and football player. After graduating from high school, I became a student at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam where I received my master diploma in business economics in 1994. It had been my childhood dream to live and work abroad so I applied for a job with Shell and I was hired. My career with Shell over 25 years brought me to Europe, Asia and the Americas. In my last role in Shell, I was the Finance Director of one of the largest and most challenged companies in the Netherlands.

In addition to this ordinary path of life that most of us are walking, I walked another path: the path of seeking inspiration, the path of understanding myself and understanding life better. My search for more clarity and meaning started in my early 20’s. I read books. Books full of inspiration. And I found many messages that resonated. One powerful line that I came across in many wisdom books in particular caught my attention: AS YOU THINK, SO YOU WILL BE. The line intrigued me but I did not understand. When Shell offered me a job in Asia, the birthplace of mind power, my wife Cate and I resolved to seek and find the best teacher who could introduce us further in the importance of thinking.

What happened?

We arrived in Singapore mid-2007. Soon after, Cate ‘found’ Vikas Malkani at a coffee morning where he gave a brief introduction into the power of the mind. She was hooked. In the evening, she told me that she wanted to learn from this gentleman and that I should visit a free talk Vikas would give a few weeks later. So I did and that is where my learning with him started.

Vikas Malkani is a living, modern-day master of life from the Himalayan Master’s lineage. The prime teaching of the Himalayan Masters is: when you master your mind, you will master yourself and your life. Vikas has taught me how to train and master my mind to unlock my best life. The application of his teachings has empowered, elevated and enlightened me. My life has grown in so many ways. Learning to train my mind has been the best investment of my life. An investment that I can recommend to anybody. Through mind training you acquire the most important life skill of all: the skill to take control over your life.

When we left Singapore in 2012, I left with the treasure of mind power and with a dream in my heart: to share that treasure with the world!

How is mind power a treasure? How does it benefit people?

Just look around. The world is suffering from a mental health tsunami. I see so many people who are not enjoying their lives. People who don’t have clarity. People who lack meaning and fulfilment. People who are entangled in difficult relationships. People are unhappy and suffering from stress, anxiety and depression. This is also the case in the corporate world where I came from. Business professionals are susceptible to the same mental health challenges. Leaders, entrepreneurs, team members are living in a world they cannot control but in which they do want to succeed. This causes stress and can seriously deplete people’s effectiveness, well-being and joy in life and business.

The solution to our challenges in life does not lie in our external world. It lies in our internal world which starts in the mind. When we learn to use our mind consciously, we can start to direct our life. I teach people how to use the mind in a way that helps their life, that supports their life, that improves their life. I guide people toward a mindset that elevates their spirit and energy and makes life a most enjoyable affair.

The value of my work is visible in both the personal lives and the professional lives of my clients. I work with individuals, with corporate leaders, with entrepreneurs, with teams. I coach them to manage stress and anxiety, to deal with challenges in the best possible way, to create happiness and results. I teach people and teams how to unlock the positive power of the mind which will make the whole experience of life sweeter, smoother and better. When you start to use your mind deliberately, you have found the key to take control over your life. You will get more clarity. You will become more confident. You will feel elevated and empowered to go after your dreams. You will become free. You will enjoy more. You will achieve more success and you will be fulfilled.

So what is your mission? What do you do?

It is my mission to introduce and train people in the power of their mind.

We all possess this immense power but we don’t use it because we don’t learn about it. Where at schools are children taught about the importance of their mindset? Where do children learn how to use their mind to their benefit? Nowhere... We don’t learn this most important skill for life. And it is even worse. Not only do we not get trained to think in support of our best life, without us realising we do get trained in many wrong ideas about ourself and about our life. Throughout our life we gather many beliefs and convictions from others that are to our detriment. We acquire many thoughts that don’t help us and that are the root cause for the problems we experience.

It is my mission to make people aware of the power of their thinking and to coach and train them how they can grow and develop a mindset that will help them to create an enjoyable and successful life.

Can everybody benefit?

Yes, everybody can definitely benefit!

