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7 Ways To Stay Joyful This Winter And Embrace The Year Ahead

Lotte Mikkelsen has been a renowned professional laughter expert, trainer, and keynote speaker for business conferences and corporate events across the UK since 2002.

Executive Contributor Lotte Mikkelsen

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter it can be hard to stay positive over the winter months. The key to keeping a healthy body and spirit is to look after your mind, too. At UnitedMind we know how important laughter and fun are, so we’ve come up with seven things to look forward to over the winter. You can even stay indoors for some of them, although heading outside gives you lots of added benefits!

Woman standing in the snow and throwing snow in the air

Make sure you add laughter and play to all your activities even spend you spend time enjoying your pastime by yourself.

Return of your favourite TV shows

Take pleasure in the simple things by tuning in to all your favourite TV shows as they make a reappearance on our TV screens. As well as old shows coming back, many new shows have just kick-started their first season. Whether you have a taste for Christmas movies, crime, sitcoms, or sci-fi, there will be something for everyone. Welcome back to your friends! Head to the cinema for some of the best films of the year too.

Spending time with family and friends

As well as virtual friends, winter is the perfect time to see family and friends. Reunions or catch-ups are a nice way to end the year. Get back in touch with people you may not have seen for a while and make an added effort to meet up. You could keep it casual over coffee or organise a party. Winter is all about celebrations after all!

Brushing up on your baking

If you never have time to spend in the kitchen then winter is a great chance to brush up on your baking. With so many inspirational and creative recipes on social media like Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr have a go at making some winter treats. Why not get your family and friends involved too. From gingerbread people and cookies to cakes and breads, you’ll wonder why you don’t bake more often!

Christmas vibes out and about

Unless you haven’t been out of the house in the past week, perhaps even months, you will have noticed that Christmas is creeping its way into stores. With some impressive window displays already and pretty lights hanging across streets, get out and about to enjoy the Christmas vibes. Many cities are ready to launch their own Christmas lights and events so make the most of switch-ons, markets, and other Christmassy things happening near you. You may feel it’s still too early for you, and then you can simply look forward to Christmas along the line. If you are not one to celebrate Christmas UnitedMind respects and recognises that, too, and regardless of your traditions invite you to laugh with us on the telephone and social media just because it is good for you regardless of the season. The 25 Days of Laughter video series is coming up real soon.

Playing in the winter snow

Weather and location dependent of course, one of the fun ways to embrace the winter is by playing in the snow. Reminisce your childhood by building a snowman or have fun and laugh by having a snowball fight with your family or friends. If you’re not a fan of the cold, white stuff, watching snow fall through the window with a warm mug of cocoa and a roaring fire is very therapeutic, not to mention magical.

Toasting the end of the year

Once Christmas is out the way there’s New Year’s Eve to look forward to. Whatever your plans at that time, toasting the end of the year can bring everyone together one last time before the New Year. Resolutions aside, sitting back and thinking about all the things that have happened the past year can really provide some perspective. Concentrate on everything you have achieved or accomplished no matter how small. And if you’re ready to get 2024 out the way, there are always things to look forward to in the New Year, such as.

National bubble bath day

For those in need of a bit of relaxation time after a hard year, you have an excuse for a long, hot bubble bath. On 8th January 2025 it’s National Bubble Bath Day so sit back and soak. Light some candles, play some music, or have a read of your favourite book – you’ve earned it!

Find out more about how laughter and fun times can help you by following our news on here. UnitedMind encourage everyone to laugh: our laughter yoga, laughter therapy, and training sessions are a great way of bringing laughter into your life. Get in touch with us today.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Lotte Mikkelsen


Lotte Mikkelsen, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

Lotte Mikkelsen’s legacy is one of laughter, growth, and positive change, echoing her mission to enrich lives through laughter and joyfulness.

Since founding her business, she has trained over 2,000 individuals and shared laughter at thousands of festivals, conferences, and well-being events around the UK and Europe.

With a background in corporate, national, and international workplaces, she has a deep understanding of the effect stress can have on physical, psychological, and emotional health and wellbeing.

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