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9 Tips For Becoming A Successful Female Entrepreneur

Expert Panelists are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within the areas of Business, Mindset, Leadership, Innovation, Technology and Lifestyle. In Brainz Expert Panel, 9 members of The Brainz Magazine community of experts will share their best tips, advice, ideas, hacks within different topics.


1. Mentoring

See out a mentor or coach who is where you want to be. Don't be afraid to invest in yourself. You will save yourself a lot of time and money by following someone who is where you want to be. Invest in help early on and you will shortcut your time to success.

2. Influence

Influence MATTERS! Our ability to influence others, is directly connected to our visibility. How we show up in the world makes a difference, this is especially true as a female entrepreneur. To be a successful female entrepreneur, we must be strategic and intentional about how we show up. I like to call it being SAVVY. How do we gain the visibility which leads to influence? The fastest way to create visibility and build influence, is with the written or spoken word. So, write a brand awareness book, get on a stage, and give a speech, and create the visibility that brings success. Be Strategic. Be Intentional. Be SAVVY.

3. Understand and thrive from your energy balance

All of us are a unique combination of masculine and feminine energy. Our masculine energy clears the path for our feminine energy to create opportunities. Unhealthy masculine energy destroys, while healthy masculine energy wisely lets go of what no longer serves us. Unhealthy feminine energy holds on and harbors resentments, while healthy feminine energy nourishes and grows opportunities. Assess your balance of the two energies and adjust your behavior to let go of what no longer serves you and instead focus on growing and nourishing the relationships and projects that will be both most fulfilling and profitable for you.

Victoria Rader, Possibility Coach™, YU2SHINE

4. Consider how you define and view success

First, consider how you define and view success. Who and what do you anchor yourself in as you chart towards growth? What is your goal in business? What purpose and whom are you serving in business? Take your entrepreneurial pursuits with service and purpose by shifting your mindset from success standards of the world to purposeful significance.

5. Woman empowerment

We are a force by nature! We are forced for good! Simply, we are a force to be reckoned with! Use that power! Empower ourselves and each other. Use your strengths, qualities, talents and gifts to boost the women in your family, the women in your neighbourhood, and the women of the world! Using our natural talents and abilities enables us to become dynamic business leaders and successful entrepreneurs.

6. Tap into your inner power

Success starts within. The secret to success is not external factors; It starts with you. You need to be aligned with your soul and your purpose. To become a successful female entrepreneur, you need to tap into your inner power and dare to be vulnerable but strong at the same time. Get comfortable in your body, love the person who you are and see your successful future self NOW.

7. Authenticity and vulnerability

One of the best things about being a female entrepreneur is how we are emotionally attached to our businesses. Our business becomes an extension of who we are. This is why many women may not step into entrepreneurship. There lies the key my friends! Authenticity and vulnerability! When we step into our feminine power and speak from the soul we can expand our life purpose. Whatever you do make sure that you do not shy away from what makes you uniquely you! Embrace this and place it at the center of your business. It is time to stop comparing, throw caution to the wind, and fully step into being you!

8. Follow your heart not the influencers

Many single empty-nester women over 40 find themselves wanting to reboot their lives and rediscover their passions after decades of caring for others; I know because I am such a woman. At 50, starting my own life coaching business Essential Awakening Mentoring, I have gone through a lot of trail and error navigating the online marketing space, following one strategy after another & falling into the comparison trap of vanity metrics. Success as a Female Entrepreneur comes from listening to your inner wisdom and following your joy and speak from your heart; the clients will come eventually.

9. Have a clear mission

You need to have passion and a firm reason to start a business. This very reason will help guide you to your mission. Remember, you will have to face the ups & downs in business while moving towards your goals and failure will be your friend. A successful female entrepreneur is one who does not worry about failure but embraces them to learn.

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