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8 Benefits Of Emotional Grounding

Written by: Heather Bryant, Ph.D., Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Heather Bryant, Ph.D

You may have heard the term "grounding" before, but what exactly is it? Do you ever feel stuck in a rut, going through the motions day after day with no clear purpose? If so, you may benefit from grounding. Grounding is connecting with the present moment and your physical surroundings to achieve a sense of balance and calm. It is a way of returning to yourself and your body after feeling lost in thought or overwhelmed. If you're curious about grounding and how it can help you, read on for more information.

8 Benefits of Emotional Grounding

Grounding conjures thoughts of the earth, and just as a tree needs strong roots dug deep into the ground to sustain itself, provide nourishment, and maintain stable support for growth – you, too, need to ground yourself and your emotions with a firm sense of yourself and rooted in your purpose and living your life with intention. When you’re grounded, you’re able to grow and thrive. You are inspired to pursue your goals and dreams, feeling supported by a solid foundation. This foundation gives you the strength to weather any storm and the courage to face any challenges that come your way.

Living a grounded life can bring you immense joy and satisfaction, giving you a sense of peace and priceless well-being. If you are looking for more meaning in your life, I encourage you to keep reading and explore what it means for you to be grounded. Like a tree, you can root yourself and your emotions for inspired growth.

1. Emotional Grounding has Wellness Benefits.

There are many benefits to grounding. Three tops benefits reported are:

  • reducing stress and anxiety

  • improving focus and concentration

  • increasing feelings of calm and well-being

2. Emotional Grounding can Inspire Creativity.

Emotional grounding is a tool that can help you get in touch with your creative side by tapping into your emotions and using them as inspiration. Whether writing, painting, or another art form, using your emotions as inspiration can help you create something beautiful and unique. When you feel grounded, it may be easier to tap into your creativity and inspiration. This can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of fulfillment in life.

When life gets overwhelming, and the to-do list seems never-ending, it can be tough to access your creativity. By taking the time to check in with your emotions, you can get a better understanding of what you’re feeling and why. This self-awareness can be the key to unlocking your imagination. And when you’re feeling more grounded and connected to your creativity, you can start to figure out how to channel those emotions into something creative.

3. Emotional Grounding can Reduce Stress.

Stress is a common problem that can lead to negative mental and physical health consequences. Emotional grounding is a simple and effective way to reduce stress. It can be done anywhere and only requires a few minutes.

Emotional grounding involves focusing on the present moment and using your senses to connect with your surroundings. This can help you to feel calmer and more grounded. Research shows that emotional grounding can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

If you’re feeling stressed, try emotional grounding by:

  • Focusing on your breath and noticing the sensations in your body.

  • Listening to calming music or nature sounds

  • Looking at calming images.

4. Emotional Grounding can Improve Focus.

When it comes to focusing, emotional grounding is crucial. This means being aware of and controlling your emotions to achieve a clear state of mind. When you can regulate your feelings, you can better focus on the tasks at hand and stay present in the moment. When you are emotionally grounded, you are better able to handle difficult situations and make decisions from a place of logic rather than emotion.

If you find yourself struggling to focus, there are several things you can do to improve your emotional grounding.

Take some time to identify what triggers your emotions and try to avoid those situations if possible.

If you can't avoid the situation, take some deep breaths and allow yourself to feel the emotion without getting lost in it.

5. Emotional Grounding can Lessen Overwhelm.

Inspired growth comes from understanding and accepting your emotions. When you can be emotionally present with yourself, you open the door to personal transformation. Living with purpose means being authentic to who you are. It's about living each day with intention and being mindful of your choices. You can better handle life's challenges when you can ground yourself in your emotions. You can also find strength and comfort in connecting to something larger than yourself.

6. Emotional Grounding can Increase Feelings of Well-Being.

Emotional grounding is vital to finding a sense of well-being and contentment in life. That’s because when you feel emotionally grounded, you can better connect with your inspired growth and life purpose. As a result, you experience more feelings of well-being.

When you are clear about a strong sense of who you are, what you believe in, and your purpose, you can make choices aligned with your values, which leads to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

7. Emotional Grounding Can Root You in Your Authentic Identity and Purpose

It can be hard to stay rooted in your sense of self and purpose when it gets tough. Emotional grounding is a way to check in with yourselves and remember what matters most to you. Connecting with your emotions allows you to access your authentic identity and find the strength to keep growing.

