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8 Tips To Surviving “Shift” – How To Focus When “Shift” Happens

Written by: Dr. Monica Riley, MD, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Dr. Monica Riley, MD

How do you keep your business going and your spirits high when the world around you is falling apart? Listen, I know! I Get It! We are living in some very challenging times! But do not forget to honor yourself, first, and continue to build your business during the incessant “shift storm.” Mindset over matter always wins! And, I have 8 Tried and True Tips to help you navigate your pathway through the “shift” storm!

Stress woman in the office

1. Ground yourself – set a morning routine

You cannot be fully present in your life if you are fully preoccupied in your head. It is important to be connected to your body and your spirit to gain full access to your power! An effective morning routine can help reduce stress, which can lead to better mental health, more time to relax and less anxiety. Set your day off right by sipping on lemon water. It Works! Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us that lemon water is one of the best astringents to detox the liver. Our liver holds all our anger and resentments; so, what better than to sip away your vexation. Lemon water also balances the alkaline pH in our bodies, promotes hydration and may support weight loss.

2. Affirm yourself – honor your feelings

If you get stuck in the “shoulda” “would as,” there is a lack of connection to self and your energy level goes down. When fear is present, give your inner child a hug. FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE! The best way to honor your feelings is to Affirm Yourself. Affirmations for your daily routine have been shown to ease stress, allow you to face difficulty more courageously and feel more content and confident. What you speak; you be-come!

3. Adopt an attitude of gratitude – be grateful

Look for the simple things that make you smile. Appreciate what you do have: stop focusing so much on what you do not have. Speak only words of harmony. Studies show that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity.

4. Set boundaries – acknowledge your worth

You are NOT anyone’s OPTION! You will naturally notice a greater willingness to let go of unhealthy, destructive behaviors and people. Just Say NO! Setting clear limits between work and personal life can help you avoid burnout and maintain your overall well-being. Plus, you will free yourself from other people’s “shift.”

5. Take small consistent steps towards achieving your goals

Break your goals down into doable action steps. i.e., commit to 5 minutes of meditation, do 10 sit-ups/pushups, save $100 a week in a savings jar.

6. Get support

Keep your $Million-Dollar company growing. Know that you do not have to do everything yourself. Learn to delegate and understand the true cost and value of your employees. Remember, the larger you get, the bigger the impact of small changes. People before Profit.

7. Be aware of your negative gremlins

Address those energy vampires that disturb your spirit and find ways to deal with them! Negative voices in our heads create stress and make it harder to move forward. It is important for you to be your internal traffic controller- Learn to be a master of your mind. Get help if you need it. Manage your mental health. It’s time for us to normalize mental health maintenance.

8. Let God be the CEO of your life

Stand steadfast in your FAITH. Cast your EGO aside. The past is over, and NOW is the time when you co-create your future. God may have bigger plans for you. ACT LIKE YOU KNOW!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, or visit my website for more info!

Dr. Monica Riley, MD Brainz Magazine

Dr. Monica Riley, MD, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Monica Riley, MD, affectionately known as Dr. Monica, is a Doctor of Integrative Medicine with over 30 years of expertise in the Holistic Health Sciences. Dr. Monica is the Founder of Dr. Monica's Natural Beauty, LLC; the award-winning sustainable body care, skin and haircare collection featuring clean fragrances that inspire women 40+, with careful care to communities of color, to Self-Love through Self-Care. This active Vassar College Alum and 2-time Emmy Award winning documentary producer continues to inspire communities to action through her activism against human trafficking and cyberbullying. A sought-after public speaker and podcast guest, Dr. Monica believes that “Self-Care IS Healthcare"™

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