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A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Change

Written by: Michelle Sherbun, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Change is a funny thing. It’s full of ups and downs, the ins and outs, and sorting through all the possibilities. Often, we get more than we bargained for when we enter transition – our journey of change. And if part of that transition is to do some reflection and self-care, the changes can be surprising!

Finding ourselves means we must have the courage to lose a part of ourselves. In times of change, we reinvent. We discover. We clarify.

What would it feel like to be the absolute best of you?

A funny thing may happen on your way to change. You may find a new and better you!

Purpose: Purpose is at the core of our passions. Purpose drives our desire to BE our personal best at all times. It is in our purpose we know the most straightforward act of doing gives our life deep meaning.

Our purpose anchors our values - the innermost values that guide all we do and say in our lives. They live in our heads and our hearts. Our values give purpose and authenticity, whether as an individual or an organization. They provide constancy. We make decisions with integrity, and solutions thrive in us and the cultures we create for our employees.

What values guide your decisions and your actions?

It takes courage to live our purpose. It takes patience, openness, and a willingness to be vulnerable – especially in times of change. And it requires a lifetime commitment to learning. That means we don't have all the answers. Maybe we have more questions.

What questions are you asking? Which ones are you avoiding?

Balance: How often do we hear ourselves or colleagues say they want a little balance in their lives? Exercise, quiet time to think, maybe some spiritual renewal, social time with friends, and a sense of humor! As a friend once shared, "the great fullness of life is not found on a single track." So, align your purpose with the balance you need in your life ‒ in what you do, whom you choose to be with, and who you authentically get to be.

Mindset: Mindset is the path to contentment. Changing our mindset from something fixed in fear or confusion to one of personal and professional growth allows us to reframe how we work, play, learn and lead. The Neuroleadership Institute research shows that reframing our mindsetcan enable preparation for a wide array of stressors that may hinder our improvement, including completely new or unpredicted situations — like the ever-changing work-life pandemic-related experience.

For many of us, transitions can bring a monumental shift. Know that this shift can also bring clarity and resilience. It can also help us embrace the challenges we face as opportunities for growth.

In future blogs, we'll dive deeper into these opportunities to ignite and nurture ourselves as we explore tools that support us in creating a kinder world for ourselves and others.

In transition? Please share your experiences and ask your questions at as we learn from each other.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Michelle Sherbun, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Michelle Sherbun came to her career first as a vocalist and an actor. And while she no longer performs, the listening and improv skills she honed on stage became the foundation for the leadership coaching she does today. Whether partnering with an individual leader or working with a nonprofit or business team, she taps and nurtures their courage, curiosity and creativity to create the possible. Her favorite question: WHY?

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