Written by: Amelia Harshfield, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Being a business owner can be very frustrating. If you hold onto that frustration for too long it can have serious impacts on your health, relationships with family, and prevent you from enjoying being a business owner. If you pay attention to these signs, it can give you an insight that you may need some support rather than just keep pushing on with possible detrimental effects later.

Below are the 9 signs of frustration with your business:
1. You are not sleeping as well as you used to
If you are tossing and turning all night thinking about how to handle a problem situation or how to deal with an employee it stops you from getting the right amount of sleep. As you probably know, solid sleep is vital to be your best self during the day. Pay attention to how much rest you are getting at night. If you are regularly losing sleep to your business stress, take some action so you can stop sacrificing your sleep. Your business does not own your sleep. You do.
2. Your jaw is chronically tight
If you are breaking teeth, waking up with a sore jaw, and finding yourself popping your jaw all of a sudden, it may be a sign that you need to change some things up. You could be clenching your jaw for reasons that you may struggle to admit to yourself right now. What areas are the hardest in your life and why? What are you just dealing with right now? What can you do about these situations?
3. You are not excited to go to work anymore
You may be missing that spark of creativity and excitement that the business used to give you. If you are struggling to get motivated to come into work it may be a sign that you need something to give you that spark again. You might need to delegate certain tasks that you find annoying. You might need to reorganize the structure of your business so you can do what you want to do again. Look at why you are unhappy to come in and see what you can do to change it.
4. You are dreaming about other businesses
There could be a couple of reasons why you are spending your time thinking about another one. Some people are naturally drawn to creating several businesses. You might need to be doing more business-building rather than business-maintaining. Something else that might be going on is that you may need to pivot your business so you can find the creativity. Looking into what you are not already skilled at yet could give you motivation. You could go in a new direction, add something new to the table, or find a way to learn what you do not currently know.
5. You are wishing you never got into your business at all
There are ups and downs in every business. However, wishing that you never started your business for months or years at a time may be a sign that you need to change things up within your business. Look at what you are doing that you don’t enjoy. Can anyone else take that over? Are you doing anything that you feel like you “should” do, but are resenting deep down? How can you change your business up before you completely shut it down or start over? Sometimes changing certain things within the business can help you transform it rather than having to start something else completely.
6. You don’t have enough time for yourself during your week
Your business keeps you moving non-stop. Plus all the other things that are in your life, like your house, kids, dog, partner, and/or family. It’s easy to put yourself last when someone or something always needs your attention and so much is dependent on you. If you have been not having your time for a while you might be easily upset, triggered, and frustrated. Resentment also may be creeping into your life in small ways. Although you may have tons of things going on, set up some systems and boundaries that can free you even for 15 minutes, even if you feel guilty about it. That way you can ensure you have a little downtime for you during the day.
7. You keep thinking things will get better in the future
Some people do really well by envisioning what could happen in the future. If you are only living in the future of your business you may be dismissing your current day-to-day struggles. Just because there are amazing things that may occur, you also need to pay attention to what is going on right now so you can actualize that wonderful aspect of your business. Slow down and pay attention to what you are doing right now.
8. You have angry outbursts at your loved ones and employees
You are probably a caring and generous person. But when you push yourself too much while receiving very little, it can make sense why you would have these eruptions. However, it is your responsibility to look after yourself so you do not put your drained self’s reaction onto others. Slow down and pay attention to your needs. The better you get at this, the fewer angry outbursts you will have. Then you can spend less time cleaning up after your messy emotional states and more time focusing on building your business.
9. You cannot do what you really want to do with your business
Feeling restricted is very challenging when you are operating a business. It may be imposed on you by laws, business partners, family members, employees, your current budget, or the status of your business. You may be acting out in other ways, like drinking or eating more. When you feel like you cannot control things, you will usually reach for areas you can control, even if they may have harmful side effects later on. You can feel more empowered by identifying what you can control rather than what you cannot.
It’s easy for frustration to seep into your business. It’s even easier for it to keep getting worse if you do not take action to change it. I’ve listed several options to get yourself out of being frustrated. However, some people may have more aspects to change rather than these quick fixes. If you are over being stuck and need more support than just what I’ve listed above, go to my website and fill out the connect form. Let’s have a quick talk about how you can get out from under your business. I don’t have a ton of spots open and my work is not right for everyone, but I am willing to work with the right people.
For more info follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website!

Amelia Harshfield, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Amelia Harshfield is fascinated and motivated by what impact makers can achieve as they become more resilient. With a solid education and a master’s degree in economics, she has been creating passive income in Real Estate investing for over 5 years. Her key foundational work is The Overcoming Anxiety Method™, a powerful 4-step formula for playing a bigger game without being crushed by fear. This process is paramount to finding an authentic version of freedom and wealth. Mentoring and educating high-level operators is her passion, her work has been featured in magazines, podcasts, conferences, and she has been a trainer on Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island.