Written by: Amanda Rose, Senior Level Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In my life, learning how to incorporate a morning routine has been a game-changer in terms of really being able to move forward in my business; to be able to overcome limiting beliefs, show up fully present, and not be in constant stress mode reacting to everything that’s happening. Instead, I am now coming from that conscious place of creation, thanks to my morning routine! That’s where we really take our power back and that’s where we get to enjoy our lives! It's time to manifest your dream life!

The following 8 practices are designed to help you manifest your dream life
Pro Tip: If anyone ever tells you there’s only one way to do things, run in the other direction because it is certainly not true – we all learn and function differently – so take the practices here and try as many as possible and find what works for you.
1. Boundaries around technology
If the first thing we do in the morning is to check the numerous notifications popping up, we subconsciously feel like we are already behind in our day creating anxiety before we are even out of bed.
Recommendation: Put your phone across the room so that you must get up to turn it off, this reduces the chance of you cozying up in bed to scroll and check your messages.
Or if self-control is not your friend, go and get yourself an old-school alarm and keep your phone out of reach!
2. Set your intention
Write it down, visualise it, say it aloud. What we focus on materialises – so it is important to set your intention for what you want, not what you don’t want from the get-go.
3. Reconnect to your body
Spend a couple of minutes clenching and releasing each part of your body. Start with your toes and go all the way to your head. This will help you get in touch with the rest of your body (sometimes we feel like we are just like a floating head, am I right?), but we are a part of a bigger system and connecting with your body can help you release tension you didn’t even know was there.
4. Get present at the moment
Spend a couple of minutes consciously breathing into the lower part of your belly and this will help you connect with your emotional center and activate your chakra system. Try to give it a go now and see how you feel; breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, let your breath go for 5 seconds, and repeat.
Recommendation: We are so used to breathing into our ribs so this one can be difficult to master at first, so place your hand below your belly button and concentrate on breathing into your hand
5. Gratitude practice to manifest your dream life
We are energetic beings in an energetic universe so the more we are in tune with our feelings, the more we are going to attract more experiences that are on that same wavelength. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what is lacking in our lives that we forget to take stock of what is good.
My recommendation: When we are not used to looking for the things to be grateful for, we can get stuck listing out more than a few so break it down into ‘topics;’
Our body, senses, and automatic processes like heart pumping and breathing etc.
Access to things that make our lives easier, like water, shelter, food, and technology
Relationships with spouses, children, friends, or family
Nature, animals, or the incredible ozone layer that keeps us alive
Work, security, or money to pay for things that we need
Aspects of your personality, your behaviors, and your actions
Even inconveniences that perhaps lead to a better outcome, like getting pulled over for speeding, instead of ending up in a car accident.
6. 10-minute ‘free flow’
Let your mind ‘free flow’ and don’t give it any dictation on where it needs to go. This allows us to sift through the mundane thoughts and allow inspiration to come forward. Let the brain do its thing and unplug from the expectations of needing to focus on this or that, and just let your creative ideas flow.
7. Brain dump journaling
This is where we get all the thoughts out of our heads and onto paper. We have so many thoughts and ideas running through our minds every second of the day, this acts as ‘unburdening your mind’ of all the things you have to remember.
Recommendation: You could do this in two ways, either dedicate time each morning to do this or carry a journal around (or use notes on your phone) to ‘dump’ your thoughts and ideas at any time throughout the day. There is no right or wrong with this practice, but it is important to unburden your mind.
8. Journal Prompts
This is a great way for you to explore different ideas. So, you could ask yourself ‘What would I like to release today?’ and that question would allow you to work along that thought tangent of ‘What’s not serving me anymore?’ or ‘What am I not feeling aligned to anymore?’ This would give you a sense of what’s going on under that surface level of your mind and make room for new ideas. When we start writing we give a deeper thought an opportunity to come to the surface.
Journaling also gives us an opportunity to acknowledge the fears we have that block us from taking action and in a way where we can analyze them and work through them. For example, you may have a goal to do public speaking, so you write that down, but then you notice by acknowledging that goal you feel a bit anxious. So, you listen to your thoughts and hear ‘No one would want to hire me to talk to people,’ and then you can start to analyze why you think that. This thought pattern is blocking you from your goal of public speaking and had you not journaled about your goal and listened to your thoughts you would continue to stand in your own way.
Our belief systems dictate our reality, and they exist in our subconscious mind, so this allows us to raise our awareness so that we can release what no longer serves us and start smashing our goals.
Ready to build the best morning routine you’ve ever had to manifest your dream life?
The morning routine for manifesting your dreams masterclass.
Create a dedicated morning ritual and learn how to create a potent alchemic morning routine that will poise you to manifest your dreams!!!!!
You'll Learn:
A plethora of options from which to choose to create your own unique and powerful morning routine
How to instill these new habits until they become second nature
How and why manifesting works, without fail, every time
To be more present and aware
To find joy, happiness, and fulfillment regardless of external circumstances
How to use your mind as a tool so that your mind doesn't use you
The creation process for bringing any dream to life, from start to finish
...And so much more!!!
Register for The Morning Routine for Manifesting Your Dream Life Masterclass by January 31st 2022 for only $1.89 [Regularly $188.88]! Register here!

Amanda Rose, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Amanda Rose is the founder & director of The Infinite Power of You Inc., a multi-published multi-genre author, business, wealth, & mindset coach, actor, motivational speaker, and online course creator. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who has been in the online space since 2013 and a sales expert for over 10 years. It's her passion to help her clients build lives of freedom and joy, and thriving businesses with multiple revenue sources, through strategies combined with mindset mastery. Amanda's mission to shift human consciousness to create soulful abundance through mindset practice.