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9 Power Moves to Stop Waiting for Permission and Take Action

She ran away at 5 years old and was gone an entire week. She came home riddled with fears and, in turn, became a people-pleaser. At age 51, she decided to face one fear every day for an entire year.

Executive Contributor Lynda Sunshine West

Have you ever felt like you needed someone else’s approval before making your next move? Maybe you’ve been waiting for validation, a formal invitation, or the “right time” to step up and claim your space. Spoiler alert: There’s no such thing as “the right time.” Now is and always will be the right time. And you don’t need to get permission from anyone to start now.

The photo shows a confident businesswoman in a light-colored blazer and blue shirt, holding a tablet and smiling while engaging with an audience in a bright, modern office setting.

The reality is that the people who are making the greatest impact in the world aren’t always the most qualified, the most experienced, or the most prepared. In fact, they’re the ones who take action bold, decisive, and unapologetic action. They don’t wait to be chosen; they choose themselves. They don’t ask for permission; they just do it.

If you are ready to step into your brilliance and show up as the amazing human being you are, now’s your time. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a leader, or someone with a powerful message to share, these 9 power moves will help you stop playing small, claim your seat at the table, and start making the impact you were meant for.

Ready to shift from waiting to doing? Let’s dive in.

Power move 1: Decide you belong right now

How many times have you thought, “Who am I to do this?” or “I don’t have enough experience yet”? That voice of self-doubt isn’t truth; it’s conditioning aka Imposter Syndrome. "Imposter syndrome highlights an internalized experience of being a fraud despite evidence of your personal and professional achievements," Dr. Leslie Davis, Clinical Counselor and Relationship Expert. We’ve been taught to believe that we need someone else’s approval, validation, or a certain level of expertise before we can take a step forward. The truth is that no one is going to give you permission, and you don’t need anyone’s permission anyway.

Think about the leaders, entrepreneurs, and changemakers you admire. Do you think they waited until they had everything figured out? No. They stepped into spaces where they didn’t feel fully ready, and they figured it out along the way.

The great Zig Ziglar said, "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” The difference between those who make an impact and those who don’t isn’t talent or luck; it’s the decision to show up, speak up, and claim space before feeling 100% ready.

Confidence isn’t something you wait for; it’s something you build through action. The more you show up, the more action you take, and the more you reinforce the belief that you belong in every room, at every table, and in every conversation where impact is made.

This may sound scary, but that’s only because you’re not doing it yet.

Remember the first time you got behind the wheel of a car? You were in driver’s education class with other students. The instructor said, “Now put your foot on the brake and put the car in drive.” Uhhhh, which pedal is the brake? How do I put it in the drive? Your head was spinning, your heart was racing, and your palms were sweaty. You were so uncomfortable because you had no idea what you were doing.

Fast forward to today, and now you eat, listen to the radio, sing, talk on the phone (but safely, of course), and do so many things while you drive. You were awkward at first, but you got used to it the more you did it, and now you’re a pro.

That’s the same thing that happens with anything we’re starting for the first time. We may mess up and do it wrong, but we must crawl before we walk.

So, what happens when you decide you belong on the stage, in that seat at the table? You stop shrinking. You start advocating for yourself. You walk into meetings, networking events, and social platforms with a presence that commands attention. You introduce yourself with certainty, knowing that your ideas, experience, and voice hold value.

The real question here is: What would you do today if you already believed you belonged? Would you apply for that opportunity? Publish that book? Raise your prices? Say yes to that big idea? Start the conversation you know you need to have.

You already belong; you just have to decide and then go do it. You got this.

Deciding you belong is the first step, but owning your space means more than just showing up; it means using your voice. Too often, people hesitate to speak up because they fear judgment, rejection, or saying the wrong thing. But your voice carries power, and staying silent only keeps you invisible.

In my bestselling book, “Do It Because You’re Scared,” I talk about how fear stops us from doing what we want to do in life, and I share why we must do the things that scare us. You wouldn’t be where you are today if you hadn’t broken through a fear or two or 30 along the way.

The most influential people aren’t the ones who always have the perfect words; they’re the ones who dare to speak even when their voices shake. Whether you’re in a meeting, at a networking event, or posting on social media, your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives deserve to be heard.

That’s why the next power move is crucial: Speaking up even when it’s uncomfortable.

Power move 2: Speak up, even when it’s uncomfortable

How many times have you had something valuable to say but held back? Maybe you were in a meeting and second-guessed yourself, thinking, What if I’m wrong? Or perhaps you wanted to post something meaningful on social media but hesitated, fearing judgment.

Listen up. Silence won’t get you noticed. Speaking up will.

