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8 Best Ways To Better Yourself In Just One Week

Written by: Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Things do not grow better; they remain as they are. It is we who grow better, by the changes we make in ourselves”. — Swami Vivekananda

Self-improvement is a continuous process. It is the enhancement of one’s knowledge, personality, and education by making conscious efforts. It can take a year or a lifetime, which is why we tend to give up on ourselves. But what if you could better yourself in just one week. If you are focused on self-improvement, you can follow the best ways to be successful. Let’s look at some of those right now.

The Best Ways to Help Improve You are:

1. Become Mindful

The more mindful you are about what you want to change in your life, you can make yourself more aware of these changes. You can start taking efforts to make these changes you by giving yourself small reminders. When you are more aware of what you want to get better at you can post a reminder on your smartphone, etc. Shine light on what it is you want to get better at and what it is you are working towards 2. Be Accountable To Yourself And Others

You need to be accountable to those around you as well as yourself. When you make yourself accountable you are much more likely to succeed at what you are doing. You will suddenly become much more serious about achieving your goal because you want to ‘save face,’ prove to others around you. When you make yourself accountable you will take your goal more serious.

Let your friends, family, co-workers, social network friends, etc. know what your goal is – what you are trying to achieve. This will help you achieve your goal.

3. Keep Track of Your Actions

To manage something, you need to track it. If you track something you can do a much better job of managing it. How will you know if you are getting better if you don’t keep track of your actions and your accomplishments? In your self-improvement mission make sure that you track the days and hours you spend on the changes you are making in your life. This gives you information that can help you decide if you are being successful. This will also provide you with data that you can review and use to make decisions.

4. Weekly Reviews

This is a great way to decide how you are doing and to know where you need to do better. A weekly review tells where you’ve been and where you’re going. It shows your success and your failures. It’s a great way to learn about what your strengths and weaknesses are. 5. Do Better

Create your own framework so that you can do better and achieve better. You will be able to better focus by doing so. When you are focused you are much more likely to be successful. Each day is an opportunity to do better.

6. Read Ample Books Reading is a powerful tool that can help you to navigate through the changes you are trying to make in your life. Self-improvement goals can be accomplished by reading a wide variety of books. In fact, you should read, every day. It might be just a few pages or a few chapters. Reading not only widens the knowledge but also gives a path to a self-improvement journey.

7. Repeat, Repeat and Repeat

When you see that you are getting better, then why stop now? Build on the strengths you’ve gained and improve on weaknesses you’ve found. Make your list of strengths and weaknesses. It’s time to identify something else you want to work on. Perhaps this is the week that you are going to begin to train for a marathon. Maybe this is the week that you are going to sign up for that digital photography class. Perhaps this is simply the week that you are going to focus on doing better by eating healthy meals and exercising daily. Whatever your choice for the following week, you should be confident that you can achieve what you set out to do. Keep creating new goals and dreams. It will keep you moving ahead, and it will keep your life ‘alive’ ‘growing’ and revived. So, what are you waiting for? Start self-improvement by taking small steps daily.

8. Practice Gratitude

Too often we are focused on what we don’t like about our lives or what we lack rather than being thankful for all the good in our lives. Make sure that you practice gratitude daily. When you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night, just make a list mentally of what you are grateful for. It will make a huge difference in your life. Practicing gratitude leads to a happier life. This will help in self-improvement.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or visit my website!


Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Harmony Happiness Coach and Founder of HappyHarmony, inspires and empowers busy, ambitious, working women to manage stress effectively and integrate work-life successfully to pilot their flight of happiness with self-belief and confidence.

Pallavi is a highly sought-after Harmony Happiness Coach, a Work-life Balance Expert, an inspiring speaker, a passionate Soft Skills Trainer, motivated Educator, an enriched Telecom Engineer, a poetess, an aspiring Author, and a nature lover. Pallavi holds a Ph.D. in her expertise of Work-life Balance amongst working women.

Stress levels of working women is quite high due to managing work-life and constantly multitasking can be very challenging and taxing on their body and mind.

Pallavi specializes in helping working women manage stress with a smile and design a happy work-life harmony in a matter of months rather than years so that they can live a purposeful and joy-filled lives.

After 16 successful years in the Telecom industry and Education field, Pallavi found herself more passionate in coaching individuals carve their own Happiness journey. Her passion is empowering individuals discover their self-worth, unlock their unique potential, find true happiness, and live a life they love living. She has always been passionate about helping others and has touched hundreds of lives to lead a happy life.

Pallavi has been awarded by a highly prestigious club, The Indian Achievers Club, in the category, “50 under 50”, the Indian Achiever, for the year 2020.

Pallavi offers coaching, individual services, group programs, seminars, and workshops.

Her motto is: Be Happy and live in Harmony.

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