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A Good Message That Spoke On Pain

Written by: Lori Clark, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I heard a good message that spoke on pain. During the message, the speaker spoke on how pain affects us all, but when we are affected do, we really take the time to heal. That led me to write about healing and why it is important. During the message, the speaker said, “have you healed, or do you go through life with buffers around you.” that was one of the most thought-provoking questions I had heard in a long time.

It made me think. How do we know we have healed from a situation? Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to see if you have truly healed.

  • Can you be near or around someone that truly hurt you? Can you talk to them? Does the thought of being near them or speaking to them give you an uneasy feeling?

  • Can you go to a place that holds heavy memories, even if there is something brand new there? Do all the old memories come back, or do you see that particular place for what it currently is?

  • Do you have triggers from certain experiences?

  • Can you honestly say you have forgiven the person or situation?

If you answered yes to these questions, you are well on your way to being completely healed.

Sometimes when we think we have healed, we really have created defense mechanisms without even realizing it. For example, let’s say a family member hurt you. Now you refuse to attend any family function based on the thought of potentially seeing them. Or let’s say you had a bad experience working in an office setting. Now you feel like all office jobs are the same, so on any new job hunt, you steer clear of office settings.

While listening to the message the other day, I realized just how important true healing is. When we are truly healed, we don’t limit ourselves. We are able to embrace painful or hurtful past situations with a new attitude, new confidence, new mindset, and new beginnings.

Take a moment and think about what or who you need to heal from. What steps would you take to heal? Would you write a private letter of forgiveness? Will you sit down with a professional life coach or therapist to tweeze out all your emotions? Would you be willing to reconcile differences between you and someone that hurt you? What would your new journey look like once you have gotten to this point?

Healing isn’t the easiest thing to admit we need. Nor is it easy to work through. Healing takes a lot of confrontation, strength, and willingness to change. However, the good news is there is no timeframe for healing. For some, it can take a few days or weeks. For others, it may take months. Whatever it takes for you, don’t be ashamed of your healing process. Embrace it and know that there is beauty on the other side.

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Lori Clark, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lori Clark is a leader in the life coaching industry, dedicated to helping individuals overcome life's challenges. She also aims to help people reach their highest potential while eliminating mental barriers. Lori had a rough childhood that led to an adulthood of trying to fill different voids. She eventually made up her mind; she would live a life worth living and changed her world. During this time, her health failed, and she was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Doctors told her she would never be the same. Instead of playing small, Lori took her circumstances and excelled. She finished college, went back to work, and is now certified to help others.

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