Your voice holds power, but it can only create impact if you use it. The people who are leading conversations, driving change, and making a difference aren’t necessarily the smartest or most experienced; they’re the ones who have the courage to speak, even when it feels uncomfortable.

It’s natural to fear rejection or criticism, but playing small doesn’t protect you; it only keeps you invisible. If you don’t advocate for yourself, who will? If you don’t share your ideas, someone else will take the opportunity. And if you don’t speak up, you risk blending into the background instead of standing out as the leader you’re meant to be.

Start small if you must. Challenge yourself to speak to the checker at the grocery store or the cashier at the local liquor store, raise your hand and contribute during meetings, share your insights in conversations with two or more people, and then up it to groups of three to 10 people and keep increasing the number, and engage in discussions online. The more you do it, the more natural it becomes. Over time, your confidence grows, and people begin to recognize your expertise.

I remember sitting in a conference room with 14 other women entrepreneurs. I was a newbie and was terrified to share my opinions or ideas because I didn’t think I was seasoned enough to have anything of value to share.

That morning, though, I decided I would raise my hand and say something during the meeting just so I could break through my fear of judgment.

Finally, it was time for me to speak. I stood up in my seat, blurted out the words that were swirling around inside of my head like the Tasmanian Devil character, and then sat down. My mind was racing, and my palms were sweaty because I shared my views in front of 14 amazingly talented and brilliant women. I didn’t belong there. Who did I think I was anyway?

What happened next forever changed my views of who I am and the value I have to offer.

The two women sitting next to me said, “That was brilliant. Will you repeat it? I want to write it down.”

You see, what I shared was something that I thought everyone already knew, but I discovered in that moment, and not everyone knew it, that I did have something of value to share.

I repeated to them what I said (I can’t even remember today what it was) and took a moment to reflect on what had just happened. As I sat in my chair in amazement from the last few minutes, I stared up at the lighting fixture above my head and said to myself, “I have value. From this moment forward, I will share my voice at every opportunity I get. There is someone who needs to hear what I have to say.” And I haven’t stopped sharing since.

You see, you have value, you have a message to share, you have a story to tell, but you must share it so other people can benefit from it.

When you speak up, you position yourself as a thought leader. You create opportunities. You inspire others. Most importantly, you reinforce the belief that your voice matters (to you and to others).

So, the next time you feel that urge to stay quiet, ask yourself: “What’s more important, my fear or my impact?” Then, take a deep breath and speak Because you’re scared.

Speaking up is a powerful step toward claiming your space, but words alone aren’t enough; action is what turns ideas into impact. Too often, people get stuck in the trap of overthinking, waiting for the perfect time, the perfect plan, or the perfect version of themselves before making a move. But here’s the reality: perfectionism is just procrastination in disguise.

The most successful people don’t wait until everything is lined up flawlessly; they take action, learn as they go, and refine along the way. Waiting until you feel completely prepared means you’ll be waiting forever.

That’s why the next power move is so important. 

Power move 3: Take action even when the path isn’t clear

How many times have you told yourself, I’ll start when I have more experience, or I just need to learn a little more before I take the next step? It’s easy to believe that we need to be fully prepared before we begin, but waiting for the “perfect moment” is the fastest way to stay stuck. They call it “analysis paralysis,” and being in paralysis is never a good thing.

Perfectionism and overthinking are just fear in disguise. We tell ourselves we’re being responsible by preparing more, planning longer, or waiting for external validation, but deep down, it’s just a way to avoid the discomfort of stepping into the unknown. The most successful people in the world didn’t wait until they had all the answers; they took action, learned from the process, and adjusted along the way.

Think about it this way: If you wait until you feel 100% ready, you’ll be waiting forever. After all, tomorrow never comes. There will always be more to learn, more to refine, and more reasons to delay. But clarity comes from doing, not waiting.

This power move was a game-changer for me when I started my business. For years, I found countless excuses not to take action, which left me stuck. I jumped from one business idea to another without real progress. I spent six years trying to figure out who I was, what I did, who I served, and how I could make money.

Then, everything shifted. I stopped overthinking, took action, and went all in. That’s how Action Takers Publishing was born, out of my own realization that success comes from action. I wanted to surround myself with action-takers, so I named my company Action Takers Publishing, believing that it would attract the kind of people I aspired to be around and, more importantly, that it would push me to become an action-taker myself.

And guess what? That’s exactly what happened. The moment I stopped overanalyzing and started taking action (whether I was scared or not), everything changed. And I’ve never looked back.

