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7 Ways To Get Off The Hustle Train In Your Biz And Move Into Flow

Written by: Alaina Schwartz, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


We were all encoded with a purpose and born to be a success. Whether we express that greatness is a choice. It may not always feel like a choice, but that doesn’t make it any less true. When we learn to tap into flow states at will, it helps ensure our greatness is realized.

Almost all high-achievers I’ve worked with and know hustle to create the kind of success they want. They believe that grinding it out is part of the territory of being a successful entrepreneur. Many of them don’t want to be working long hours, particularly when it comes at the cost of their relationships and their health (and it often does).

Getting Into the Zone aka Moving in Flow

Have you ever felt like you’re just in the zone? Maybe you're an athlete and have experienced zone states. That feeling where it feels like everything is going right. There’s effortless momentum. Time seems to stand still. You feel like you’re on fire. Well, what would it be like to have flow states as your new normal?

You can!

Just like going to the gym to build muscle, you can cultivate flow. Where the effort feels easy and graceful. And allows access to inspiration, creativity, higher levels of intelligence, and resources, synchronicities and opportunities seem to just present themselves. You know what to do.

All you have to do is train your mind.

The Cause of Hustle & Grind

Hustling usually comes from the programming of our upbringing, being told that we have to work hard to succeed. We’ve come to value hard work and wear it like a badge of honor. As well as not valuing things or even believing that things could come easily. How often have you heard or even said to yourself “It’s too good to be true?” We’ve associated the amount of effort with worth.

Hustle is the inverse of flow. So if you’re hustling, grinding or stressed, it’s almost impossible to get into flow. Most of the time, when you’re hustling you’re operating in your sympathetic nervous system, aka some level of fight, flight or freeze. It’s as if you had blinders on and can only see what is going to keep you safe and surviving - rather than thriving.

It keeps you in patterns, repeating the same or similar behavior over and over again. You’re essentially creating a life so that your tomorrow looks almost identical to yesterday because you're in your sympathetic nervous system much of the time. So how do you consciously move yourself into your parasympathetic nervous system?

How to Move Into Flow

Flow states are an inside job. It requires changing your state of being (comprised of thoughts and emotions), shifting your habits, cultivating self-love and self-care and altering your environment. Here’s a list of 7 Ways to help you move into flow:

  1. Set clear intentions. Clear intentions equal clear results.

  2. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness, love and compassion you would a BFF.

  3. Change your thinking and habits. Adopt more empowering/success thinking and habits.

  4. Self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Ensure that you fuel your tank daily so that it doesn’t run out of gas.

  5. Recognize that mistakes and failures are “missed takes”, only feedback, data and information. You’re either winning or learning!

  6. Eliminate toxic people from your life. If you can’t eliminate them completely, minimize your interactions.

  7. Focus on what you can control. When you create mastery of your thoughts and emotions you master your life.

If you want to learn more about getting into flow states at will and more detail on these 7 steps, I’ve written a chapter on exactly this in this international bestselling book Winning Mindset. Basically, this book is a kit providing various tools you can use to create a winning mindset and to perform at your best. You can grab your copy here. And the Kindle version is on sale for $.99 for a short time more.

If you’d like to take a quantum leap in your income with lightning speed, while shaving 10-30 hours off of your workweek, so you can live the bigger purpose and lifestyle you started your business for, reach out to me here, and let’s chat!

For more info, I invite you to connect with me here on LinkedIn or visit Alaina Schwartz and follow Alaina on Facebook and Instagram.

Here’s a free case study to watch!


Alaina Schwartz, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Alaina Schwartz is the Founder & CEO of Alaina Schwartz Enterprises. She’s a speaker, best-selling author, and Intuitive Mindset Mentor. At 14, Alaina suffered a traumatic brain injury, and her mother was told she’d have permanent brain damage. Her mother retrained Alaina’s brain for a full recovery. Then, after 18 years as an attorney in the music industry and the EVP and Exec Board Member of the largest independent music company globally, she walked away from it all to discover her purpose. Her personal life completely unraveled. She became hyper-focused on building her life purpose and rewiring her brain again for success and fulfillment. She has created a multiple six-figure company and a beautiful life since. As an Intuitive Mindset Coach/Mentor, she uses those experiences and her training as the foundation of her work with entrepreneurs, helping them break through upper limits and clear the blocks that are preventing them from creating 7+ figure businesses with ease. Alaina’s mission is to help people remember who they truly are so they can live their purpose and full potential.

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