When you were younger, staying rooted in your sense of self and purpose was easy. As you get older and experience more of life, you may lose sight of what matters most. It’s important to remember that your sense of self and purpose can be a guiding force in your life, no matter what challenges you face.

It can be easy to get caught up in the stresses of daily life and forget what we’re working towards. When we take the time to ground ourselves emotionally, we can remember our life purpose and stay inspired to keep growing. This practice helps us stay connected to our true selves, even when our world is chaotic.

8. What about Emotional Grounding for Difficult Emotions?

When managing difficult emotions, many have been taught to "just let them go." However, recent studies suggest that trying to suppress emotions can worsen them. When you’re constantly trying to push away your negative emotions, you can lose sight of who you are and what you're meant to do with your lives. Instead, experts now recommend emotional grounding to acknowledge and accept your emotions in the moment. This doesn't mean wallowing in your feelings or letting them take over; instead, it's about acknowledging them and then moving on.

There are many benefits to using emotional grounding for difficult emotions:

  • It can help you to identify your life purpose.

  • It can help you to understand your feelings more deeply.

  • It can help you transform your emotions in a way that inspires growth.

When it comes to managing difficult emotions, inspired growth begins with emotional grounding. This is connecting with your authentic emotions to understand and transform them.

SOLD! How Do You Become Emotionally Grounded?

Being present in the moment means you’re less likely to dwell on past hurts or worry about future uncertainties. Instead, you can savor the good moments and find joy in everyday experiences. These simple acts can help improve your emotional state, improve your feelings of well-being, and connect you to your inspired growth.

1. How to Do Grounding Exercises

So how can you become more emotionally grounded? There are many different ways that you can ground yourself. Here are some common grounding exercises that you can try:

  1. Take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel your belly rise and fall with each breath. As you exhale, let go of any tension in your body. Repeat this 3-5 times.

  2. Listen to the sounds around you. What do you hear? Try to focus on one sound at a time.

  3. Feel your feet on the ground. Wiggle your toes inside your shoes or socks. Feel the weight of your body pressing down into the ground beneath you.

  4. Place your hand on your heart or stomach. Feel the rise and fall of your chest or belly with each breath. Notice the warmth of your hand on your skin.

  5. Look around you and name five things that you see. For example, I see a tree, a building, a car, etc. You can keep track by counting them down on your fingers.

  6. Eat something slowly and mindfully. Notice the taste, texture, temperature, and smell of what you're eating or drinking.

  7. Connect with nature. Spend time outside in nature, and allow yourself to really take in the beauty around you.

  8. Connect with loved ones. Spend time talking and laughing with those you care about.

*Pro-Tip* Do you struggle to stop racing thoughts when you try to ground or be mindful? A favorite practice of mine is taking a nature walk and using my phone to snap pictures of interesting things I see along the way. It keeps my mind focused and present on what’s around me as I search for the photo subject and angle.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed, emotional grounding is a healthy coping mechanism you can use to ease your symptoms. Start by identifying and acknowledging your emotions. Once you know what feeling you're experiencing, ask yourself what might have caused it. If the cause is something you can't control or change, try to focus on accepting the situation.

After you've identified and acknowledged what you are feeling, it can be helpful to take some deep breaths and do something calming, like reading or listening to music. If you have a life purpose or goal that inspires you, thinking about why that goal is important to you can also help ground your emotions.

2. How to Emotionally Ground Yourself in Jesus

When life gets overwhelming, it can be tough to keep your footing. You may feel like you are spinning out of control and that things will never improve. That's when it's time to ground yourself in Jesus. When you are emotionally grounded in Jesus, you are reminded of who you are and your purpose. You are inspired to grow closer to Him and to live out your life purpose.

Getting caught up in your emotions can be easy when life gets tough. However, if you take a step back and ground yourself in Jesus, you will find that you can better deal with whatever life throws your way.

Here are three reasons why grounding our emotions in Jesus is beneficial:

  1. It allows for inspired growth. When you turn to Jesus in times of hardship, you open yourself up to receive His guidance and wisdom. This can help you grow in ways you never thought possible.

  2. It helps you see your life purpose. It can be hard to see what God can accomplish through difficult circumstances. However, if you trust that He has a plan and purpose for your life, you can find peace and hope amidst the storm.

