Lisa Nicks-Balthasar is a best-selling author, inspirational/keynote speaker, and expert Love & Intimacy coach who has been featured on multiple podcasts and on the TEDx stage. Her 1 bestselling memoir, Believe, A Woman’s Odyssey from Tragic to Magic, was supported by Academy Award-nominated screenplay writer Scott Marshall Smith (“Men of Honor”) who stated, “Lisa’s powerful story is filled with magical movie moments.” Lisa is currently looking for the perfect home for her book-to-film project.
Through her inspirational/keynote speaking, writing, coaching, and numerous retreats, as well as her TEDx talk, Lisa has inspired people from all over the world to “Believe” in love again, to uncover and overcome their subconscious, self-sabotaging beliefs, and to manifest deeper intimacy through a life and love of their dreams.
The tools and methodologies she teaches are extracted from her own success in manifesting not one, but two soulmates (after her first tragically passed), as well as her vast experience with personal coaching and retreats offered through Sacred Soulmates which she founded in 2016. She has dedicated her life to helping others attract and deepen the love of their lives.

Lisa Nicks Balthasar, Author and Keynote/Inspirational Speaker
Who is Lisa and can you start by telling us a little about yourself?
I am a survivor at heart. I processed my pain by putting pen to paper. My memoir "Believe A Woman’s Odyssey from Tragic to Magic" follows my amazing odyssey through deep loss, grief, love and life. My passion for writing began over a decade ago when I began writing after losing my high-school sweetheart, husband, and soul mate of 27 years to brain cancer.
I am a passionate woman who loves to live life to the fullest. My deep passion to inspire others around the power of love and healing is foremost in all that I do. Over the last decade I have channeled this soul calling to become an Inspirational/Keynote speaker, TEDx speaker, best-selling author and Love and Intimacy coach.
Through my memoir, coaching, inspirational speaking and retreats I have inspired people from all over the world to "Believe!" in love and the power of positive affirmations while manifesting the life of their dreams and I have helped them find love and deeper intimacy. I utilize the ten simple yet powerful tools and modalities that developed on my journey and are revealed in my memoir.
Along my journey, I stepped out of my comfort zoned and ventured to Burning Man to honor my rebirth into a stronger and wiser woman. I was driven to take some of my husband’s ashes to the Temple, which they burn on the final night to honor those who have passed. It is there that I found love and a second soulmate in an unbelievable and serendipitous way that was the inspiration for my best-selling memoir. This journey also led me to step into my passion for coaching and helping others find and flourish in love. This wonderful man, whom I met at of all places, Burning Man, is now my second husband and helps heal my heart every day!
Through my coaching it has become clear that so many of us feel like the human experience is wrought with hardship and loss. It is my passion to bring more healing to humanity around the journey and connection of love. The greatest gift of all.
There is so much in life we cannot control – but we CAN control the way we channel our suffering into our growth.
My memoir, Believe! supports this idea through its powerful story along with my inspirational speaking and coaching.
On a personal note, I am a lover of fitness, travel, gardening, and own a business as an interior designer/stager. I absolutely love being a mother of two fantastic daughters, bonus mother of two more amazing humans, and enjoy every moment I can with my two beautiful granddaughters. Always making time for love and adventures with my soulmate and wonderful husband Chris.
If you could change one thing about the industry of love, dating and deeply connected intimacy what would it be?
To help get to the root of why there are so many failed relationships and help heal humanity’s wounded hearts.
We are more connected than ever by social media and a multitude of dating apps that give us the ability, at the swipe of a finger to move on to the next person, literally making people and relationships disposable.
Move on.
At the swipe of a finger.
A new Harvard study suggests feelings of social isolation are on the rise and those who are hardest hit are older teens and young adults. Additionally, the U.S. Surgeon General recently sent out an advisory stating, “Loneliness and isolation represent profound threats to our health and well-being.”

We are more connected than ever, yet we are silently suffering in loneliness on a global scale.
According to the CDC, 63 % of young people reported experiencing substantial symptoms of anxiety and depression. Loneliness rivals obesity and smoking as a health risk. A survey by the health insurer Cigna, had similar findings.
Psychologists have coined the term, “The Social Media Paradox.”
It is my soul passion through my coaching, Sacred Soulmates, to help people truly heal themselves before diving deep into a sacred soulmate and intimate relationship.
Fall in love with yourself first. Discover, uncover and determine your deepest subconscious blocks that get in the way of really, fully opening your heart up to love.
I have found through my coaching and working with couples and singles that so many people really let fear keep them from fully jumping into a truly, deeply connected, raw and vulnerable love and intimate relationship. Not even being fully aware of the subconscious blocks that are getting in the way and building a protective wall around their hearts, this “wall” can close people off to connecting with others and add to the growing loneliness epidemic we are experiencing on a global scale.
Being fully open to love is a sacred gift to the heart and where the true growth and a deeply intimate relationship will Grow and Thrive.
Too many people are afraid to really open their heart and get caught on the merry-go-round of jumping off and out of the relationship when the first sign of a challenge shows up, or when true deep intimate connection starts to happen.
“If I don’t fully open my heart to love, then I will not get hurt again.” I hear this way too often through my coaching.
The deepest intimacy grows and flourishes when one fully opens their heart completely and two souls grow together, facing their fears, dreams and desires with raw vulnerability, together in a sacred space.
Through the tools that I teach to my clients, I help them trust to fully open their hearts again after having their heart broken from a failed relationship, betrayal, or disappointment. Too many people close off their hearts, or feel that they do not deserve love, or it is not for them.
Fear of opening one’s heart again to love is one dynamic that adds to this epidemic of loneliness that we are experiencing on a global scale.

