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A Different Approach to Healing From Chronic Disease – Exclusive Interview With Faith M. Davis

Turning a decade of health struggles into a mission to help others heal, Faith Davis is an Integrative Healing Practitioner and number 1 bestselling author of Why You’re Not Healing: 10 Radical Shifts for a Lasting Whole Body Transformation.


Through her search to heal herself, she left no stone unturned, studying integrative healing at the Integrative Healing Academy and bioenergetics at NES Health, and she is a Holistic Perimenopause and Menopause coach, Reiki Master, Vibralite Healer, and an Ordained Metaphysical Minister.


After healing herself of fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalances, anemia, candida overgrowth, and more, she now helps women heal themselves naturally from chronic symptoms, using simple, personalized solutions so they can live pain-free and feel like themselves again.


She uses a combination of functional labs, bioenergetic scans, customized supplements, and energy medicine to gather data from the body and heal the root causes.


Image photo of Faith M. Davis

Faith M. Davis, Integrative Healing Practitioner

What led you to write your bestselling book, Why You’re Not Healing: 10 Radical Shifts for a Lasting Whole Body Transformation?


Being in a large circle of health-conscious women, I’ve seen first-hand how frustrated women are. Almost all of them are dealing with one or more chronic conditions even though they lead extremely healthy lifestyles.


I was one of those women. And it took many years of time, dedication, and large investments in out-of-the-box courses to discover that most of what we are taught about health is flat out wrong. And that’s why so many women are run down and fed up with trying so hard to feel better while still feeling like crap.


I wanted to put what I’ve discovered into a book so other women can heal themselves faster and easier than I did.


While I can’t provide personal guidance in the book, Why You’re Not Healing is a great next step that will catapult anyone’s healing journey.


What were your personal health struggles?


Hmmm, where to start… For over a decade, I felt like a shell of the person I had always been. I was in constant pain from the moment I woke up until I went to bed. My clothes hurt, I could no longer do simple tasks without needing to ask for help, and the worst part was I couldn’t even hold my son or snuggle with my husband without being in pain.


I dreaded going to bed because that’s when the pain was the worst and finding a comfortable position was impossible. I used to lay in bed crying because I yearned to get some relief – I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep it away – but it was never there for me.


I had no energy in my body, and it was more than exhaustion. I could feel it deep in my cells – there was no power there. My mind was in a fog, and if I wasn’t feeling anxious then I was feeling angry or depressed.


And all of this was a complete 180 from the person I had been. Before my late thirties, I could run circles around anyone, and I was positive and full of life. It was so depressing seeing what I had become.


But as I started learning what I teach my clients and in my book, symptoms started dissipating. I still have more to heal and it’s invigorating to know how far I’ve come and where I’m going.


Having been there, I know what my clients are going through, plus I’ve acquired the knowledge needed to help them heal. It’s amazing to be able to take my struggles and turn them into something so meaningful in this world.


What is different about your approach to healing that helps your clients get results?


When we are trying to heal, I find that there are three components that need to be in place in order for it to work.


The first is that we have to stop guessing what will work for us. It’s natural to hear about a new wonder supplement and hope it will do the trick.


Most of us end up trying everything under the sun to feel better but since we are all different, most of the time, it’s not effective. And so many women are doing “healthy things” that are actually keeping them from healing.


So we need a truly customized program in order to heal ourselves.


The second thing we need is guidance and support. Without that, you’re simply going to continue guessing without results.


And third, we need a proven system. So, while we want a customized system, we also need something has been proven to work over and over again.


My program, which is called Holistic Health Breakthrough, puts all three of those components together.


I use functional at-home labs to end the guesswork. That way, we are gathering data from the body to see where there are imbalances and deficiencies.


Then, I put together customized supplements and natural protocols to address what the body needs.


And it’s magical how symptoms just start falling by the wayside when we do that.


Looking ahead, what are your aspirations or plans for the future? Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives you're excited about sharing with your audience?


Well, I just released my new nutrition course, called Nourishing Nutrition Makeover and I am putting the finishing touches on my detoxification course, which is called 5 Stage Life Detox Strategy.


After that, I have several other courses in the pipeline, including Calm Your Neurotransmitters Formula, Mind-Body Connection Secrets for Optimal Health, Vitality Mindset Breakthrough, How Healing Works Mastery Program, and Advanced Healing Blueprint.


Soon, I plan to start posting weekly videos on my YouTube channel, @HolisticHealthandSpirituality, as well.


My goal is to provide my clients and audience with content and guidance that they aren’t getting elsewhere. In many cases, it contradicts mainstream health information, and that’s why it works!


Where can women go to learn more about you and your programs?


They can visit my website here. There, they can book a free call with me and explore my services and products.


To commune with me and other women who are on similar healing journeys, they can also join my Facebook group, Whole Body Integrative Healing.


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