  3. It gives you the strength to face anything.

When overwhelmed, it can be hard to remember what really matters. You can get so caught up in the stress and chaos of everyday life that you forget your ultimate purpose. But when you take a step back and refocus your attention on Jesus, you can find peace and strength to face anything that comes your way.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, know that you are not alone. Jesus is with you and wants to help you find your footing again. Talk to Him in prayer and ask for His strength and guidance. Jesus is the rock, the foundation. He is the one who never changes, even when everything else in life is in flux. He is the firm foundation you can stand on when everything else feels like it is crumbling around you. When you turn to Jesus, He can help you find your purpose and inspire you to grow.

Here are a few tips to help you stay emotionally grounded in Jesus:

  1. Spend time in prayer each day. Talking to God will help you see your situation from His perspective and gain His wisdom on handling it.

  2. Spend time in nature. There is something about being in God's creation that helps you feel His presence and peace. Take a walk, sit by a lake, or spend time outside daily.

  3. Read the Bible regularly. God’s Word is full of truth that can anchor your heart and mind when everything around you feels like it’s falling apart. This is how you connect with God and learn His will for your life. When you make time for Him, He will make Himself known to you.

  4. Find a supportive community.

  5. Serve others. It's easy to get wrapped up in your own life and problems, but when you reach out and help others, you are reminded of the bigger picture and that you are part of something larger than yourself.

When you allow Jesus to be the foundation of your emotions, you open yourself up to inspired growth. This is because Jesus provides the perfect example of how to live a life of purpose. When you follow His lead, you can see more clearly what God has called you to do with your life. You are also better equipped to handle the challenges and struggles that come your way. By grounding your emotions in Jesus, you can find hope and strength in Him no matter what life throws your way.

So, if you're feeling lost or uncertain, take a moment to ground in Jesus emotionally. It will make all the difference in the world. When you ground your emotions in Jesus, everything changes. When you ground your feelings in Jesus, you can more effectively manage them and channel them into positive outlets. This leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

You find your purpose in life and are inspired to grow closer to Him. Your relationships improve, you become more patient and kind, and you are able to see the good in all situations. Jesus is the source of our strength and joy, and His love never fails.

In Conclusion:

Emotional grounding is a simple yet effective way to improve your well-being and connect with yourself on a deeper level. It involves focusing on your emotions and physical sensations, then using those sensations to ground yourself in the present moment. It's a great way to practice self-awareness and get in touch with your body and emotions. And it's something you can do anywhere, anytime.


There are many benefits to grounding yourself daily. Emotional grounding can reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, increase feelings of calm and well-being, and root you in your authentic identity and purpose.

If you're looking for a way to improve your well-being or connect with yourself on a deeper level, give emotional grounding a try because:

  1. Emotional grounding is a practice that can help you feel more connected to your life purpose.

  2. By taking time each day to connect with your emotions, you can understand what inspires you and brings you joy.

  3. Emotional grounding can help you better cope with stress and difficult situations. Here are some tips for incorporating it into your daily routine:


Start by identifying what emotional grounding means to you. What activities or practices help you feel centered and connected to your emotions? This may look different for everyone, but some examples might include meditation, journaling, spending time in nature, or listening to calming music. If you're looking for ways to connect with your emotions and ground yourself daily, here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Make time for yourself daily: Dedicate 10-15 minutes to practices that help you connect with your emotions. This could include journaling, meditation, or simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breath.

  2. Be patient and gentle with yourself: It takes time to develop a solid emotional foundation, so be patient with yourself as you begin this practice.

Check out my website for more tips on grounding or incorporating a mindfulness habit into your daily routine. I have you covered! From printable products and blogs to coaching packages with sessions and programs curated for you - you will find support for finding purpose and living your inspired and vibrant life. Use the coupon code BRAINZ80 to get 80% off any one printable product on the site. If you know that you would like to be more rooted, check out my Rooted Journal, with 30 days of prompts to guide you to your roots.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. You can also visit my website.

Heather Bryant, Ph.D Brainz Magazine

Heather Bryant, Ph.D., Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Heather’s passion is connections; she is your go-to expert at connecting the dots to make sense of the pieces and illuminate the meaning behind experiences. Her superpower is helping you find yours by combining ancient wisdom and modern psychology to tap into the essence of who you truly are and cultivate your inner strengths. She has been a therapist helping people reach their potential for two decades. As a coach, she offers a unique perspective and skill set to help you understand and embrace your unique and authentic purpose. Heather’s products help you connect with yourself and live true to who you are. Her mission is to help you live your vibrant and fulfilling life.

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