Who should hire/work with you?
I am inspired to work with coaching clients and companies wanting to hire a dynamic inspirational/keynote speaker. I have a powerful inspirational message and tools to share with people who want to step more fully into the life and love they long for. Through sharing my story and coaching tools I have inspired people from all over the world to not only envision, but step more fully into living the life they once only dreamed of.
Organizations looking for powerful, motivational, inspirational delivery of impactful and valuable content. I have had the honor to address groups through my keynote/inspirational speaking at the prestigious Pebble Beach Company and on the TEDx stage as well as multiple podcasts and speaking engagements. I am proud to learn that whenever I present to an audience they are inspired and motivated, as they move into inspired action towards change. It is my passion to inspire people! [To book Lisa as a keynote speaker please contact her here.]
Through my love and intimacy coaching I prefer to work with people who want results, maybe feel stuck and really want to see a change in their life. People who have reached a point in life that they want to do the work and commit to make the changes to draw in the love and life they envision as well as becoming crystal clear to WHAT it is that they are really looking and longing for. I work with both men and women, couples and singles who want to experience a deeper soulmate connection and intimacy in their lives. People who want to feel really alive and quit “sleep-walking” through life! Learn more at Sacred Soulmates.

What is an example of the work you do as a love and intimacy coach?
I have a series of simple yet powerful questions that guide my clients to identify their deepest subconscious blocks. To help them identify what it is that they are truly seeking in life and love. After my clients discover more deeply about themselves, we address tools that help them break through these newly discovered blocks and re-program their subconscious mind to be more open and trusting of love.
Multiple clients have shared with me that they learned more about themselves in our power coaching session than they did in months or years of therapy.
My Sacred Soulmate Coaching Power Sessions are two-and-a-half hours of deep, personal discovery. My clients leave with a new sense of deeper understanding of themselves and clarity around their desires. Each client receives powerful tools to put to use right away.
It is my soul purpose to help more people truly OPEN their hearts to LOVE and draw in or deepen their existing sacred soulmate relationships. It gives me great joy to witness so many of my clients find deep passionate love, joy and intimacy in their life!
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
I experienced profound loss and grief that forever changed the very fabric of my being. It was a soul crushing experience.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you felt like you shared the same heart?
That is how I felt with Keith. We met at 16 years old. Born on the same day, same year – I was born two hours and 20 minutes before him – I often joked that he liked older women. He was my soul mate.
Twenty-seven years later in the emergency room, the doctor showed us a scan of my husband’s brain. “These irregular markings may be cancer,” he said. My heart stopped as I held my breath for what felt like an eternity.
Four-and-a-half months later, it was my impossible job to make the decision to remove the life support as Keith lay surrounded by our two beautiful daughters and his entire family. I laid my head on his chest and heard the last beat -- Of. His. Heart.
That’s when true loneliness was defined for me.
And now today, loneliness is a silent epidemic.
Through my growth and healing I experienced a “re-birth” into a stronger, wiser woman who eventually trusted to OPEN my heart back to love to only have my heart broken again into a million pieces through a painful breakup and betrayal.
This is when most people give up on love. I wanted to give up on love. I wanted to avoid any more pain.
But I didn’t. No, that is when I dug deep and went to my light within to guide me to envision what it was that I really wanted for the rest of my life, and the love I wanted to pull in. I BELIEVED. Even when I didn’t.
And after many years of deep soul searching, retreats, workshops, reading and creating tools that kept my heart open to love and the steps I put into place to heal my heart, I found love, my second husband and soulmate in of all places, Burning Man! I ventured there, stepping way out of my comfort zone to take some of Keith’s ashes to the Temple that is burned on the final night to honor those who have passed.
So, you see, my “PhD” in love and intimacy was not learned from a book per say. It is from life experiences and living through the pain, grief and loss. Walking through the fire and emerging better than ever. Making it through the moments I did not think that I could go on.
Now I am living and loving life to the fullest. Living the love and life that I envisioned and dreamed of. You might say I am a master of manifestation.
I have a burning desire that through my coaching and inspirational speaking I will help others step fully into the life and love that they desire. To help in any small way to bring more love and healing into this world.

What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
To reach and inspire more people on a global scale. My biggest goal and dream is to bring my story to the screen and inspire people around the world to believe in the power of healing through love, to witness what it is like to really believe and never give up because unbelievable serendipitous moments do happen in real life, not just in the movies!
My story, “Believe!” attracted the support of Academy Award-nominated screenplay writer Scott Marshall Smith ("Men of Honor”). Scott described my “Tragic meets Magic” story as, “A gossamer web of small, yet profound miracles that add up to something much more wondrous than their sum." He added that, “Lisa’s powerful story is filled with magical movie moments!” New York industry professionals described Believe! as Eat, Pray, Love goes to Burning Man.
Believe! is a book to film/streaming project with a treatment for a theatrical feature or TV streaming series already created. I am just working towards finding the perfect place to bring it to the screen. I firmly believe this magical serendipitous story, which is bigger than me, is meant to be told and shared through many vehicles; my memoir, coaching, inspirational speaking and ultimately on the screen.
The world needs more magic, healing and love, and ten years from now it would give me great joy to know that in some small, yet profound way, I was able to facilitate this dream to help bring more love, joy and healing into this world. I BELIEVE!