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9 Ways To Acquire Power

Written by: Perri Chase, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Before we begin, I want you to take a moment to notice what your mind did when you saw this headline?

Did your mind get excited?

Did your mind think that it was gross?

What did it feel like in your body?

Did you think you don’t have power?

Did you demonize power? What do you think about power?

Do you think you have less power because someone has more?

Or do you have this idea that someone has to give you power?

Or maybe you think you need to take power away from someone? Or maybe you think you are too powerful?

Let me take a moment to redefine power and change the way you look at this forever.

As a culture, we have assigned the term Power to mean “power over,” “domination,” and “force.” But power, at its root, is an energetic resource. It is correct that money is a form of power, because money is an energetic resource. But understanding and mastering energy is every human’s birthright and you don’t need money to do that.

How do you do that, then?

Here are 9 ways you can reclaim & cultivate power:

1. Have excellent boundaries

Ah, boundaries. Those pesky things. We live in a codependent society full of entitlement to people’s time, energy, and attention to such a degree that people who exercise good boundaries are sometimes considered mean or even narcissistic. But don’t let that be a deterrent for lovingly looking out for yourself. Many people violate their boundaries for the sake of looking "nice" or "likable".

Boundaries are a set of self-guidelines that assist in keeping us outside the range of regret, resentment, or self abandonment. All boundaries need consequences if they are violated, or they aren’t boundaries. Boundaries do not include controlling other people.

They are about exercising sovereignty and self-control.

Try these full sentences on for size:

  • "No."

  • "I’m sorry I not available for that."

  • "Thank you but I’m not interested in having this conversation."

You will gain so much power from just this one thing you will be shocked.

2. Stop comparing yourself to other people

Oof! What a way to spend energy! Your attention is your most powerful asset. Why would you give it away to other people via comparison? When you compare yourself to others it can have a paralyzing effect leaving you stuck in your mind and not moving from the truth of where you are now.

Pro tip: Turn that attention back on what you want to create and watch it grow.

3. Stop seeking external validation

The world is not your Daddy. You don’t need permission from anyone or anything to do or be anything. That is just your desire to fit in and maintain this idea that you are good and going to belong. This is your Ego trying to make sure it is doing a good job for everyone but the Truth inside you.

Shift this internally.

  • What do you feel about something?

  • Is it true for you?

  • Why are you seeking permission?

  • What is the underlying fear?

  • What is the worst thing that would happen if other's didn't approve?

  • If you can release the grip on the need for approval this one you will free up a ton of power.

4. Let go of your goals

Give up my goals?? But how will I ever be happy or achieve anything or have that thing I think I want? Goals are always Egoic. What that means is they are validating your identity.

Meaning if I do X it will mean Y about me. It is why they are only temporarily satisfying. The Ego gets hungry for a new one right away.

Your identity is then propped up by the achievement of the goal and then you need to find another goal in order to keep this cycle going. This is very similar to running on a hamster wheel. Many times we use the force of will to go against the truth of where energy is flowing to hit goals. Think of salmon swimming up river. This takes an enormous amount of energy.

Try asking yourself "where is the energy flowing?" Following a deeper current often means taking steps on a staircase where you can only see the next step. You may not always understand it or find it fits your preferences, but if you learn to surf the wave without an agenda you will find yourself with a ton more power.

5. Be grateful

Gratitude is an expansion practice. It opens up your container to be able to receive more.

Think of it like this, if you are bitter and closed then you are like a closed fist. Even if something arrived you would not be available to take it. When we practice gratitude we extend an open palm signaling we are available to receive.

Try a public practice of posting on social media for 30 days something you are grateful for daily and watch more come your way.

6. Cultivate Sexual Fire

Yes. This involves your genitals. Sexual practices, like my modality SXBMB™️, a guided solo pussy stroking practice, cultivates power. This – and semen retention practices for those with a cock – is an excellent way to expand your nervous system, excavate buried trauma, and expand one’s container.

If you do not have a relationship with your genitals or your body, you will have a hard time acquiring power. When we have our sexual energy repressed or off we will be stuck in our mind. Zero power exists in the mind.

7. Stop using alcohol, drugs, food, porn, video games, scrolling, personal drama or outrage to off-gas or numb

Sorry for taking away all your toys and entertainment but numbing and off-gassing is a way we misspend power.

Off gassing is when we have extra energy we don’t know what to do with and find it uncomfortable to keep in our bodies so we spend it on poor choices.

Numbing is an attempt to push the sensations down into the body to quash them.

Both of these are a response to not wanting to feel.

The ability to hold sensation and feel it without numbing or dumping is the key to true power.

It may take time for you to stop these. And that is ok. Noticing this pattern is the first step.

8. Heal your wounds

Easier said than done, I know. However, when we are deeply wounded we create pockets inside of us that need protecting. That kind of protection requires a full time armed guard.

Translation? A very expensive employee. Or think of it like powering an electric fence 24/7. The bill will be high!

When you heal your wounds, meaning that you go in and FEEL what has been buried, you are able to open and more energy can flow in. This is the same thing as the closed fist/open palm example.

Again, this takes time and working with skilled alchemists who know how to guide you at the pace your body can heal without re-traumatization.

9. Focus your energy on creation

Putting your attention on pure creation, (one that’s of service to something more than self validation), is the number one way to acquire power. When you serve power, life force, and creation, you are given more. Resources show up so you can continue to serve.

In every moment ask yourself:

What is this in service to? Something bigger? Or my ego?

I understand that this is incredibly simplified and it is something I spend years with students on in my memberships DEVOTION & HOLDER, but you can make changes today just from this small list that will impact your life.

Energetic Mastery is a worthy practice as it aligns you with the Universal Law and doors and windows start opening all over the place.

It is the foundation to everything I teach. If this calls you to learn more, please visit or follow me on Instagram and Facebook.


Perri Chase, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Perri is a Mama, Wife, Woman, Channel, Teacher, and Practitioner of deep devotion to the Feminine. She lives a life in service to the deepest truth, as an energy, in all things and beings. She believes that our total and truest full expression is our soul’s purpose. She teaches pathways in life, relationships, expression, sacred medicine and business that all center the frequency of Feminine Truth, including her Foundations in Energetic Mastery path, DEVOTION. She created the sexual embodiment modality SXBMB™️ and the unique business pathway Magic Led Business™️.

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