So, what can you do right now? Maybe it’s launching that idea, writing that book, applying for that opportunity, or raising your prices. Whatever it is, take the next imperfect step today. Don’t let overthinking steal your momentum.

The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t isn’t talent; it’s action. Those who win aren’t necessarily the most qualified; they’re the ones who move forward despite uncertainty.

So, stop waiting. Start now. Your future self will thank you. 

Taking action is the key to momentum, but if no one knows what you’re doing, you’re missing out on opportunities to expand your impact. It’s not enough to be great at what you do people need to see you as the go-to expert.

The truth is, authority isn’t something you wait to be given; it’s something you claim by showing up consistently, sharing your knowledge, and positioning yourself as the leader in your space.

That’s why the next power move is essential. 

Power move 4: Position yourself as the authority

You might be the best at what you do, but if no one knows about it, it doesn’t matter. Being the best-kept secret is just that, a secret. Authority isn’t about waiting for someone else to recognize your expertise; it’s about stepping forward and owning your space. The more you show up, the more people see you as an expert.

Think about the people you admire in your industry. How did you find them? Most likely, they were consistently writing, speaking, and sharing their knowledge. They built credibility by putting themselves out there, even before they had a massive following or a long list of credentials. You can do the same.

Visibility creates credibility. If you want to be seen as an authority, you have to be visible. Publish that book, speak on podcasts, write articles, post on social media, and engage in conversations where your expertise can shine. The more you show up, the more people associate your name with value.

But here’s the key: Consistency beats perfection. Let me say that again louder for the people in the back. Consistency beats perfection. You don’t have to wait until you have the perfect post, the perfect speech, or the perfect website. Start sharing what you know right now. Your audience isn’t looking for perfection; they’re looking for someone they can trust. Are you trustworthy? Then you’re ahead of the game.

The more you position yourself as an expert, the more opportunities come your way. Speaking gigs, collaborations, media features, and clients all flow to those who confidently claim their authority.

So don’t wait for someone to grant you expert status. You already are the expert. You don’t need “just one more credential” to prove it to anyone else. Step into it. Own it. And let the world know who you are.

Positioning yourself as an authority is a game-changer, but stepping into the spotlight comes with a challenge: not everyone will support your growth. As you gain visibility, you may encounter critics, doubters, or even people who try to pull you back into their comfort zone.

Surrounding yourself with action-takers and eliminating distractions will keep you focused, motivated, and on the path to success. Let’s dive into the next power move.

Power move 5: Set boundaries and protect your energy

Ooooh, this is a huge one. Setting boundaries and keeping your boundaries are two huge steps in this process.

Not everyone will understand your journey. Not everyone will cheer you on. And that’s okay. Your success doesn’t depend on their approval; it depends on your ability to protect your energy and stay focused.

Remember, you don’t need to ask for permission to do what you want to do. You are in charge of you.

When you start stepping into your power, you’ll notice two types of people: those who support and uplift you and those who question, criticize, or drain you. The more you grow, the more important it becomes to surround yourself with people who inspire action rather than hold you back. If you don’t have any of those supportive people in your circle, find a circle where they are located. This was a huge game-changer for me.

When I met Greg Reid, I had no idea he would become the greatest mentor I would ever have. I called him and asked, “Can I come to your office today and hang out?” He said, “Yes,” so off I went.

He, his staff, and I talked for about two hours. At the end of my visit, he asked, “So, what brought you here today?”

I looked at him and said, “I just wanted to be surrounded by positive and uplifting people. I don’t have that in my daily life.”

That one statement transformed my life. Saying it out loud helped me to realize what was missing in my life: people who understood and uplifted me during my entrepreneurial journey.

Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

If that’s true, who was I spending my time with? What boundaries had I set for my own life? I had a choice to make: surround myself with those who will help me get where I want to go or keep doing what I’m doing. I chose the former.

Setting boundaries isn’t about cutting people out; it’s about choosing who gets access to your energy. If certain relationships make you doubt yourself, play small, or second-guess your decisions, it’s time to create some distance. Your time and energy are precious resources, and where you invest them will determine your results.

Think about it: If you’re constantly surrounded by negativity, doubt, or small-minded thinking, it’s nearly impossible to operate at your highest level. But when you’re in rooms filled with action-takers, visionaries, and problem-solvers, your mindset shifts. You start thinking bigger, moving faster, and believing in what’s possible.

Setting boundaries isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. It allows you to prioritize your goals, protect your momentum, and create the space needed to thrive. That might mean saying no to distractions, limiting time with energy-drainers, or being intentional about who you let into your inner circle.

The world needs your action, not your exhaustion. Protect your energy and watch how much faster you reach your goals. 

Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining your focus and protecting your energy, but even with the right people around you, challenges will still arise. One of the biggest obstacles that stops people from taking action is fear of rejection.

But here’s the truth: Rejection isn’t the end of the road; it’s a redirection to something even better. Instead of seeing “no” as a failure, it’s time to reframe it as a necessary step on your path to success. Let’s explore how embracing rejection can propel you forward. 

Power move 6: Embrace rejection as redirection

The best part of rejection is that it means you actually tried something.

Rejection is often seen as a dead end, a sign that you're not good enough or that your ideas don't matter. But what if we flipped the script? Instead of a stop sign, rejection can be viewed as a detour guiding you toward a better path, a more fitting opportunity, or even a stronger version of yourself.

Every successful person has faced their share of “no’s” before landing that breakthrough moment. When you encounter rejection, remember it’s not saying that you have no value. It’s simply feedback that you might need to adjust your approach, refine your idea, or seek a different audience. The key is to keep moving forward.

Think of rejection as the universe’s way of redirecting you to something even greater. Each setback provides valuable insights that can help you grow, innovate, and ultimately succeed. When you face rejection, take a moment to reflect on what you can learn from the experience. Ask yourself: Was there something I could have done differently? Is there a new angle I haven’t considered? What did I learn from that encounter? Use these insights to pivot, iterate, and refine your approach.

The truth is perseverance is what separates those who eventually succeed from those who give up. Keep pitching your ideas, keep showing up, and keep striving for improvement. Each “no” brings you one step closer to the right “yes.”

By embracing rejection as redirection, you empower yourself to view every setback as a setup for success. Rather than allowing rejection to derail your momentum, let it fuel your determination to succeed. Remember, the path to greatness is rarely a straight line. So, welcome rejection, learn from it and use it as a catalyst to propel you even further. 

Rejection can feel like failure, but when you see it as redirection, it becomes a powerful tool for growth. Instead of waiting for doors to open, successful people create their own opportunities. Open that door and step through it.

If no one is inviting you to the table, go to Home Depot and build your own. If the right opportunity hasn’t come along, make it happen yourself. The next power move is all about stepping into the driver’s seat and becoming the leader who makes things happen. Let’s go. 

Power move 7: Create opportunities instead of waiting for them

Too many people spend their lives waiting to be invited, waiting for someone to recognize their talent, waiting for the perfect opportunity to land in their lap. Don’t wait; create.

Instead of waiting for someone to hand you an opportunity, be the one who initiates. If you’re not being invited to speak at events, start your own events and invite others to speak. If you want more visibility but no one is featuring you, launch a podcast or write a book. Both will help you be seen as the authority in your space, and people will start coming to you. If you wish there was a space for certain conversations, create the space.

When I wanted to speak on stage, I created my own event and spoke every time. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was sharpening my speaking skills by stepping onto my own stage every week. Not only was I sharpening my speaking skills, but I was also sharpening my people skills by reaching out to speakers to be featured at my events and reaching out to attendees to attend my events. The amount of personal growth I had just from creating my own events was astounding.

The leaders, influencers, and innovators you admire didn’t sit on the sidelines waiting for permission. They saw a gap and filled it. They took the initiative. They built communities, started businesses, created content, and took bold action to bring their vision to life. You have the power to do the same (especially in today’s world with technology so advanced that you can create your own stage on platforms like Zoom). There’s nothing stopping you except you.

Creating opportunities doesn’t mean you have to do something massive overnight. Start small, host a workshop, lead a discussion in your industry, or form a mastermind group. Take control of your growth instead of relying on external validation. When you take action, you position yourself as a leader, and people naturally start paying attention.

The world doesn’t need more people waiting in line for an invitation. It needs action-takers, innovators, and leaders willing to step up and make things happen. So, stop waiting. Create, build, and lead. Your next big opportunity isn’t something you find; it’s something you create. What will you create?

Creating opportunities puts you in control of your success, but there’s another key piece to the puzzle: owning your worth. Too many people take bold action but hesitate when it comes to charging for their expertise.

The truth is you deserve to be paid for the value you provide. Monetizing your knowledge isn’t about greed; it’s about recognizing the time, effort, and impact you bring to the table. Let’s explore how to confidently charge what you’re worth and step into financial abundance. 

Power move 8: Monetize your expertise and own your worth

You have skills, knowledge, and experience that can change lives, so why are you giving them away for free or undervaluing yourself? Too many entrepreneurs, coaches, and thought leaders hesitate when it comes to charging for their expertise. They think, “Am I really worth that much?” or “Will people actually pay me?” The truth is, “If you don’t believe in your value, no one else will.”

