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A Better Version Of Me

Written by: Vincent Cheng, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It was a sunny day, but I wasn't expecting that it would turn out like a storm in my life. Being with my superior behind a closed door wasn't always a good sign nor something that I was looking forward to. I heard the words that made my world shatter like a glass just broke on top of my head. I just found myself packing my things and ready to let go of what I thought was something that I couldn't live without. I came to realize as I shut our office door I was closing the life that I created as my world, as my comfort zone. I realized that I spend more time working as an engineer rather than sleeping or being with my family. I had so much attachment to my job that when I lost it, I felt devastated and I felt that it hit rock bottom. Just like all others, I did go through stages in my life when I felt that sense of failure and the feeling of losing something precious but without me losing my job, I wouldn’t have time to re-evaluate my life, my worth, my passion and what will truly make me happy. I struggled physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. A lot of things keep on popping up in my mind, a lot of what-ifs and self-realization.

Gentleman in formal attire with eyeglasses and a book shelves background.

I started exploring a lot of things and cultivated my talents in the field of music and orchestra. I traveled a lot and as I met different people with diverse cultures and personalities, I understood that I have a purpose of reaching out to everyone not just through my music but through my wisdom and experiences. From coaching and conducting hundreds of amateurs and professionals across Canada, the USA, Europe, and The Middle East in voice and musicianship, I decided to fully retire from engineering to fully devote my pursuit to the music profession. In 2012 I sold all my possessions and booked a one-way ticket to Berlin, Germany; from there, I conducted operas across Europe and won 3rd prize in the 2013 International Conducting Competition in Budapest, Hungary. In 2014, I returned to Canada and began my studies in psychotherapy while continuing with my conducting career as an ongoing passion.

It was hard at first to celebrate when I thought there was nothing to celebrate but as I lost something precious to me, I gained something much more worthwhile and fulfilling. I may not end up with a job that people perceived as something that could provide me security financially, but I am proud to say that I felt secure and happy on the road less traveled. The diverse worlds of work and life experiences have built upon one another and are connected as a whole. They are what led me to develop ‘Heal the Source’, a method that helps people fast-track their healing based on their need for change and development. It is through this one-of-a-kind approach that my intuitive leadership and integrity shine through. My visionary way of thinking and my intriguing ability to motivate and inspire is what guides me in serving others through Heal the Source to heal the world.

As I go through another phase of my life, gradually, I was able to pick up the pieces of myself and made myself whole again. At some point, I thought I won’t be able to recover to the extent of needing someone to get me back on track not just emotionally but also physically, spiritually, and mentally. I was able to gather all my strengths and was able to move on, live freely, laugh as if there was no tomorrow, and love unconditionally.

Looking back, I would say that I was able to mold a better version of myself. I was able to pursue what I wanted and was thrilled about what I could share with the people that surrounds me. I’ve signed up with different programs that will lead me to where I want to be as I start building my brand. I partnered with professionals in the field as I climb the ladder that will guide me the way to the top of my definition of success and happiness.

Vincent Cheng Enterprises was established in my pursuit of helping others in discovering their potential and live an infinite life or at least not break down when things aren’t going the way they wanted to be and be the master of their fate. I feel fulfilled as I am continuing my quest of influencing more people and encouraging the ones at loss or without direction to see the beauty of life, the goodness of hardships and failures as icing to our life, leading to a more colorful and successful battle.

My book entitled Heal the Source will soon be released to the public and I know that this is the start of another milestone. A milestone that will mark a significant change in my life and the life of the people to whom my book can reach out. I am glad that through my failures and grief, I can say that I am what I am now. A better version of me with potential, happiness, and fulfillment.

For a FREE Consultation, sign up here.

Pre-Order a copy of Heal The Source book here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Vincent Cheng, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Vincent Cheng is a speaker, an author, a coach, and a psychotherapist. His life mission is to impart his secrets to freedom and joy to the world by breaking through the barriers because everyone deserves to live their fullest potential. He wants to share to the world the program that he created ‒ "Heal The Source", which has been the most impactful event that happened to him in the time of pandemic.



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