We are all born with a mind, we are not born with a mindset. Our mindset is the ‘secret’ engine for our life and, as I already explained, it is filled with many unhelpful, wrong ideas. Our mindset is like the software for our life. Just like with a computer, where it is smart to update your software regularly, it is wise to upgrade your mindset and keep your thinking up to date. It will result in a much improved life. We all have this inherent power to change our mindset so yes, training your mind can be of great value for everybody.

Why are you the right trainer and coach?

That is a good question, especially because there are so many coaches and trainers around these days. They all promise to change your life, to help you, to take away your pain and problems.

Investing in the right coach to improve your life is definitely a most worthwhile investment. But how to find the right coach? Let me give you a practical and proven piece of advice that will help you to find the best possible coach for you. When you are looking for a coach, look at the following three things:

  1. The teaching – what is the content that you get in the training and coaching? And does it work?

  2. The teacher – what does the coach’s life like look? Is the coach’s life reflecting his/her teaching?

  3. The teacher’s teacher – who did the teacher learn from?

Find the answers and you will get a good insight into the quality of the coach. I will give you my answers to the three coach characteristics to answer your question why I am the right trainer and coach:

  1. I teach ancient, proven wisdom made practical for today’s living. The content I share is timeless inspiration made fun and simple that has a proven track record of changing lives. Wisdom is the best possible fuel for your mind. It is the only structural stabiliser and optimiser of life.

  2. My life is full of happiness, success, fulfilment, joy, love, positivity, good relationships, progress and freedom. It is one of my personal life objectives to follow Mahatma Gandhi’s wise words: be the change you wish to see. In other words: my life is my teaching.

  3. My most important teacher is Vikas Malkani, the Wisdom Coach. He has been my guru, mentor and coach since 2008 and I continue my connection with him to grow and develop myself.

I have another valuable piece of advice for you in your search for the right coach: the coach who tells you that he/she will improve your life, is NOT the right coach for you. The right coach will inspire you and share simple and practical insights and guidance. The right coach will give you life strategies and concrete tools and techniques that will help you. But YOU also have a role: YOU will have to take action, YOU will have to apply the guidance and tools to transform your life. Nobody else can do that. Without your involvement and action, there will be no results. The right coach will show you the path. You will have to walk it.

How can people connect with you?

I coach people both individually and in group classes in person but also virtually (e.g. via Zoom) for people around the world. I coach people who are stressed and anxious, people who have too much negativity in their lives, people who are stuck and face many challenges, people who want more happiness and success, people who want to maximise their inner potential. I also coach people in the business world: CEO’s, entrepreneurs, leadership teams, business teams. Business people and teams who want to be able to stay calm, positive and focused in the storms of life, who want to grow and develop, who want to deliver maximum results.

If you want the value and benefit from mind power and wisdom for yourself, for your life and/or for your business, you can get in touch with me via e-mail and we will take it from there.

If readers want to learn more, what can they do now?

Last year October, my first book came out: The Robot Who Became A Human – 10 Wisdom Lessons to Become a Free Human and Live on Your Own Terms. It is a transformational fable based on my life, my learning, my experiences, my mindset, my growth, my transformation. In a way it provides a synopsis of the key lessons that I live by and that have benefitted my life and that I would like every person in the world to know and practice.

The book is a great place to start but the most powerful way to improve and transform yourself is to work with the right coach. That is what I do with my clients. For example an entrepreneur who came to me and told me his relationship with his wife was deteriorating because of his often times ‘smart’ behaviours. I coached him to create clarity in his confusion (‘’what is the problem…?”), helped him to see his negative mind and gave him insights and tools to change himself. Over a period of coaching, his mindset changed and after a few months, he told me, with a smile on his face: “Do you know what my wife said to me last week? She said: ‘You are a changed man. You have become so positive. It is a pleasure to be with you again.’” Yes, we can all change and the key is available in our mind!

So if you want to know more about the power of the mind and the power of wisdom, get a copy of The Robot Who Became A Human, enjoy the read and be inspired to improve your life. If you want maximum results for your life and business in the most efficient way, please get in touch with me to discuss how I can help you to make sure your mind helps you to create the life and business that you want!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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