Money follows action, and the sooner you start confidently asking for what you’re worth, the sooner others will see you as an authority. Underpricing yourself doesn’t make you more likable; it makes people question your credibility and confidence in yourself to deliver. Think about it: When you see a premium-priced service, you assume it’s high quality. But when you see something priced too low, you wonder what’s missing. Your pricing reflects your confidence.

Monetizing your expertise doesn’t mean being greedy; it means recognizing the time, energy, and investment you’ve put into developing your skills and the value they will bring to the person buying your product or service. It means charging for the transformation you provide, not just the time you spend delivering it. Whether it’s coaching, consulting, speaking, or selling a book, you deserve to be paid for the impact you create.

Start by confidently setting your rates, asking for the sale, and eliminating the guilt around making money. People pay for what they value, and when you position yourself as an expert, you attract those who are willing to invest in themselves through you.

They say, “People who pay, pay attention. People who pay more pay more attention.”

I also heard someone say, “If your friends and family members really want to see you succeed, they would pay double what you’re charging rather than asking for a discount.” I love this one so much because it really puts it into perspective.

Stop waiting for permission to be paid. Own your worth, set your price, and step into abundance. Because when you treat yourself like a business, the world does too.

Owning your worth and monetizing your expertise is a game-changer, but none of it matters if you don’t consistently take action. Success isn’t about what you plan to do; it’s about what you actually do.

The difference between those who achieve massive results and those who stay stuck is relentless, unapologetic action. No more overthinking, no more hesitation, it’s time to execute, every single day. Let’s dive into the final power move. 

Power move 9: Take relentless, unapologetic action

Dreams don’t come true because of wishful thinking. They don’t happen because of perfectly crafted plans that sit in notebooks, waiting for some time. Someday never comes. Success happens because of relentless, consistent, and unapologetic action.

The people who make the biggest impact aren’t necessarily the smartest, the most talented, or the most experienced. They’re the ones who show up, take risks, and keep moving forward even when it’s uncomfortable. They don’t just talk about what they’re going to do, they execute, every single day.

Too many people get stuck in preparation mode, waiting for the right time, the perfect conditions, or the ideal opportunity. But the truth is that momentum comes from movement. The more action you take, the more doors open. The more consistent you are, the more opportunities you create.

This doesn’t mean you have to take massive leaps every single day. Some days, relentless action looks like making one phone call, sending one email, writing one post, or taking one step forward. The key is to stay in motion.

And here’s the most important part: Stop apologizing for your ambition. Stop shrinking to make others comfortable. Stop hesitating because you’re worried about what people will think. Success isn’t about seeking approval. It’s about owning your mission and pursuing it without hesitation.

So, what’s the one thing you can do today to move forward? It doesn’t have to be big. Do it now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now. Because relentless, unapologetic action isn’t just the key to success, the difference between staying stuck and becoming unstoppable. You got this.

Closing the book on playing small: It’s time to take action

The world doesn’t need more people waiting in line for permission. It doesn’t need more brilliant minds hesitating, second-guessing, or playing small. What it needs is more people who take action boldly, decisively, and unapologetically.

It’s time to claim your space, speak up, take action, and refuse to back down (especially when it’s uncomfortable). Don’t wait for a seat at the table build your own and invite others to sit at YOUR table.

Now, it’s your turn.

When you decide you belong, speak up, take action, position yourself as an authority, set boundaries, embrace rejection, create opportunities, own your worth, and take relentless, unapologetic action, you become unstoppable.

So, ask yourself: Which of these power moves do I need to take today? Not next week, not next year today. Because your success isn’t waiting for permission; it’s waiting for you to take action.

And when you do? You won’t just make an impact. You’ll become the leader others look to for inspiration.

The time is now. Go claim your seat.

If you’re struggling with taking action and don’t know your next step, I’d love to connect. Let’s fight this battle together. Connect with me here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!


Lynda Sunshine West, Founder & CEO of Action Takers Publishing

She ran away at five years old and was gone an entire week, came home riddled with fears and, in turn, became a people-pleaser. Lynda Sunshine West is the Founder & CEO of Action Takers Publishing, a women-owned book publishing company that is dedicated to empowering 5 million women and men to share their stories with the world to make a greater impact on the planet. Specializing in collaborative book projects, Lynda Sunshine’s journey from fear to fearless living inspired her mantra, "Do It Because You're Scared." At 51, she embarked on a transformative journey, breaking through one fear every day for an entire year. A rock band bassist and passionate speaker, Lynda Sunshine helps others turn their dreams into reality and their stories into lasting legacies.

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