Written by: Linda Payton Thompson, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Listed are helpful tips to have in place before setting goals.
1. We must have a positive mindset. Let go of the old way and things that did not work.
2. You must believe that what you want or desire will come true.
3. There is a must to remove all negative thoughts, fears, doubts and toxic people.
4. Seeing it before it manifests. Visualize it.
5. It must be your goal and not someone else. Whatever works for one might not work for you.
6. Ask the number one question, Why do I want this? What is my motive?
7.Put a feeling behind the why, how will you feel when you get it?
8. Dream Big!

2020 is gone and never to return. We can revisit the disappointment and successes to see what is needed to do better or improve this year.
Do not look at missed accomplishments as a failure. There is a time for everything.
Goals are what we want to accomplish or desire. The plans are the action steps to take to make it happen. The thing that is needed to do between the waiting and the end results should be laser-focused.
When setting goals, we are reminded of the smart method. Goals are to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and Timely according to the S.M.A.R.T method.
Specific means that goals are not broad or general but aim for a specific target or desire. example Goal - I will lose twenty pounds by April 2021 so that I can wear my beautiful bathing suit on vacation, and I will be so excited. I will reduce the sugar intake, snacks and work out at least two or three times a week.
General Goal- I will lose weight this year. This goal has no specific purpose.
Goals should be short in order to see small successes such as daily, monthly, six months, yearly and five years.
Goals should be written down clearly.
You must have a vision with goals and see it already happened.
Let's do a visualization:
Take a deep breath in and out. Let out the negative and breathe in the positive. Let go of any self-doubt and fear. I suggest you record this visualization and get in a quiet place and do it. Close your eyes, picture one thing that you desire, it can be love, peace, joy, more clients, a happy home, more finances, etc. See yourself with it now. Now think of why you want it and lastly think how you will feel when you see or get it. Is it a feel of joy, happiness? peace or excitement. Now open your eyes. Write down your feelings and if it is of gratitude, then be sure to write that down too.
Goals written should pertain to Family, Business, Finances, Health and fitness, personal relationships, spirituality, fun time, career, just to name several.
Each goal should be in a category by itself with separate action steps and plans. You can also put any barriers or challenges you might face that will be resolved. Remember to put your why and the emotion to feel when you get it. Goals should not be lumped together. example. I want more time with family, more clients, a vacation, and to lose weight this year.
It is vital to have a trusted, reliable person as a check-in or accountability partner. This is someone who can contact you weekly or monthly to see your process. My friend Sylvia Chapman and Betty Benton are two who I check in with weekly to let them know how I am doing with my projects and my wellness. I treasure their input because I know they want me to stay focused and balanced. I also host a weekly ladies fellowship small for my church that we pray and check in on each other on zoom. This started prior to the Pandemic.
When a goal is accomplished, you should always reward yourself with something special.
Remember that when setting goals, we must see them, believe them, and declare them daily with affirmations.
Remember to set goals that are tailor-made for your mission and purpose.
The key to your success is celebrating others who have accomplished some of the things that you are trying to accomplish. There is no need to be envious or jealous of anyone.
Speak positive things over your life and future, and the results will be remarkable.
Goals are beneficial as a guide and road map to where you want to go. However, setting goals is not enough; we have to TAKE ACTION! Write out your plans and resources to get you to your desired results.
Goals keep us focused. Action steps are the road map to getting what you desire.
I hope that you will apply some of the tips in this article if you are not already doing it and I hope that you did find one new thing to practice.

Linda Payton Thompson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Linda P Thompson empowers, inspires, and encourages women and individuals to live the best life possible by removing challenges and roadblocks which hinders in life. She is an Author Speaker, Certified Health and Life Coach. She was nominated in 2018 by her coworkers and awarded at her retirement luncheon, the Old North State Award from the North Carolina Governor's Office for her twenty-seven years of service for Public Health social work and community volunteerism. She continues to serve and spread messages of hope, positivity and wholeness through speaking using her two present books and her collaborative book with Women Speaker Association to launch February 2021. Her books are Jealousy or Envy: Is There A Killer in You? -Stop The War Within and Be Set Free. Her second book is Speak Positively and Expect The Victory -Words of Wisdom. She has years of experience serving moms, families, teenagers, domestic violence survivors, parenting groups and relationship development. Her Program is called Partner Of Positive Change.